Ashish Agrawal

Comedy Drama


Ashish Agrawal

Comedy Drama

Soap Opera

Soap Opera

1 min

There was a beautiful girl named Rexona and handsome boy named Cinthol. Rexona and Cinthol fell in love with each other. Rexona's parents were Hamam and Margo. Cinthol's parents were Wheel and Nirma. Rexona was very excited to make Cinthol his "Lifebuoy". They wanted to marry each other, therefore, they approached there aunt 501, who managed to convince their parents.

Rexona and Cinthol were very happy then they fixed their marriage at "Fair and Lovely" Garden opposite to Santosh theatre, Medimix City. They invited their friends - Lux , the little Savlon dite Paro and others.

Rexona and Cinthol got married and started living happily in their dreamland "PEARS". After one year, they got twins "Johnson and Johnson".

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