
A woman was always considered a man’s possession.
But Why???
That One thing always makes me wonder that even today, the men of the house decide every aspect of a girl's life and the girl has to accept it silently without making any arguments. If she go against their decision then, the so-called tag of "sanskaari girl" Will be removed from her.
Still there are certain beliefs that females can eat (whatever is left) when males have finished eating.
But, I can't Understand What was their base?
How and from where did it originate?
When I was small, I saw my maternal grandmother practice this custom with utmost devotion. I asked her the questions once.
The answer I got was rather astonishing —
we don’t ask questions, we just follow the traditions, they are made for our wellbeing.
Then I think that it's the society that made us this kind, We have lost our ability to be practical, ask logical questions, and participate in debates and discussions! We just have to follow such customs blindly in the name of worship and prayer.
Society has already drawn a boundary for a girl and she even doesn't have the right to go beyond it.
When they were young their decisions were taken by parents, when she got married her husband controls her life and decisions were taken by her in-laws. Even if she want to come her home she need to ask. After all she have to be a "sanskaari bahu". And at last in her old days she also have to depend on her son.
After doing all household chores, working selflessly ,taking care of each family members till her last breath, Complete sacrificing herself for others happiness, and easily crushing her every desire every wish just to satisfy the family needs and always prioritised t
he family first and her wishes at last, All she need is only some love, respect and appreciation for her deeds, which she gets rarely.
Is it really so hard to pay???
There is not a single job in this world where there is no holidays or no rest, Every work has a retirement also but shat about it. She is serving like a Robot endlessly working 24×7 still people never missed the chance to put their opinion that,
"What have you done sitting home all days, except watching your serials??? "
When in occasions she wants sharees or jewellery,
Then, In-laws reaction, "You could never understand the value of money as you are not able to earn a single penny, How hard our son is working to serve this family, don't waste this money on all these unnecessary things".
She never have had a home of her own,
After marriage Parents will say Now your husband's house is your own and in-laws are your family, and in-laws says It's not your father's property to stay.
For them A woman is nothing but only a male child bearing machine where even the decision of having how many children and of what gender will decided by them.
Women are born to serve others, they don't have even the rights to dream, desire, aspire, live, wish or anything.
It's the society will decide that what should they do, How should they live. In each step they are meant to be judge by someone definitely.
Our government, Constitution have made laws in the name of Gender equality. Although efforts were done to ensure gender equality still it is underway in the present, such incidences are still happening around us, It sometimes seems quite impossible to get equality because it is present in our bones and blood. No one here is ready to accept the change.