The Journey Of Life - Part 2
The Journey Of Life - Part 2

Ashok woke up early and got ready. Today he has to take Sunita for the check-up. He made a call to the hospital to reconfirm the appointment with Dr Philip Moses, who is from London and one of the best Nephrologist of the world. He got it confirmed for check-up at 11am. He asked Sunita to get ready and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for kids and himself. Sunita will have very light breakfast and he too prepared that. Ashwini, his son is in the final year of engineering and he is busy in study. Also, he is preparing for the campus interview. Ashima too is preparing for her fourth semester examination. He had not disturbed them. After completing the kitchen work Ashok informed his both the kids that he has to take Sunita to hospital and to for check-up and already the breakfast is on the dining table, let them have it.
He told them that let the maid come and prepare the lunch and they need not wait for them for lunch and should have it on time. His both the kids know the problem of their mother and they too want to see her active again. Ashwini asked Ashok ,’’ Will I come with you Dad?’’ Ashok just told him nothing to be worried and he will manage alone. It was around 9.30am Ashok took Sunita and started for hospital. It will take just an hour to reach there. Ashok was driving the car very carefully, so that Sunita should be comfortable. Sunita told Ashok with a smile,’’ you are now expert in making nice food. Today’s breakfast is really nice. Do you remember before Ashima was burned as nobody were in house and I was not well, you made breakfast for all and me and Ashwini had it with lots of difficulty and you felt guilty about it. But later we all laughed for your half-baked preparations and you consoled us by saying it was good for health.’’
Ashok gave a smile and said,’’ Madam I am now an expert in cooking ,but will always love your cooked food ,which always used to give me a different energy.’’ Sunita understood and knew that Ashok always gets satisfaction in eating, if it is cooked by her. Even after return from any party Ashok always asked her to give a cup of coffee for satisfaction. She is now feeling the pains of Ashok, but kept quiet. Ashok then asked Sunita,’’ will you like to listen any music?’’ Then he started playing the music. Sunita knew all this music is the favorite of her and Ashok kept all those tapes here. She was looking at Ashok from the corner of her eyes and thinking of her Ashok, who loves her so much and now she couldn’t do anything for him.
At about 10.30am they reached the hospital. Ashok parked the car and took Sunita to the reception hall. Then after making Sunita comfortable there, he completed all formalities and came back to Sunita. They waited there till there turn to come. At 11.15 am Sunita’s name announced and they went inside the doctor’s chamber. Ashok handed over the file of Sunita to Dr Philip and they discussed briefly about the case history. Ashok had met Dr Philip in London last year while he was on a business trip. Dr Philip’s wife is one of the leading designers and one of the biggest importers of their products. Her name is Monica. She had introduced Dr Philip to him and Dr Philip assured him to do the check-up of Sunita in his next visit to India. Generally, once in 4 to 6 months Dr Philip used to come to India and this time before his visit Monica had intimated him and accordingly, he had booked the appointment.
Now Dr Philip looked at Sunita and gave a smile. He asked the nurse to let Sunita to lie on the bed. Then he spoke to Sunita,’’ Your husband is a friend of my wife and don’t worry everything will be all right. He had discussed with me about your case during his London visit. No be relaxed.’’ Dr Philip after the check-up advised for some tests and told Ashok to be with him while the nurse will take Sunita for the tests. Ashok told Sunita to be relaxed and he will wait here for her. Then Dr Philip said,’’ See Mr. Ashok, I suspect that her second kidney is getting infected. I will be confirmed after going through the test reports. If that will be the case then don’t worry, we will have to increase the dialysis frequency. We have to do this thrice a week. In the mean time you have to get prepared for the transplantation of kidney. It will take time to arrange the donor and to match everything. I will do that transplantation. But till that time this treatment has to be continued.
This might be bit more expensive, but as a friend I can suggest that sooner you go for this will be better for her and she can lead the normal life again.’’ Ashok listen to the doctor and said, ‘’Thanks doctor. I am ready for everything and want her to see happy and lead the normal life. She is not only my wife, but also mother of my kids and everything to me. I just want her to be o k.’’ Dr Philip smiled and said,’’ Yes, she will be o k. Let us pray God. I know you love her and both of you are having very good bonding with each other. Don’t worry.’’ By that time Sunita came with nurse. The test reports were given to the doctor and he looked at Ashok saying,’’ Yes, my suspects are right. We will start our treatments and we will be in constant touch with each other.
As soon as the doner will be ready I will be right here. I too will search for the doner. Now you can take her home.’’ Ashok thanked Dr Philip and took Sunita to the parking lot, opened the car door and let Sunita be sited there inside. Then Ashok drove the car back to home. Sunita and Ashok were silent for few moments in the car. Then Sunita broke the silence and asked,’’ What the doctor was telling you? Is there anything serious? Was his wife that lady, who is a designer as you were telling me after returning from London? ’Then Ashok gave a smile and replied,’’ Yes Monica is his wife. Nothing is serious. We were discussing about the treatment process. You need not be worried. Now we are in the best hand.’’ They reached home and that was around 3 pm. Ashima informed them that Ashwini had gone to the college to sit in campus interview.
Ashok and Sunita had their lunch and Ashok asked Ashima to take Sunita to bed. Ashok made some calls and interacted with his office staffs. He spoke to his boss the MD of the company and told him the details as advised by Dr Philip. His MD told him,’’ It’s ok Ashok. Don’t be worried. We all are there with you. You take care of your wife. The financial supports will be taken care in the best possible manner.’’ Ashok took a long breath and relaxed himself. Then he had gone to Sunita and sat beside her. She was sleeping as she was bit tired today. Ashok came to his reading table and sat on the chair. He opened the window and looked at the garden outside. He was thinking about the transplantation and started doing his planning for that. He doesn’t want to take any chance. He wants his Sunita to lead the normal life. Unknowingly tears rolled down from his eyes. He wiped off them. He just closed his eyes and tried to have a small nap.
He opened his eyes, when he heard the voice of Ashwin. He looked at his son. Sunita too woke up and looked at him. Ashwin came to them and told,’’ Dad and Mom, I am very happy today. I got selected for the best IT company. Ashok and Sunita then congratulated him. Ashok is thanking God as if HE listened to his silent prayer. Then Sunita looked at Ashok and said,’’ See our Ashwin has got a job now. He will be a helping hand for us. But what are you thinking? What happened?’’ Then Ashok replied,’’ No, nothing. I am happy that he got a good placement. He will have a good carrier.’’ Sunita could understand that Ashok is hiding something to her. She knew Ashok and can read his mind. She just waits for the time. She knows that Ashok will definitely tell her as he had never hidden anything to her.
Ashok made some calls to his friends; he even talked to the hospital and consulted the doctor regarding the procedure for kidney transplantation and required parameters for the same. He was busy till the dinner. After the dinner he came to the room. Sunita was just going through a magazine and saw Ashok. She gave a smile and kept the magazine in a side. Ashok came to her and sat on the bed. He was bit tensed, but gave smile and told,’’ As discussed today with Dr Philip, everything will be ok. You just relax. We will go for kidney transplantation. As the other one started getting infected, this will be the right time to go for this. I had already talked to the hospital and some of my friends too.’’ Then Su
nita became serious. She asked,’’ There is no other way except this? Who will donate the kidney? I heard it will be too expensive. Where from you will arrange the money?’’
Ashok looked at her and saw tears in her eyes. He consoled her and took her hand in his hand. He told her,’’ Please listen to me. I had started making all arrangements. Now Ashwin got the job. He can take care of his and Ashima’s education. I had some savings; my provident fund is there. Don’t get worried for that. God is there. All will be arranged. Just have faith on me. You are my strength dear. ’Then Sunita stopped crying. She said,’’ I know you love me and can do anything. But I am thinking about your pains.’’ Ashok laughed and said,’’ Once the transplantation is done, my pains will go as I will see you in better health. Don’t think about anything.’’ Then they had their sleep.
Ashok joined his office. He had completed the pending works on a priority basis. It took him a weeks’ time to bring everything in order. Then Ashok got the call from hospital to have his blood test to match for donating his one kidney. This was his discussion earlier with the doctor. He took the appointment and gone there. He gave the blood for the test and was told that next day the report will be given. He was very anxious about the report and expecting to get the positive response. Next day he was informed by the hospital that the matching is negative.
He got tensed and requested them to help him getting a doner. At that time his secretary brought the sales report and kept on his table. He started going through that. He could see that the export business had increased. The domestic business too had done well. The response of London is very encouraging. He made a call to Monica and thanked her for her support in company’s business and Sunita’s treatment. Then he suggested Sunita to arrange for a fashion show there to promote the brand. Monica told him to give two days’ time for sending him all details of the plan for the fashion show.
Then Ashok had discussion with all regional heads and thanked them for their good job. He asked everybody to send their business plan for next three months within two days. Then he spoke to his MD and updated him regarding all this and his plans for fashion show and other promotional activities. He got the approval for the same from him. By that time, it was around 6pm and he was feeling very tired. He moved towards home. He reached home and had a bath. Then spend some time with Sunita and closed his eyes. Sunita could understand that Ashok is very tired. She let him to sleep for a while. She called Ashima and told her to make dinner ready by 9pm, so that Ashok can have it and take complete rest. Everything was done as planned by Sunita and Ashok too had his dinner and fall asleep.
Ashok was busy for next week. Sunita’s medication was going on. Ashwin had joined the IT company. Alisha had finished her fourth semester examination. Now Sunita is going for dialysis thrice a week. There Monica had finalized the fashion show, which will be done after one month. Ashok spoke to Dr Philip and send all reports of Sunita to him. Dr Philip too had told him to try for a doner there and if it will be clicked then Ashok can take Sunita with him there for transplantation. Accordingly, Ashok too made all arrangements of visa for Sunita on medical ground in advance. He had applied for the loan from his provident fund account. He had sold out his only property, which he had made for his daughter Alisha. He had arranged in total around one crore Rupees.
Before one week of the fashion show he tried to connect with Monica, but couldn’t get her. He got the updates from Monica’s office. He contacted Dr Philip one day before his departure to London to know the status of doner, so that he can take Sunita with him. Dr Philip told him to give time till evening. Ashok was packing his bag and files in the evening as next day morning he has to take 9am flight to London, got the call from Dr Philp and he told him to take Sunita with him as the doner is been arranged. He disconnected the line. Ashok was very happy. He informed Sunita and his kids. Then he packed Sunita’s bag and kept her file, medicines and clothes. He called both Ashwin and Ashima. He told them to take care of each other and told Ashwin.’’ See son, you are the elder child of ours. Now you had your job. Will you please help me? Can you take care of your sister’s education and house? As you are grown up now, I am sure you can do it perfectly. As I and your Mum will be away for a month, I am giving the responsibility of Ashima and house to you.’’ Aswin came close to Ashok and with tears told,’’ Dad you go with Mom. Don’t have any tension for us. I will take care of everything. We want both you and Mom to return well.’’ These words of Ashwin had given a satisfaction to Ashok. He smiled and said,’’ I know it dear. You can take care. Thanks.’’
Next day Ashok and Sunita took the flight for London. As soon as Ashok reached London called Dr Philip and asked to reach his hospital immediately. Ashok reached there along with Sunita. Dr Philip made all required tests of Sunita and the time of the operation fixed for the evening. Then Ashok wanted to know and see the doner. Dr Philip told him that he will arrange it after the operation. The operation took around four hours. Transplantation was made successfully. Then Dr Philip asked Ashok,’’ Do you want to meet and see the doner? Please come with me. He took Ashok to a cabin and Ashok was surprised to meet the doner. He saw Monica lying on the bed.
Ashok looked at Dr Philip. He saw the tears in his eyes. Then Dr Philip told him,’’ My Monica is no more. She met wit an accident before one week and was under treatment here. She had serious brain injury and she told me if anything will happen to her, then her kidney should be donated to your wife. Dy before yesterday when you rang me, at that time she passed away and I took the time till evening to make the matching of her kidney with your wife’s. Then I confirmed you after it matched. ’’
Ashok was dumbfounded. Now Monica is no more. She had helped him to make Sunita well. She being a foreigner could help him like very close family person. Now Ashok decided to repay the price by making the fashion show a success. It was Monica’s dream. He looked back to Dr Philip and was going to ask for any price for this, then Dr Philip said.’’ Friend it was my wife’s wish and last donation. Who and how can the price for this be taken? Only one thing you do, promise me to take care of your wife’s health so that Monica’s sacrifice will be fruitful.’’ Ashok replied humbly,’’ Yes doctor, I assure you that. Now let me make Monica’s dream a success by making her fashion show a success. This is her first and last independent fashion show.’’ Dr Philip gave a smile and told ,’’ ok dear. My son will help you in this, who was assisting her.’’
Ashok reached Monica’s office. He checked all arrangements. He checked with all models and rectified certain things. He gave complete two days for making a perfect arrangement of show. He was staying with Sunita in the night. The fashion show was made. It was one of the best shows of London. All the newspapers and electronic medias talked about it. Ashok’s boss, his MD congratulated him, but felt very sorry for the loss of Monica.
The fashion show was over. Ashok was busy in helping Monica’s son for finalizing business deals with various vendors. He finished his business work. By that time Sunita was fine and Dr Philip told Ashok,’’ You can now take her home. Please for six months take utmost care of her. Keep her away from any infection. Be in touch with me and follow my prescription. Thanks for making my deceased wife’s dream fulfilled. She will always bless you and your family.
Ashok took the next day’s flight for returning home. While reaching home he made Sunita comfortable and that night he told her.’’ Do you know who had donated the kidney? It’s Monica. She is passed away and before she had her last breath, she told doctor to doctor to donate it for you.’’
Sunita, Ashwin and Ashima looked at Ashok, all of them were happy for transplantation, but the news of death of the noble soul shocked them. Ashok told them,’’ This is the journey of life. We don’t know when and how the things will happen? It’s all God’s plan. Let us pray for her.