shruti vighne

Drama Tragedy


shruti vighne

Drama Tragedy



1 min

Every night after, she cried and fell asleep,

He'd visit her dreams and forward he'd leap

She could hear him say, 

"Honey, I'm not far away,

You may not know it yet, but I'm here to stay.."

The heaviness in his voice made it so hard to distinguish,

"This is only a bad dream, he can't be gone, please dear God that is my only wish.."

She still couldn't open her eyes for she feared the worst,

What if he isn't next to me, what if the bullet truly passed throu

gh him first..

Why did I insist on celebrating that night,

Why did he save up through the month and just not initiate a fight..

The thoughts get too much to handle and she breaks down in her sleep,

For they celebrated a baby, a baby they no more could keep..

With the second bullet, she lost all that was hers,

26/11 was a date no amount of tears could reimburse..

People terrorising will pay their tolls,

If not while alive, then through their souls..

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