Comedy Drama Horror



Comedy Drama Horror

Scare witty

Scare witty

8 mins

Shubham was so happy. He had landed a very good job. He was an expert with a lot of soft skills and experience in Coding and other technical skills. He had completed his education at a Premier Institute with a good percentile and landed a job with a good salary. Everything was going on as per his expectations. But, there was a minor glitch with the place of his job posting. He would be working in Delhi, a long distance from his hometown in Tamilnadu. His parents would not be able to accompany him as his younger brother was yet in School ( 12th Standard) and he needed full support at this crucial time of his academic year. His father was already a forced bachelor serving in the North-East and would usually visit home once in 3; months. So owing to all these reasons Shubham had to move out to his place of work shortly. His mother was obviously stressed and distressed for she could not be of any help to him. His grandparents too were concerned and anxious With these at the back of his mind, Shubham fixed a suitable date and booked his flight tickets. It would be reimbursed by the Office.

His mother packed different kinds of pickles, homemade sweets, and snacks, and with a lot many advice he set off on his travel to Delhi all alone and feeling a bit lonely. He was excited and happy to think about his job and the perks he would get. For a young guy, this was super exciting obviously. With many hopes and aspirations, he landed in Delhi. The language was a problem. Shubham was not so fluent in Hindi. But, was confident he would manage with some knowledge about the language that he had picked up from his neighbor who was from Allahabad. Of course, Hindi movies were his passion always and he used to watch them religiously and so picked up a few words. He joined the Office at the stipulated time. He felt nice looking at the Office Space and location. He was provided stay at a nearby hotel so that he could look out for a house for rent meanwhile. He started enquiring with his co-employees only to realize that Rentals for homes were quite high around his Office. He was advised to look for homes a little far away say about 8 to 10 km away from his Office. Of course, commuting daily could be a bit tedious but Shubham did not want to squander money on rent right then. He had much bigger plans you see. Thanks to the metro rail network he was confident about traveling to Office daily by local trains. It seemed like the saying Moneywise Be wise.

       After about a week's search for homes on rent Shubham finally found his dream house. It was a spacious, 2 Room kitchen independent house with a small back yard and front yard. Shubham was happy he could go for gardening which was his hobby until recently. The owner of the house stayed in another City and would rarely be checking about the whereabouts of his house. Rent too was not so heavy on his pocket. Metro Station was not very far from this house. So Shubham was happy to finalize it. But, the only thing that troubled him was this house was a bit isolated, and not many houses were occupied by people nearby. In the sense, it was a stand-alone house with no immediate neighbors around. Shubham on much thought decided he would finalize it, relocate into it and check if everything was okay and if not would shift after 3 months that was the notice period the building owner had fixed it as a rule.  

  The agreement was signed and everything formalized Shubham shifted into his new abode As such his entire day was spent in Office and by the time he reached home, it was late evening, he had to cook and clean his home, and have dinner, and off to sleep. Since he was on probation for 3 months he understood he would be having a good amount of workload. So, he would finish off his dinner and go to sleep early to work more efficiently in the morning at the Office. All was okay until one night when Shubham woke up suddenly from his sleep after hearing sounds of anklets near his window. He was startled and opened his window to check what the matter was. It was pitch dark and as there were no street lights on he got a bit scared and immediately shut the window panes and started chanting hymns of gods and goddesses. He was tired and dozed off to sleep. On waking up in the morning everything seemed like a dream a sort of a nightmare. He tried to brush off these thoughts and g

ot ready for Office. He had many assignments on hand for completion that day. So he rushed off to the Station and then to the Office. Of course, the nightmare still haunted him quietly. Shubham seemed to be lost in some thought. His Colleague noticed and asked him what the matter was. Shubham did not want to discuss anything since he befriended his colleague only recently. He got busy with work and meetings.

By evening when the thought of returning home came up in his mind a mild shiver spread across his spine He sat in the Office until closing time and slowly started walking towards the bus stop to reach the metro station to take a local train back home It was about 8.30 pm in the night He reached the Station and took the train and reached near his place a little bit tensed and disinterested. He reached Home slowly and very hurriedly shut the door and locked it too for safety. He prepared some food very hurriedly, ate it up even more hurriedly, and called his parents on phone. He tried talking to them as if sounding very casual but his parents felt Shubham was hiding something from them. Even after repeated questions, Shubham tried to act as if everything was okay. His parents thought it to be homesickness and thought it was alright and he would be okay with time. Shubham wished good night to his parents and got on to the bed. It was around midnight 12 pm when he heard the same anklets bells ringing near his window. The same old procedure, Shubham tried to peep through the window to check what and where the sound was from? No use. Nothing was visible as it was pitch dark. He dozed off to sleep chanting the religious hymns as he had been doing for the past few days.                   

After a month or so of tolerating this ordeal, Shubham decided to shift to another house near his Office. He no longer wanted to bother about the rent etc. He approached a property broker and requested him to suggest a decent house for which he had to shell out brokerage too. But Shubham was in a hurry obviously. Having done this he started packing so that he could shift immediately once the broker finds a suitable house for him.  The next morning his joy knew no bounds when he got a message from the house broker that Shubham could shift into a house that was suitable to him in all aspects. As per the broker, the house was well ventilated, in a busy area ( big relief to Shubam), nearby to his Office(what else one would ask for), well connected, etc. So, that was the last night he would spend there (since vacating the house needed no prior notice to the landowner). Having packed all the things and full of excitement he slept early than usual as he knew he would be awake with the regular sounds he heard near his window (errrr). At around 1in the midnight, he woke to the same sound near his window.

He jumped from his bed and opened the window with full aggression. He even had a big stick in his hand that day. Expecting something's very scary and frightening he peeped through the window and found Oh oh what was that he wondered?. On further observation he found two eyes shining, a black body that was short and looked like hair locks. Shivering with fear Shubham shouted loudly Oh Oh help me. Of course, there was none to help him as the neighborhood was empty and isolated. On hearing him shout the black-bodied something got up and started running while the anklets tied at its feet made the tinkling sound. Shubham was busy chanting the hymns to be safe. As he heard the sound moving away he took out his torch and spread the light in that direction.He started laughing loudly. No no, he was not affected by any spirits. Then why was he laughing aloud? It was the sight of a black cat that had anklets tied to its feet.Some mischievous children might have tied the anklet.Guess so thought Shubham and all his worries of about three months vanished away. Yes, you guessed it right he had a good night's sleep.You might wonder whether he stayed back in the same haunted (oops) house or he vacated it for good? Of course, he vacated it and shifted to the new house as this expression taught him a good lesson that money is important but money should be used importantly too. One should prioritize, plan, preserve and prosper. This is the mantra of his life now and maybe forever.

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