The Girl Who Saved Pizza
The Girl Who Saved Pizza

How many times in life have you fallen for someone just by listening to their voice? Not too many times I guess! Neither have I. After all, the hardness of life makes it tough for one to melt. Then again the oozing cheese of pizza is capable of melting anyone's heart.
This story is of those perilous times when masks and gloves had become the new normal and ordering food online was becoming challenging. Think about it, from living in times where we ordered thick shakes at midnight to curfew at seven in the evening. Life takes a drastic turn, cooking daily is the new normal. Amidst all this, came this beautiful thought of ordering a pizza. A tasty beautiful cheese burst pizza with molten cheese flowing down the sides. The desire grew like a monster until I placed the order. With bated breath, I waited for the za. Tracking its movement on the App. Soon the pizza arrived. I thanked the delivery guy, came upstairs, and sanitized my hands and the pizza box because safety first!
Slowly, I opened the box. The pizza looked thin, thinner than it should actually be. I took a bite and the cheese was missing. The cheese meant to be within the crust felt dry and flaky. I took a spoon and peeled off the top layer only to find nothing but emptiness within.
For starters, I cursed the Italian Gods for bringing this unpleasantness to me. Next, I called up the restaurant, angry! Seeking a replacement, for today was going to be a pizza day and there shall be no stopping me. Soon enough I got a call back from a woman, she calmed down my gluttonous self and promised me a pizza. The child inside me was happy. A new prettier pizza was set to arrive. One that would be oozing perfectly with cheese. Little did I know that this disagreeable situation wasn't over yet.
Half an hour and without a pizza I called again seeking an update, an angry, brash, stupid man at the other end had a different excuse, he wasn't going to send a replacement rather he was going to take the cheeseless pizza to his secure laboratory for furth
er testing. His tone and the rumble in my stomach brought out the Kraken within me, for now, I was going to make him my topping. First, I gave him a piece of my mind, he deflated like a dough filled with carbon dioxide. Next, I connected with the customer care, scathing in my review, and torrid in my tone. The pizza was off my mind by now. The appetite slowly ebbing away. Soon I received a call from the same woman, this time around she was also going to be the subject of my ire. But just as the ice melts in the warmth of the sun, I didn't melt! Frozen and icy I was looking for justice now. She however started off with an apology for her dim-witted colleague and like a ray of sunlight, it pierced my frosty self. Something about people who apologize for the fault of others I guess?
She not only calmed me down but also ensured that the pizza is delivered with urgency. We had another conversation, she apologizing for her brand and me getting embarrassed for putting her through this, nice people talking nice things I believe!
I came upstairs sanitized my hands and the box. Lo and behold, a beautiful spectacle and when I took the first piece out it looked prettier than the ones they show us in commercials. Soft and succulent with cheese oozing.
I wanted to thank her for putting her through all this trouble, I didn't know much about her except a phone number so I sent a simple text and got a reply from her. It took me three more days to muster up sufficient courage to text her again. Thankfully I did and the rest hopefully is a different story altogether!
Weeks later I got to know from her that she herself had baked the pizza with dallops of goodness within. Maybe she knew it then or maybe she didn't but she had carved a way to my heart through my stomach.
Life however has it's own vagaries, she is seeing someone else, hopefully not for too long. Maybe someday, she would want to travel through my oesophageal trenches looking for my heart and mending it all with just the right amount of cheese.