Where Am I To Go?
Where Am I To Go?
Where am I to go?
A tough question,
Armed with such,
Fascinating shields,
And perilous swords,
Are ready to make,
My eyes succumb,
But I knew,
That only to stop,
Is not the way,
To really lose,
Is not a win,
Then how could,
I say that,
Where am I to go?
I think what I mean to,
And try a lot,
To reach the place,
Where some fragments,
Of emotions,
Covered with surveys,
Of trust for ages,
Reflect such echoes,
And truly such beams,
Of the great,
And the greatest hope,
That my pure eyes,
Who are like others,
Act seemingly,
As if nothing is literally,
So contrary.
The sounds navigated,
My thoughtful ears,
And asked me,
“Will you come?”
The only answer,
Which I had,
Is truly something,
This makes me say,
Yes , with a very thought,
I know truly,
Where I will go?
On the way,
Of humane echoes,
My mind questioned,
The pure occurrence,
an>"Was the decided place, Is fit for you? Can you destine your eyes, To a blind way?" I really took, A deep breath, When each bead of, This lovely air, Was chiding me, As my ears were truly, The deafened receivers, So I questioned, With my eyes, "Where am I to go?" The last bridge, Of innumerable thoughts, Started to corrode, My stone like will, Which frightened me, So I asked, My wondrous fate, "Till where have we reached, So that we could know, When will we reach?" It gently told, "Your bridges of thoughts, Will never end, Until your eyes close, But after that closure, What will you get? So dear fellow, No journey is a waste, No thought stops, The hopeful bird, Of wondrous wings, Which has the feathers, Of Imagination, So go on, As no one will go on, To tell you, In this journey, Of sarcasm, Of such occurrence, Then you will know, Moreover, you will truly know, where you have to go."