khemu parashar

Abstract Classics Crime


khemu parashar

Abstract Classics Crime

Mukesh And His Criminal Family

Mukesh And His Criminal Family

14 mins

Even after making the third call, no one can speak of Leela. At last, Mukesh himself walks up to Leela and says, "You don't hear that I have been making noises for a long time that where are my socks, do you know anything." While sweeping, Leela tells Mukesh in a loud voice that 'what do I know and you are a small child who needs everything at hand, God has given you two eyes, you yourself cannot see here and there or you have become a priest. Mukesh ignores Leela's taunts and bends down to see the socks under the bed. Something could not be seen clearly due to darkness, so he tells Leela to "bring a torch". Leela's reply comes "put your hands to work", I am not sitting here to serve you. Mukesh controls his anger and goes to the other room to get the torch and brings it. On looking under the bed with torch, it is known that the socks are the same. He eagerly reaches inside to get his socks. The sock of one leg touches the hand, which he pulls towards the outside, but the sock of the other leg is not able to come out because it is too much inside. "It is useless to ask anything from him, I only bring the stick". He goes to get the stick, goes and brings the stick and then pulls out the other sock with the help of the stick. After this he gets ready to go to the office. He asks Leela about his son Mukul whether Babuji Saheb got up from the bed or is he still sleeping. Leela doesn't have any answer for this. After all, Mukesh himself climbs the stairs and goes upstairs to Mukul's room. As always, his blood boils when he sees Mukul sleeping on the bed. He gets angry and wakes up Mukul from the bed. After that he comes down and takes the laptop with one hand and picks up the tiffin. Mukesh finds the tiffin very light. On opening it, it is found that there are three dry chapatis in the tiffin and a pickle is kept in a small plastic box between them. At the same time he calls out to Leela and asks her to come near him. Leela does not pay any attention to this, ignores it. On this, Mukesh grumbles, "Look, even today the vegetable has not been cooked, we will have to have lunch with this pickle". Mukesh went out with office bag and tiffin along with him and waits for the cab while standing at the crossroads. The cab did not make us wait for long. Within a short while the cab appeared in front of Mukesh. Mukesh got down from the cab before his office near a restaurant. Entered the restaurant inside and asked a waiter to pack a plate of vegetables. Taking vegetables from there, reached his office. Even today, like everyday, I had to listen to two things of the boss. After that he concentrated on work. While working, sometimes the attention used to be towards the distress of the wife in his house, if he diverted his attention from there, he would have turned towards the misdeeds of his only son. But this was not new to Mukesh. Ever since he got married, he had to face many troubles of his wife everyday and now his own son was also involved in it. Mukesh studied a lot since childhood, obtained many degrees, but unfortunately he did not get any government job. Which was a dream of his. For this he worked day and night but was deprived of a government job. Unemployment intensified his headache. The economic condition of the house was not good. Whatever money Mukesh's parents had saved, it was used for Mukesh's education and now there was not even a penny in the house. Due to the circumstances, Mukesh tried his best to get a clerk job in a private company's office and finally he got the job. Married Leela after a few days.

The arrival of Leela filled Mukesh's life with troubles. Well suddenly Mukesh hears the sound of lunch in the office, stops work and comes to eat with his staff with tiffin. Opens his tiffin and then opens the packing of vegetables, meanwhile a friend of Mukesh's staff says in a funny way, "What happened even today, sister-in-law did not cook vegetables". To this, he nods his head in yes and then the same friend says that "then it was necessary to bring vegetables from outside, we would have shared and eaten together". Mukesh does not respond and pours the vegetable into a tiffin container. After having lunch, he comes to his chair. Meanwhile, the phone rings, on seeing it comes to know that it was wife Leela's call from home. He knew very well that this is not a useful phone, but due to helplessness he picks up the phone. Leela's voice came, "Just got a call from my brother, he said that mother's knee operation will be done, so he was asking for some money." Mukesh only said that "good", then Leela said that "I have sent Mukul to the ATM to get the money, you just tell whether you are going to take the money or I will have to go." Mukesh says that "you go." Having said this, keeping the phone on the table, he started thinking while keeping one hand on his head. Meanwhile, Peon brought tea. As soon as he handed over the cup of tea to Mukesh, he said, "Sir, what happened." Mukesh said, "First of all, the salary is not received on time, and on top of that, the expenses of the family. Saving two paise and keeping it safe for the future is equivalent to chewing iron gram. If two paise is not deposited, the in-laws are ready to grab it." Earlier also they had taken money for college, till now there is no name to return it, they are demanding more money from above. Hearing this, Pune said, "Sir, every house has these stories. All the houses have the same earthen stoves. All are going through similar problems." Saying this, Pune leaves from there. Mukesh got a little angry and called Leela and said that "money cannot be arranged to tell mother-in-law." Saying this, Mukesh hung up the phone and started working. After finishing the work in the evening, Mukesh leaves for home from the office. He rings the doorbell two or three times after coming to the door of the house, but no one comes to open the door.

Mukesh hurriedly knocked on the door, but still the situation did not get resolved. This time Mukesh calls out to Leela two or three times. Mukesh's son Mukul comes to open the door with a phone in one hand. Keeping his eyes fixed on the mobile, he opens the door with one hand. Opening the door, Mukul immediately turns nine or eleven from there. As soon as Mukesh enters, he closes the door, puts his office bag on the table and sits down to rest on the sofa and calls out, "Leela, bring a glass of water." Saying this, he takes the TV remote in his hand and starts watching the news on TV. Leela doesn't come yet. Mukesh again calls Leela for water. This time also his words were ignored. After all, when advertisements come on television, Mukesh himself gets up from the sofa and goes to the kitchen to drink water. When he comes back after drinking water, then Leela's conflict with Mukesh starts over the money. Leela says, "You do not have any kind of religion, who does not understand the suffering of a sad person." Which I will break and give to you. Leela gets very angry on hearing this, and starts shouting and arguing with Mukesh. Mukesh repeats the same thing once that "I will not be able to arrange this much money." Leela gets further incensed at this. Leela grumbles loudly but Mukesh completely ignores her and sits in front of the television. Leela quickly switches off the television. Mukesh gets very angry on this and he speaks a lot of bad things about Leela's parents and brother. Leela also speaks a lot of wrong things about Mukesh's parents. Mukesh cannot tolerate this at all. He takes Leela out of the house by holding her hand. Meanwhile, Mukesh's son Mukul comes and pushes Mukesh to bring his mother Leela inside. Next, the matter reaches a scuffle. Leela and her son Mukul get attached to Mukesh. With great difficulty, Mukesh manages to get out of this trap. The phone rings. Mukul goes inside the room to pick up the phone. Leela still uses abusive words for Mukesh. Due to this, Mukul's anger reaches the seventh sky. Mukul tolerates a lot but can't stand it anymore. He slaps Leela. Suddenly calmness spreads. Mukesh sits down there and Leela angrily goes inside Mukul's room. Mukesh hears whispers of something to talk about but Mukesh ignores it. It was almost evening. Mukesh reaches the terrace of his house and does some contemplation. Suddenly Mukesh

hears the sound of a loud door. Mukesh stands up and looks down from the railing. On seeing, it is known that Leela was going to get groceries by locking the door. On seeing this, Mukesh moves away from there and comes down the stairs. As soon as he comes downstairs, he goes to the kitchen and drinks a glass of water. As soon as he finishes drinking water, suddenly Mukesh's eyes fall on the tea pot. That pot was still being used for morning tea. Keeping his anger under control, he himself goes to the tap and cleans the vessel. Coming back, he puts the pot on the gas stove. Adds tea leaves, then ginger and sugar. As soon as the tea starts boiling, he reduces the gas and goes to the fridge to get milk. He looks at the fridge very well but milk is not found in any vessel. Turns off the gas and comes to Mukul's room and asks about it "do you know about milk", Mukul says "today mummy forgot to keep milk for tea and put a few drops of buttermilk in the remaining milk to make curd." kept to keep." Once again controlling his anger, Mukesh drinks tea without milk. When Leela comes home with milk, Mukesh talks a lot about her. Leela does not tolerate this at all. She immediately gets into a scuffle with Mukesh. Till Mukesh saves himself, Mukul holds his father Mukesh's neck and throws him down on the ground. Then both mother and son together fight with Mukesh until the neighbors come to save him. Well, this war ended, but this thing sat very well inside Mukesh that someday this mother and son together can kill me. The whole night he is restless thinking about this.

In the morning the newspaper man rings the door bell continuously but no one comes to open the door till then Mukesh's best friend Naveen Gupta also comes. He also rings the doorbell but no answer comes. The newspaper man tells Gupta that sir used to get up early in the morning but today I don't know why he is not coming. Some more time passes but this situation does not change. All the neighbors get together and knock on the door continuously, when they ring the doorbell, Mukul wakes up from his sleep and comes out to look outside. As soon as he opens the door, Gupta ji asks "Is Mukesh not at home?" Mukul says "Papaji is inside, probably sleeping." On hearing this, Gupta ji suddenly gets shocked and says, "He is still sleeping". Mukul brings Gupta ji inside. Gupta ji knocks on the door of Mukesh's room, also makes noise but no answer comes. Time passes a little more. But the situation remains the same. Gupta ji senses something untoward. They break open the door and see that Mukesh's dead body is hanging on the fan. Mukul starts crying, Leela comes running and sees her husband's dead body hanging on the ceiling fan. Screams echo everywhere. Mukesh's body is sent for postmortem. Relatives come running as soon as they get the news. The whole house is filled with people and only the sound of crying comes. Leela also cries. His crying is just for show. The reality was that the death of her husband Mukesh did not affect her at all. Similar is the case with Mukul. He is crying but laddoos of happiness were bursting inside. Now go anywhere, do anything, there is no one to stop you. 

Mukesh's body is taken to the cremation ground. There Mukesh is cremated according to all rituals. After that when the pyre stops burning, everyone returns home. People whisper about Mukesh's death. Everyone knows very well why Mukesh committed suicide but no one speaks. Now Mukul became completely independent and started doing whatever he wanted. Leela's love for Mukul was beyond limits. She did not listen to him in any special way, no matter what action Mukul did. Earlier, he used to gamble, drink alcohol, take drugs secretly from his father, but now he started doing it openly. Mukul's special friend was Chaman. He also used to do wrong things like Mukul. Both of them commit thefts in the night, kill people and harass the girls and poor people while coming and going during the day. The efficiency of all these increases day by day. Everyone is troubled by them. Chaman's mother Sangeeta prays for Chaman to walk on the right path, advises her to break ties with these activities. While Mukul's mother Leela lives opposite. He only loved money. She considers this as the hard earned money of her son Mukul and motivates Mukul to do more. Whereas when Chaman takes the money, Chaman's mother Sangeeta is not at all happy with it and tells Chaman a lot. She explains that stolen goods come out in sewers. For a day or two, we can be happy with this, we can walk with our chest stretched, but that day also comes soon when we become a victim of misery because of it. At that time your family does not support, neither God keeps his grace nor this black money is of any use to you. Chaman listens to these things silently, does not say anything but these things do not make any difference to him. He does not bring any improvement in his wrong habits, but day by day brings increase in wrong deeds. This makes Chaman very happy but Sangeeta is very sad to see the black deeds of her son. She tries her best to bring Chaman on the right path but her hard work does not pay off. After accepting her defeat, she only concentrates on devotion to God.

One day Mukul and Chaman plan to rob the bank at Mukul's house. The next day we reach a bank and see that some people were withdrawing cash, some were depositing money. Meanwhile, Chaman and some of his companions, whose faces were covered with masks, issue an order to the people present at that time to raise their hands. Mukul stands at gunpoint on all of them, in the meantime, Chaman soon ties up the bank manager and extorts all the cash from him. As soon as the money is received, everyone is copied outside the bank. Everyone looks at each other's faces. The bank manager immediately calls the police. Police appeared in the bank with a slight delay and as soon as they arrived, they started checking the CCTV footage, interrogating the people, but unfortunately the police did not get any information because Chaman and Mukul were thieves who had reached a lot. They went berserk after withdrawing the entire cash. The police did not touch anything. Mukul's house was filled with treasures by stealing. Once upon a time Mukul and Chaman were flying kites. While flying the kite, Chaman casually asked Mukul whether the goods were safe. Mukul told Tapak that it is safe. But he got to know Chaman's mind that he wanted to have his share. He told this to his mother Leela. But blinded by greed, Leela avoids the words of her son Mukul. This cycle continues for a few more days. One day Mukul and Chaman were sitting in Mukul's house. Some conversation was happening between the two. Today Chaman's temper was uprooted, he was also angry, he talks about partition directly with Mukul. Mukul wanted to avoid this but Chaman in a loud voice asked him to give his share today itself. Mukul stands up and goes to his mother Leela and mentions this. Leela's mind was not for Batbare. After all, she refuses to give Chaman's share. Mukul hangs back and comes to Chaman. Chaman stares at her and says ' why is it twelve on your face. Seeing his mother Leela in the ocean of greed, he himself jumps into the same ocean. He flatly refuses to give Chaman his due. Chaman's anger had reached the seventh sky, so he didn't see the tide, quickly took out the gun and fired three-four bullets into Mukul. Immediately after that he absconds from there. Screams resound all around. Hearing the gunshots, Leela rushes to Mukul's room and finds her son lying on the ground in a pool of blood. A murdered mother hugs her son's body and cries. I wish someone would explain to Mukul's mother Leela that even wrongdoing is not done dishonestly, it is done honestly. Hearing the sound of crying, some neighbors gather. After some time Mukul is cremated. Here, in spite of the murder on Chaman's face, there is no sign of distress at all. Even though the police come and do their work, it does not make any sense. No one testifies against Chaman. After all, Chaman sleeps peacefully, no case is registered against him. Leela became the reason for the death of her husband and now also for the death of her son. Leela's mood swings and greed made all this happen.

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