More of You
More of You

I have been soaked in your love, like the torrential rains drench the earth
But all my heart asks for is more
I have been drowned with your care, like an infant in his mother’s embrace
But all my soul asks for is more
I have been slain by your passion, like the candle burns away slowly with the flame
But all my desire asks for is more
I have been surrounded by your embrace, like the lofty Himalayas protect the nation
But all my being asks for is more
I have been made wise with your admonitions, like a parent disciplining without inhibitions
But all my mind asks for is more
I have been rooted firmly by your support, like an anchor holding a ship from going adrift
But all my existence asks for is more
I have been enriched by your words, like the saints had enlightened the bygone world
But all my wisdom asks for is more
I have been bonded with your soul, like the earth is to its core
But all my life asks for is more