The Fintem's Adventure
The Fintem's Adventure

Once upon a time, there lived a calm Fintem. She was going to have a baby unicorn. The unicorn could make rainbows whenever and wherever she wants. But someone told the exciting news to the grand Lintem. The Lintem was not happy. She did not like babies.
By the way, a Fintem can turn into anything but it is normally an ant with wings. A Lintem is the same as a Fintem but it is not colourful.
The baby was almost ready to hatch out.
The Lintem got irritated of babies and said "I have had enough of babies, I need to get it away from Happy Land."
She did her best cackle and asked her assistants to get the baby.
The Fintem went in disguise as one of the assistants and led them away from the baby. But one of the assistants studied the nest and
the others followed him instead of the Fintem. She was worried . She really wanted to help her baby. But she could not because she would make them attack the baby and her. So she thought about it.
She turned into a beautiful Lintem and led them to the castle. But she forgot her baby was with the assistants, and also led her baby inside. The grand Lintem thought it was her lucky day so she did not warn the Fintem about her accidentally giving the Lintem her baby.
It was not long until the Fintem realised her baby was gone. In the castle the baby hatched and the Lintem could not resist so she started to become nice and gave the Fintem her baby back.
The Fintem was confused why there was a sudden change in Lintem's mind but she was grateful anyway.