Pinky Ghosh



Pinky Ghosh


The Hero

The Hero

3 mins

For me the Hero of my life is my father. 

As a child till date as an adult I admire my father, each and every day.

He is so dynamic and strong, 

He never says no to any work.

He is never tired,

Always when I tell him that I need something, 

He is ready for help.

He is just like God to me.

Whenever I could not find a solution to any problem, 

Just by sharing my thoughts, 

He comes up with solutions. 

Moreover, I know in my heart if I tell him that I need something, 

He is always prepared to deliver. 

Even if something is hard to find but how he manages things is amazing, 

His age is increasing day by day but still I find he is enthusiastic even with my kids,

Fulfilling their wishes. 

My children also know I they ask for something grandpa is always ready to give.

As I ask God for something similarly my wishes are fulfilled by my father. 

I can ask for help to anyone in the family, 

But the trust I have in my father is so strong because,

He always says todays work don't keep for tomorrow. 

Today's work should be completed today, or now itself.

So, if I have any deadline of work to complete my task I can only relay on my father, 

That work will he completed on time.

One incident of my life I want to share.

For a project I had to get a printout during my college days, 

Working all night I forgot next day is a bandh,

And in the evening, I will be going to university and submit my assignments the next morning, 

For the bandh I was unable to take out the printout,

I told my brother about the problem and asked what to do now,

He casually said it is not possible today,

Tomorrow, you take out the printout and go to the university little late,

Nothing will happen. 

I was not satisfied with his reply.

Then I thought to go to my father,&


I was also scared to get scolding for pending my work,

For which the problem arises.

But I had no other option, 

Only to consult my father, 

I just prayed to God that my father will not scold much and find a solution. 

Within seconds I was in my father's room,

He said any problem, 

I shared my problem and as usual he said why are you not alert, 

You knew about the bandh, but all right let me think what I can do.

Give me the pen drive.

I handover the pen drive and took my breakfast and was reading a book. 

After some time I saw my father going out.

My father returned home after two hours.

The printout was in his hand 

 I asked where from did you get it.

Then he narrated how by enquiring about Xerox and printout a man helped him and said about a shop which was open inside a market, 

Few staff were working there, and they had a printer.

From there he had done the work.

That day I was sure that my father can do everything. 

Not my brother or my husband. 

The importance or emergency of work they don't understand. 

So, my father is the Hero of my life.

Not only me as I have grown up, I saw his friends, his relatives and even neighbors are sharing their problems with him.

He listened to everyone and came up with solutions, 

I saw him even helping people with monetary support and asking nothing in return. 

Sometimes I asked him why you are giving money to this person,

Do you know him,

He replied no I don't know him personally, but during morning walk I met him.

And today he was asking for help to give admission fees for his girl child,

He needs two thousand only.

I didn't say anything but thought it's his wish to help him.

And for child 'an admission then it's alright.

So, these qualities of my father made him my "Hero".

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