And Dark Burns The Night
And Dark Burns The Night

No shrieks in joy or fright,
No story to tell, no monsters to fell.
Gone are the pitter-patter of dirty soles
And dark burns the night.
No reason anymore for silly fight,
No scraped elbows, no one to chide.
Gone are the petty rivals of the Eden
And dark burns the night.
No one to scramble after the Kite,
No chubby palms to fumble the string.
Gone are the fingers tracing its flight
And dark burns the night.
No one begs for a sweet delight,
No raised palms, no big eyes.
Gone are the pirates of the cookie jar
And dark burns the night.
No mighty foes remain to smite,
No dragons to kill, no forts to keep.
Gone are the knights of fantasy
And dark burns the night.
No flaws anymore to be contrit
No big tears in little eyes.
Gone are the gaffes of adolescence
And dark burns the night.
No one waits for the trick of sleight,
No coins to conjure, no noses to hide.
Gone are the patrons of wonder
And dark burns the night.
No one to ask silly questions infinite,
Who makes rain or where does the ocean drain.
Gone are the challengers of the normal
And dark burns the night.
No more is the shine of our eyes bright,
No mercy left, no love in our hearts.
Gone are the twinkle of our stars
And dark burns the night.
No one to mourn us as their right,
No one to bury us, no one to light pyre.
We slaughtered the dreams, we killed the future
No more is there innocence in the world
And dark burns the night.