Pranav A

Horror Action


Pranav A

Horror Action

Robin And His Adventures

Robin And His Adventures

5 mins

Characters - Robin The writer faces many problems in each of the stories but somehow manages to escapes from each dilemma he faces. He is the main protagonist in this series. He is a bachelor and often watches movies at night. He is 29. He is alone in his house.  Robert He is the main antagonist in this series and has about 10 henchmen. He is also a sea pirate. He has a boat named the ‘the pirates’. His main aim of life is to destroy robin. Other characters  Durcole A vampire and one of the generals of sea pirate Robert. Robert uses Durcole as a key to close robin‘s chapter.  Inspector Coleman An inspector who wants to follow dharma and righteousness and a best friend of Rodrigues. To prevent illegal activities, he wants to imprison Robert.  Rodrigues and Rosaline They are the king and queen of Sweden respectively and were murdered in an accident.  Fresh Son of inspector Coleman and the deputy commissioner of police. He is also the head of detectives lead by inspector Coleman.  Caroline Lover of robin and post-graduate in criminology. She was also treacherously murdered .it is believed that Caroline was also involved in the murder case with Rodrigues and Rosaline  Preface Hi, book readers; welcome you to the robin’s 6 adventures. So I am robin and you are spending this book with me. Come on, let us enjoy! Chapter 1: Robin’s nightmare. I am watching TV. It is about 11:30 pm at night. It is a horror movie.

A man scarily became a ghost and killed a deadly cobra, it was thrilling. I slept, and then I felt someone was knocking the door. I got up and opened the door and it was a vampire. Oh I got chilled to my nerves and was about to freeze for a second. The vampire was about to bite me with its venomous fangs.  I screamed ‘No!!’ As I woke up from sleep. I breathed in relief, |Oh! , all in dream! “, saying that he slept. Time sped fast, the sun had risen; but Robin had not woken up from the sleep. He woke up with a jerk, huffed and puffed to his breath. He had a nightmare and was fully tensed as he believed dreams could come true. HA! HA! Quiet a joke but take it serious though. Robin was jobless and he had nothing to do at home. So, as the time went by, he took the remote and started to watch a horror movie, the Dracula. A sense of horror ran though his spine seeing the cold – blooded Dracula. Closing his eyes, he switched off the movie and sat down, panting remembering the nightmare last mid night. It was night already and he avoided closing his eyes but sleep overpowered his fear. It was a fast timer though! Out of the blue, Robin awoke shouting ‘no’. What was more: the same story continued again? The vampire started to haunt him all time. The nightmare again clawed him and he was in no mood to sleep. He spent the rest of the night watching his favourite – the dark horror movie. It dawned and he got sleep for a few hours. He again woke up at about 9:30 am. He refreshed himself and energized by doing exercises and ate his lunch. Then he started playing some games in his mobile. It was then, he got a message stating ‘’Greetings, friend. I am sorry if I had troubled you so much. If you want to stay alive, get me 25,000/- within a week’s time as my boss needs it, my dear friend ,your destination next week is Cardiff , new city , arid seas, at night. Robin was completely shocked about what was happening outside his world. He was angry on someone who asked him 25,000/- and thought a few things. He was searching a clue, for both the incidents; the nightmares and the message. So, he started to bring an answer for who sent the message. It was sent by an unknown number, probably a fake as he ribbed on his mobile. He began to trace the number. By the time, it was the deadly night. This time at least, the vampire had some courtesy on robin of not making a nightmare. But it proved to be wrong . He came and reminded robin to bring 25,000/- to the messaged address. Robin again woke up in shock, courtesy vampire. But this time, he started to trace the number and he was successful. Now he started to investigate on the point that stated ‘’ why the vampire had to ask him 25,000 /- and kill his nights. This search went on for several months. One day, he got an idea that in the vampire’s statement; he had used the word ‘boss” to indicate that he had a boss and the boss needed 25,000/-.

The idea was that he needed to book a ticket to the arid seas in Cardiff. While sleeping, the vampire again came and reminded robin of his task. He also warned him that he had only a day left and said if he did not bring, the consequences would be so dire. The vampire pulled out its tongue out and put out its venomous fangs before him indicating this will be the cruel murder for him if 25,000/- had not been given. Robin was again terrified by his nightmare. He did not know what to do. This was his 4th nightmare in a few days. He slept and it proved to be right as the same nightmare happened again. He was deeply frustrated. The vampire had no feel for him, and it was so that he was tortured by the vampire. He also wondered why the vampire wanted to meet him at night. He searched the reason in various sites, and at last got in google. It was because vampires had power at night. They burn at the sight of dawn. That is why; he understood the reason behind the nightmares. Now he planned to sleep at day and be awake at night. But, this too proved to be wrong as, when at night, robin while watching a horror movie, jumping out of the screen, the vampire started to strangle robin’s breath out of him. He apologized and told him he would bring the amount tomorrow. The vampire coldly punched Robin black and blue and told him to bring the, robin was too deeply hurt and he had his ship tomorrow. (To be continued in Chapter 2)

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