Shikha Mishra



Shikha Mishra


Mom - You are my Hero

Mom - You are my Hero

3 mins

There is nothing more significant to me than these three letters, mom.

My inspiration does not come from outside,

The epitome of inspiration is right within the four walls of my home,

My pillar of strength, how fortunate I am to have you in my life.

Sometimes life is unfair when it robs you of your father's love and presence

The fact that I still have no memory of my father baffles me.

I was too young to understand the reason for his absence from my life 

Not realizing he had left this world long ago, I wondered why he was no longer with us.

When my friends used to speak about their fathers, I would often feel blank and get saddened that I didn't have anything to say about him.

Despite my memories not being in my favor, how do I do justice to my father's character?

During that time, you stepped in and introduced me to my father, telling me what a wonderful person he was

He touched so many lives. He had such an incredible impact on those around him.

People still talk about him and love him even in his absence.

I am still amazed at what a strong-headed woman you are, who loved and took care of the family

How can we ever repay you for your courage, your love, and the unconditional love you showed us?

The number of sacrifices you have done for us, to raise your kids in a way, which no one would have ever imagined or expected from you.

So much you have struggled in your life, to ensure we get everything that we deserve.


e extended working hours, balancing the work and home, giving us time, how did you manage it, we still wonder.

No one tells you how to be strong, yet you found the strength to carry on, not only for yourself but for your kids too.

I still remember when once I asked you, Mom, we don't have papa, you hugged me and said, So, what you have Mom and she is enough for you. 

I really don't have words to express in words, what you have done for us,

It's always easy to complain about what life has not given us, but how many times do we actually pause and be grateful for what we have?

Yes, I do regret not spending time with my father, but having someone like you as my Mom, life has overcompensated me

Not everyone is fortunate to have an amazing and incredible mom like you,

Who said, Superheroes don't exist, they should meet you to know, that they do exist.

Mom even after seeing so much struggle, and hardships life has shown you, have never seen you complaining

Instead, you had embraced them and moved ahead with a smile, teaching me an important lesson in life.

Today, whatever success we have achieved in our lives, we owe it to you.

Nothing would have been possible if you had given up at that time

Instead, you stood by us and became our support pillar.

No amount of Thank you or words can compensate for what you have done for us

But all I can promise is to make you proud of me always.

All I can say is Mom, You are my Hero.

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