Adhithya Sakthivel

Others Action Thriller


Adhithya Sakthivel

Others Action Thriller



23 mins

NOTE: This is the direct sequel of my first story The Secret Agent. I have titled this as Spy Chapter 2. But, it's a continuation of The Secret Agent.

As the attempts made by China to raise World War III and Bio War against the World countries were thwarted by Arjun, Pakitani Ex-Brigadier Ahmed Khan decides to start his next plan of accomplishing the Specialized Atomic-Hydro 360.

It's very powerful than the previous missile. If this missile strikes the world countries, then many countries would suffer from Cancer and that's the ultimate goal for Ahmed Khan. After this, he decides to make profit through his vaccine and medicines, which he have found out before few days ago.

Ahmed wants to avenge the death of Bohai through this mission, being funded by China. Present RAW agent Secretary Sunil Varma have learned about this evil plan of Ngo Dien Xing with the help of a RAW agent officer.

He henceforth calls Arjun, who have got married to a pregnant Harini. They both meets in Delhi.

"What happened sir? Why did you called me urgently? Is anything serious sir?" asked Arjun.

"It's quite serious Arjun. Prior to the death of Bohai and failure of China's plan to start a biowar cum. World War III. They have planned to launch a powerful Specialized Atomic-Hydro 360" said Sunil Varma.

"Sir. Is there any problems if it attacks the world countries?" asked Arjun.

"Yes Arjun. It creates a huge impact in world countries. Like Japan, many would suffer the radiation of cancer. This time, there are tight security forces in China. Hence, you should be very careful. This time, another RAW agent will accompany with you" said Sunil Varma.

"Who is that agent sir?" asked Arjun.

"Sandhiya Reddy" said Sunil Varma.

She is introduced to Arjun and they both decides to intrude in Pakistan. However, as per the first plan, they have been asked to go for Mithankot by Sunil Varma.

"Sir. Why to Mithankot?" asked Sandhiya.

"This mission has a top priority. Target: Ibrahim. You are to locate him and bring him out for debriefing. Josef is our only link with the heist of the warhead, where Specialized Atomic-Hydro 360 is found" said Sunil Sharma.

"Yeah, yeah, I need to know one thing; Where he is?" asked Arjun.

"Ibrahim is held at a military airfield. The whole area has excellent air defenses. We have to place you some distance from the target until those defenses are disabled" said Sunil Sharma.

"What! Is transport waiting?" asked Sandhiya.

"You'll cover the ground using locally resourced transportation assets" said Sunil Varma.

"You mean we will have to steal something?" asked Arjun.

"Exactly. You will travel to the next goods yard. There, you will resource transportation. The whole operation is simple. There are three stages: One, acquire transportation assets. Two, disable air defenses. Three, find Ibrahim and safely extract him for debriefing. Even..." Said Sunil Varma.

"....even a grunt like me can follow it. I see" said Arjun.

Sunil Varma: That's the best we have.

"Sir, just how did you track Ibrahim down?" asked Sandhiya

"We traced Ibrahim's call to his apartment, right. Local agents raided it and found photos of Ibrahim and his mobile number. So, we called it and triangulated the coordinates. The mobile's located at a military airfield. That's where Ibrahim is. That's our primary target" said Sunil.

"Cunning. Assuming he's there" said Arjun.

"You must make your way through the goods yard to the truck. Avoid the cameras at all costs. If you alert the security, you'll have entire base zeroing in on your location. Get to the truck. This is your objective on this mission. Reach it and steal it. I want this mission to be brief and above all quiet. Get to work Arjun and Sandhiya!" Said Sunil.

They kills a few securities and steals the car from the location, told by Sunil and moves to SAM batteries.

"The next objective is to disable the local air defenses" said Sunil Varma.

"Why not use the truck to evacuate Ibrahim from the airfield?" asked Sandhiya.

"Too slow. Way too slow. It's too much of a risk. Ibrahim's our only link with the heist. He knew not only the warhead had been taken, he knew where, how, Heck! He even quoted the warhead's damn serial number. We must have him in one piece and alive" said Arjun, clearing her questions.

"What about me?" asked Sandhiya.

"Here's what you have to do. Immediately infiltrate the SAM battery. You will find explosives here, set them on each of the SAM sites. Escape to the final rendezvous point, and then detonate the explosive devices. Once you are at the rendezvous point we can pick you up by chopper and fly directly to the military airbase" said Arjun and he goes from the place.

Sandhiya kills the security guards and terrorists inside the base camp and later, she picks up the hand grenade, Minimi gun and Proximity Mine, flashbang and C4 bombs.

After she picks up the C4 bombs, Arjun instructs her to place the C4 in those three SAM launchers. She successfully places C4 in two launchers and proceeds to the other side of base camp. There, she is forced to kill a few terrorists and security guards. Then she places the C4 in the last launcher and proceeds back to the evacuation, where Arjun picks her up. They proceeds to Gilgit Military Air Base.

"That's another successful operation under my belt. Okay Sir, tell me where Ibrahim is and I'll bring him out. Is there any news on the backup?" asked Sandhiya.

"Surely you don't need anyone else's help. Your backup has just touched down in the capital. They're currently enroute to you as we speak. They should be with you in about three hours. This time, let Arjun also accompany with you for the airbase" said Sunil.

"Just in time to clear up!" asked Arjun and Sandhiya.

"We've opened up the air corridor for Ibrahim's extraction. The task now is to find Ibrahim and bring him out for debriefing. Your objectives are threefold; 1) Infiltrate the installation without overly raising suspicion;

2) Locate and free Josef Priboi - Our agents have been on surveillance for the last 20 hours, they took this footage. I believe Ibrahim to be held in this building - he should be held in the basement;

3) Once you have Ibrahim in custody, escort him back to FRV for chopper dust off" said Sunil.

They agrees to his instructions. Arjun shoots down the guy, near to the shutters of the airbase and picks up his AK-47 gun for safety. Then, he proceeds forward, veering right towards the base camp. There, he kills the guy in front then move next to the chain-link fence and shoot the enemy in front of the garage. Sandhiya and Arjun moves on and continues to kill several security guards, holding powerful guns like Spas-12, Uzi and Dragunov, which they picks after shooting them.

Aftermath, they proceeds to the military prisonyard after killing a few more guards in that place. There, Ibrahim has not been found.

"Sir. Ibrahim have not been found in the prison" said Sandhiya.

"Arjun. Listen to me carefully. Ibrahim have been shifted to Karachi. Now, you go to the next baseyard and learn his correct locations through a computer" said Sunil. He agrees and goes with Sandhiya to the other side of the base.

After finishing off the security guards and terrorists, Arjun goes through a lift to the computer location. After Sandhiya killed two security officers, they tracks the location of Ibrahim through the computer, with a code.

"Sir. I have found Ibrahim. He is near to the sea port of Karachi" said Arjun.

"Now proceed to the airbase for extraction" said Sunil. The duo proceeds to the airbase, where a flights awaits for their arrival and takes them in.

After reaching Karachi port successfully, Sunil Varma tells to Arjun, "Arjun, you identified this place as Ibrahim's destination. A man answering Ibrahim's description arrived here yesterday."

"The backup is here now. Who's leading them? What's their role?" asked Arjun.

"Captain Harrison is in command- ex Green Beret. He is to lead the assault; his men are to go in and bring Ibrahim out. They lack an expert sniper. You are to provide cover as they go in" said Sunil Varma.

"All right! I get to play god then?" asked Arjun.

"I guess that's going to be your call sign. Harrion's sign will be Moses" said Sunil.

"That's awesome" said Sandhiya.

"Arjun and Sandhiya. Your's objectives are as follows: 1) Secure the ruins on the hill line above the prison. This will provide an excellent field of fire.

2) Provide cover for Harrion's men as they assault.

3) Once our guys have Ibrahim, you will provide covering fire for the extraction.

4) When Ibrahim is safely away, Harrison will give you the signal to move to the FRV for extraction" Said Sunil.

Arjun and Sandhiya hides in a tall tower and defends Harrison's men. They kills the guards and successfully rescues Ibrahim from the place. They reaches Islamabad, Pakistan's Capital.

"How did Ibrahim's debrief go, sir?" asked Sandhiya.

"Very easily! Ibrahim had already been badly beaten - mostly by his uncle Abdul Malik. I don't know why, but Malik is one scared man. So here's what we know now. Malik is definitely in control of the business. He organized the heist of the warhead. When Ibrahim was kidnapped, the warhead was still in Malik's possession; it had not been delivered" said Sunil.

"Yes! Another success for Arjun! RAW!" said Sandhiya.

"Yes. All on his own. Well done. Well cope with this then. Malik has over 50 properties and warehouses. The warhead could be in any one of them.However, Malik uses several secure military communication channels. Ibrahim gave us the channel codes and I've identified the key code. If I can get into the network, I can access Abdul's private conversations - everything he says. I'll know about it. Including the location of the warhead. Break into this communications node. Proceed to this dome - it houses the main computers. They route all comms traffic. Once you're there upload the virus, and I'll do the rest. Oh, and you might want to escape afterwards. The weather's holding, somewhat cloudy. We're expecting snow maybe tomorrow. Please try not to mess this one up, Arjun-Sandhiya" said Sunil Varma.

They accepts the instructions and prepares to proceed down for the mission. After killing a few security guards, they picks up Deser Eagle Gun and medipack syringe for self defence. They proceeds to the other gate, where Sandhiya kills three terrorists while Arjun grabs a grenade and Mimmi gun from the warehouse.

After a series of shooting chase, Arjun picks up the key card and proceeds to the Radar dome computer base, where he uploads the keyboard with the help of Sandhiya. It successfully uploads the virus and they proceeds for evacuation, where Arjun kills three terrorists.

Arjun and Sandhiya proceeds in an Aircraft to Lahore, where Ibrahim have been shifted.

"Sir. You believe Ibrahim to be here?" asked Sandhiya.

"Arjun, I know. The virus you uploaded? It works like a dream. This is one of his more remote storage yards. Get this - he's currently holding a goddamn arms sale" said Sunil Varma.

"You're leading me into bad company - my wife Harini warned me about people like you - they'd lead you astray" said Arjun.

"And what happened?" asked a confused Sandhiya to which, Joseph replies saying, "I mainly got led astray."

"Typical. Listen up. Ibrahim conducts all deals from his limo - it's bullet proof of course and located close to the gates. Should anything go wrong, Ibrahim has one plan, make a run for the open road and leave his men to do the fighting. I want to exploit this plan. Harrison and his men are setting up on the exit road. I want you to enter the base and create one hell of a noise. Ibrahim will run like hell. Harrison will intercept him, stop the limo and seize Ibrahim. Harrison has a chopper nearby. These are the mission parameters: Enter the base - you must maintain the element of surprise, that's crucial. Obtain explosives from the warehouse; you'll need these to create the right diversion. Then move to the fuel depot and create a diversion using the explosives. Ibrahim should bolt like a startled rabbit. Harrison will take him down" said Sunil Varma.

"Okay sir" said Arjun and Sandhiya. They proceeds to the base camp, where Sandhiya and Arjun kills the guards and pick up Law 80. Then, they further finishes down two more security guards and takes down the APC machinery using LAW 80. After Arjun took the C4 explosives, Jackhammer, Minmi and Spas 12, Sandhiya picks up the Dragunov gun and finishes off three more security guards.

They goes and turns on the rope generator inorder to shift for the other basement camp, where they spots the fuel depot. After killing a few more guards, Sandhiya implants C4 explosives in the fuel depot.

Before it explodes, both of them escapes from the place and Ibrahim is caught by Harrison, when he runs from the place. After checking a few rooms, Sandhiya and Arjun returns back as Ibrahim is arrested by Harrison's men.

"You'll be back soon Arjun. Just keep going. I'm preparing the debrief rooms now. How's Ibrahim holding up?" asked Sunil Varma.

"Don't worry sir. He's fine. Ibrahim grunts his disgust and he'll talk" said Arjun.

"This is Pakistan Air Control- you are now entering sovereign air space, direct your craft immediately on bearing 0 9 9, repeat 0 9 9" said Ahmed Khan.

"That's he, Ahmed Khan!" said Ibrahim.

"You have thirty seconds to comply, Arjun" said Ahmed Khan.

"Just do what he says, he loco, crazy" said Sandhiya and Ibrahim.

"Lock missiles. Fire when ready" said Ahmed Khan.

"Command Acknowledged" said the Pakistan pilot. [helicopter being hit]

"Too late!" said Sandhiya.

"Sir. we've been hit, mayday, mayday, going down, we're going to crash!" said Arjun, in his communication line to Sunil Varma.

"Find Ibrahim. Bring him to me if he is still alive; otherwise burn the body at the crash site" said Ahmed Khan.

"And the two Indian Soldiers?" asked the angry Pakistan Soldier to which Ahmed replies him, "Kill them both! Their road finishes here."

Meanwhile, Sandhiya and Arjun finds themselves in the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan near to the snowy Himalayan ranges of Indus River.

Sandhiya and Arjun somehow manages to wake up and proceeds to escape from the place. However, they sees a APC tank and hides in the hood of a tree

, which is besides to their head.

"What to do now, Arjun?" asked Sandhiya to which he replies saying, "We have to wait take a shelter in any tent until the tank leaves from the place."

She agrees and they takes into hiding after killing five guards in the tent and grabbing their guns. Using the machine gun, Sandhiya kills a few more terrorists nearby the place.

A sniper shooter is then killed by Arjun, when he tried to shoot him from the range over of 900-1200 meters. After the tank stops, Arjun and Sandhiya escapes from the tent with medipack, Dragunov and Spas 12 being grabbed from terrorists. They proceeds to run from the camp in the roads, where they spots two more terrorists.

After killing them, they runs towards a nearby house. There, Arjun kills a sniper shooter. Noticing the helicopter in the skies, Sandhiya and Arjun takes shelter in that house, where they kills a few more securities and eventually grabs their gun.

Once the helicopter leaves from that place, Arjun and Sandhiya proceeds down and grabs LAW 80 with Ammo from other side of the house. They proceeds to run faster to the next side of the camp to the compound fence, where Arjun kills down a few more security guards. While Sandhiya helps Arjun by shooting the terrorists using her dragunov.

They both hides in that compound as instructed by Sunil Varma. In the process, Sandhiya shoots five guards and three security cameras, using Dragunov.

Arjun and Sandhiya proceeds to walk up to the gate and pick lock. After the process they get into the truck and escapes from the place. The truck is told to go for the camp near to the Himalayan ranges of Gilgit-Baltistan Borders.

After reaching the place, Arjun asks Sandhiya, "Hey Sandhiya. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's bloody cold, Arjun!" said Sandhiya.

"I know. I've got a fix on both you and the map computer. The distress beacon has kicked in. Listen - you're in a forward base of rapid reaction force - that means..." Said Sunil Varma, back to his communication with Arjun and Sandhiya respectively.

"Mechanised infantry, supporting armour, integrated aerial support - we haven't forgotten that much" said Sandhiya.

"Sorry. Look, the truck is close to the infantry barracks. The map computer is broadcasting from an ammunition bunker, in a repair yard, approximately 1km away. Here are your orders. Get out of there, Arjun and find the repair yard. Get yourself to the workshop and retrieve the map computer. I've already sourced the evac. Move it soldier" said Sunil Varma.

Arjun tells that, "He will escape from the infantry" and escapes from the place with Sandhiya. Before going, Arjun kills the sniper shooter, who left his first bullet, after seeing the duo and proceeds proceeds the gate.

After infiltrating the tank maintenance yard, Arjun gains access to ammo storage building. With the help of Sandhiya, he successfully retrieves back his map computer and homing beacon. After fixing the home beacon, Arjun gives it to Sandhiya.

While going with her, they both kills five to six security guards and picks up their gun, with which they eliminates the remaining. Unfortunately, snowfall have become severe due to which, they plans to speed up their mission.

He instructs Sandhiya to set the beacon on SAM launcher, to which she agrees. Then, they proceeds to the listening post and kills five security guards, after which they hacks the radar signal code. After the SAM Launcher explodes, Arjun and Sandhiya goes to the extraction point, where they are taken by the pilots.

Sunil Varma instructs Arjun to head for Faisiliabad, where Ibrahim had been taken in a goods train. He directs the pilot to that place.

"Arjun. I've been thinking this through. Priboi. On a train, being taken where? To whom?" asked Sunil Varma.

"Hmm, my money is on the voice that got me shot down" said Arjun

"Agreed. But Ibrahim on a train?? Isn't that a strange way to transport someone?" asked Sunil.

"Yeah. If Ibrahim's that important, why not use air transport, or a military convoys?" asked Arjun.

"Exactly! Our mystery caller isn't so powerful. I really believe that we're dealing with a small group, possibly rogue army officers, perhaps a political extremist. But they're in a rush; they need to see Ibrahim fast. He's important to them. Sure, but why?" asked Sandhiya

"Well, he's the only link - from us to them. They want to know how big a threat we pose. Otherwise, Ibrahim would be dead, not on a train" said Arjun.

"You have to get Ibrahim back, gangster or not - he's the link from them to us. His train will be coming through this rail yard. It's used to store decommissioned missiles. Arjun, you have to get aboard that train. These are your objectives. First, penetrate the rail yard perimeter. When the train arrives, get onto the train. Remember if there's a security alert, the train probably won't enter the base, we can't take that risk so don't leave the alarms running. Get going with the help of Sandhiya, Arjun- good luck" said Sunil Varma.

Arjun and Sandhiya slides down the ladder, where they equip M16 A2 gun. Then, they runs and shoots the guy on the tower and bridge respectively. Before the guard can press the alarm, Sandhiya kills him. After hiding for a while in a telephone booth(because, so many guards have been roaming here and around for a check raid), Sandhiya shoots a sniper. Followed by Arjun, the duo proceeds to kill the guard, patrolling the platform cleanly. Tower guards too are killed by Arjun.

Arjun and Sandhiya moves faster as time is very limited for the train to arrive the platform. Most of the security guards are killed one by one. After much chase over and struggles, Arjun and Sandhiya reaches the train door, where Ibrahim stands. Helped by him, they finishes off the security guards and picks their guns, with hand grenade and Uzi.

With all guards dead, Arjun starts the train, protected by Sandhiya. Ahmed fuels to anger, upon hearing that Ibrahim was caught.

Meanwhile, Arjun informs Sunil, "Sir. We've found Ibrahim! The train is secure. I've finally got there."

"At last!" said Sunil Varma.

"You took your time. First you kidnap me, and then you loose me. I thought you were a professional" said Ibrahim.

"Arjun- there's two planes approaching" said Sandhiya.

"Azad Three to Command, we have visual contact with the train" said the Pakistan Pilot.

"Stop that train. Fire, fire!" said Ahmed Khan.

"Missiles away!" said the Pakistani Pilot.

(Train being hit by missiles)

"Arjun. Hold on tight" said Sandhiya.

"Arghhhhh!" said Ibrahim.

After the train was hit, Arjun, Sandhiya and Ibrahim are thrown to a base camp, where they sees a few security guards. Arjun and Sandhiya defends Ibrahim by killing the guards. They obtains the Proximity Mines from storage depot.

Seeing them, a few terrorists and security guards proceeds to come with their gun. However, they places Proximity Mines while in their track. The guards and terrorists are killed in the explosion.

As a result of this, a huge gun fight ensues. In the end of the gun fight, Arjun, Ibrahim and Sandhiya emerges victory. They additionally destroys the APC tank with the help of LAW 80.

While waiting for evacuation, Arjun notices Sandhiya's hand bleeding.

"Oh Sandhiya! What happened?" asked Arjun.

"Nothing to worry Arjun. During the gun fight, I was shot" said Sandhiya.

"Why didn't you inform this at first to me?" asked Arjun.

"Because, I shed the bloods for our nation" said Sandhiya. After being healed by Ibrahim, Sandhiya tells Arjun about, "how women are treated badly as a housekeeper and she additionally tells that, as a women, she wanted to die bravely for her country."

They are then, taken by the helicopter to the Eagle's Spot I, near to the Himalayas ranges of Mullan. However, Sandhiya stays with Ibrahim for defending him. While, Arjun proceeds to go for the Nest where, he successfully retrieves the sniper rifle, after locating it.

Before retrieving the sniper rifle, Arjun faced a lots of obstacles. Since, too many security guards were there around the place. He indulged in a heavy gun fight and killed them by hiding and seeking around the places. After this, he takes ammo, Spas 12 gun and proceeds to the other wall of camp with the help of a rope. There, he kills the people in the following places:

green tower to the right of the booth,

both towers to the left of the booth,

green tower on the far left and

gray tower in the middle.

After killing the rest of guards, Arjun activates the cable car, with which he starts his journey to Eagle's Spot II near to the Multan-Indus River borders.

Leaving from the cable car, Arjun guns down two guards near to the entrance. After killing them, Arjun gets into the first pillar and proceeds to kill two more enemies by using alternate fire. He proceeds to the door, that get prepared for a flight. For reaching this place, he hides and reached silently, without alerting the guards.

He opens the door while running and shoots the enemy, who stood left to the door. Slowly, one by one gets killed by Arjun's tactful shooting. Back to outside, Arjun continues to take down the terrorists (now with the help of Dragunov.)

After too much of gun firings and chasings, Arjun manages to grab AK-47 and additional ammos. He grabs a medipack in a building after shooting a guard. After killing the rest of guards, Arjun goes into the nearby building. There, he goes in an elevator and kills a few enemies in the process. After killing the guards and enemies, Arjun opens the door and finds himself in a tunnel.

Going straight, he sees a door infront of him and opens it. Climbing the ladder to his right, he waits for Ahmed Khan's arrival.

"Arjun. Are you there?" asked Sunil Varma.

"Yes sir. What happened?" asked Arjun.

"Ahmed have constructed the bomb near Rawalpindi" said Sunil Varma.

"Sir. Then this mission is waste, I think. By now, Ahmed could have escaped in his helicopter" said Arjun.

"He have indeed, escaped in his helicopter Arjun" said Sandhiya, coming to the line.

"What should I do now sir?" asked Arjun.

"You have to execute Nuclear Infiltration, Arjun. This time, take Sandhiya with you. Because, there are too many security guards in that place" said Sunil Varma, to which he agrees.

After Sandhiya and Arjun reach Rawalpindi, they sneaks into the camp, where Sandhiya takes down two sniper guards and shoots the security cameras.

Arjun goes in and takes a few flashback, hand grenades, Jackhammer and Proximity mine. Arjun kills several security guards, using those four. They have to pass several tunnels and passes in order to reach the Nuclear Infiltration spot.

While going towards the spot, fifteen guards are killed by Arjun, with the help of a sniper. While, a few others were killed by Hand grenade and flashbang. Then, Harrison and his men takes Arjun and Sandhiya in his helicopter.

"Arjun. Now you are being taken to a village near Rawalpindi. Ahmed is hiding in a tunnel, guarded by several of security forces. You have to eliminate them all and disable the bomb. If you find Ahmed, kill him. Go alone this time" said Sunil Varma.

Arjun refuses to go alone and tells to Sunil Varma, "This time, let Sandhiya also accompany me sir. Because, she too had been credited in this mission. Let we both finish this mission."

Sunil Varma agrees and let them go. They goes into the tunnel by strafing. A patrolling guy gets killed by Sandhiya, through sniper gun. Then, they go straight to the weapon storage and takes all the weapons. Then, Sandhiya kills 10 to 15 Security guards. Aftermath, Arjun proceeds to use the computer and hacks it.

While using the elevator, Sunil Varma warns both Arjun and Sandhiya. Now, into the tunnel, many guards are killed by Sandhiya and Arjun, after grabbing numerous of guns. Then, going straight Sandhiya notices a sentry gun. The camera, besides sentry gun is destroyed by Arjun. After grabbing Jackhammer and some ammo in the left room, Sandhiya proceeds to farthest room to the right to take 3 flashbangs. Then, after shooting down further enemies in the journey, Arjun successfully retrieves the coolant system.

Afterwards, Arjun continues to kill Security guards and reaches the control room, which operates the sentry gun systems. He reverses the sentry guns, which takes down the security guards(Arjun's enemies) one by one. Thus, his route is clear now.

However, in the shootout, Sandhiya gets shot by a security guard. As a result of this, Arjun gets weakened mentally. He gets hit by Ahmed Khan's men. But, Sunil Varma motivates him to diffuse the launch of "Specialized Atomic-Hydro 360" bomb, reminding him about the world country's welfare.

Arjun wakes up steadily and kills down the security guards. Ahmed Khan gets killed in the ensuing battle, that's followed. After the gun battle, Arjun defuses the launch of "Specialized Atomic-Hydro 360" bomb.

Sandhiya feels relieved and happier. Because, several world countries are now saved from a dangerous situation. She tells to Arjun, "I am happy to be a part of this mission Arjun. Now, I will die peacefully."(laying in his lap) She slowly closes her eyes after uttering the word, "Jai Hind!"

Arjun and Harrison salutes Sandhiya. She is brought back to India. There, Sandhiya is honored with the great Paramvir Chakra Award by the Indian Prime Minister, praising her bravery.

Arjun was also honoured with the same award, which he declines. When asked by the Prime Minister for declining the award, Arjun says: "I didn't deserve anything for this mission, sir. Because it was Sandhiya, who took the mission in her shoulders and sacrificed her life. We have to honour such a brave women for this. Women are the backbone of our nation sir. Let's salute them!"

Several countries like Russia, Germany, United States of America and Mexico appreciates Indian Government for their efforts in saving the world nations from a dangerous situation. Finally, they blacklists Pakistan and China with the help of WHO and IBRD.

A few days after, Arjun reconciles with Harini and his new born baby. Later he notices a news telling about an article of Sandhiya and himself as national heroes. Seeing the news, he smiles and proceeds to go with Harini and his new born baby for a small trip...


Dedicated to those women, who wished to work for the welfare of our country.


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