Yamini srinivasmurthy



Yamini srinivasmurthy


Was It A Ghost Or A Thief?

Was It A Ghost Or A Thief?

2 mins

I am a type of a person who neither believed ghost nor the almighty, I watch horror movies for fun and I love watching them alone at late night. Once it was Friday night time 2.30am while returning home from work I chose to take a short cut just to add little thrill to my ride. I wanted to ride my bike with a great speed and I felt that road was the perfect one to ride on full speed.

Though I knew that road was a complete stretch of cemetery ( which included all religion's graves) the thrill of riding my bike at a greater speed didnot stop me from entering that road. I could remember many people talking about that road, I had also heard that the road was haunted and everyone was scared to choose it after 7pm in the evening.

As I was on full speed I could see a man sitting at the entrance of the cemetery gate holding a cigarette in his hand all I taught was that he was brave enough to sit there and smoke while the rest was even scared to walk in.

I could only see him sitting and doing the action but I couldn't see smoke coming out of his cigarettes. As I got nearer to him he suddenly jumped over my bike I put on the brakes immediately and I stopped. I went a little more further. As I turned back I could see no one around me and even the man who jumped over my bike. There was pearl of sweat drops that ran from my forehead to neck. I just moved a little further in a taught - where did he even go? Why did he even jump? I couldn't move from that site. In a distance I saw Hoysala police patrolling in that road.

I stood at the end of the road and again looked back to see if that man was still there for my surprise I saw the same man sitting in the same place and in the same position.

So, was it a thief or a ghost?? If he was a thief how could he escape so quickly and I did not even hear the sound of his dash neither his fall. If it is a ghost - is it really true??

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