Smile, The Way You Are...
Smile, The Way You Are...

Smile the most Powerful weapon of this world, is the pleasant form of emotions. The cheapest thing in the world can give to everyone having the power to defeat your deadliest enemies without any equipment.
A simple smile has the power to leave your tension, to feel the joy, to forget pain, to forget the worries, and hold peace.
A smile is the type of inexpensive ornament that can be worn by everyone without any gender gap. It is a simple way to improve your looks, enhance your beauty, to make you more pretty than you are.
'Smile'-The free therapy will help us to think positively because it is the single way to receive thousands of smiles by giving your one. It makes you more kindhearted. Your little smile has the power to destroy the dark and dimness of someone.
So try to make people laugh when they cry and you don't have any idea that your small effort could change someone's world of Sorrow. And maybe someday without knowing why, those pe
ople will return that laugh to you, Because.......
The more you give,
The more you get...
The more you laugh,
The less you fret...
If you have the ability to smile in your strengths and weaknesses, then definitely a day will come when your life will get tired of upsetting you.
The smile never needs any language to understand...
It needs emotions, like a special key that could fit everyone's heart and is enough to unlock.
At last, I want to say one thing that.....
" If your smile has the ability to change this world then don't let the world change your smile......"
Thank you