Misunderstanding. ( A- 2 )
Misunderstanding. ( A- 2 )

" Good morning madam " said Bob With a smile. He is the cook of the family. He is from city H , he is a little chubby man with long mustache and brown eyes. Four more people works under him and he is the head chef. I am here almost for a week and I am still trying to learn name of every people working here. Actually more than 30 people works here in the whole house , so it's literally impossible to remember all of their names but I am trying.
" Morning Bob , just came to grab my coffee. " he gave me my cup no actually my heaven my coffee. He is working here for years , he even saw Asad in diapers. He is like a family. So he is the only one whom I knew and the only one who can be trusted with all our family secrets.
" Madam , can you please take food for sir. He came late at night and slept without food it's not good for his health. " I hate to act like I am so caring wife of my husband. But hey I have to. So I smiled and nodded. He gave me a tray containing one glass of mango juice, a bowl full of colorful fruits ( have some shame he eats more fruits than you. Literally their is chopped banana , watermelon, grapes, dragon fruit , apple , blue berry , strawberry and what not ) , two omelets , pancake with syrup and toast ( fancy breakfast ). Bob added my breakfast on the same tray and they look so plain and unhealthy. Anyway I still love them.
As I came in the room I saw him still lost in his dream land. Right this guy is still sleeping. OK he looks adorable when he is sleeping but I have to wake him up. we usually eat breakfast with momo but since she went for her regular checkup we will not have it in the breakfast table. I will just have my coffee and some toast with a lovely omelet. I placed his food near his lamp table and took mine in my bed. Girl you have to wake him up. So I kept the tray on my table and now let's go for mission impossible.
" Asad get up.... Asad its morning wake up. " No use that person is still sleeping. I pushed him real hard but he didn't wake up. That's really frustrating ( right now I am feeling like a mother of 8 year old boy ). I sprinkled some water on his face but nope didn't work. He woke up for a brief moment told in a sleepy voice "Ne me derange pas Cherie ( Don't disturb me darling ) " and went back to sleep. He loves to speak in French. But I am not getting entertained right now. Moreover I don't even know what that shit means.
You know what I don't care anymore let him sleep. I can't waste my perfect coffee for him. As I turned towards my bed I saw most terrifying image in the world... Bella is lying on my bed. Literally I thought she doesn't disturb him in his room. No , no he told me she doesn't give surprise visits so why today? Why girl? And why on my bed? Why?
Its stupid but I crawled under his blanket as if that will make me invisible ( If you are in front of a tiger you should not move. you should stand very still ) but guys my senses are not working. I tried to grab hold his collar but I realized he is shirtless and I am trying to grab his bare skin. He is the only person who can smell like roses so early in the morning.
" Hey! What are you doing? " really all this time I was trying to get him up but he didn't but he had to wakeup the moment I came inside the blanket.... Epic. " sorry. Bella is sitting in my bed. she nearly gave me a heat attack. please do something. " he gave a little smile pulled the blanket down and boom there was no one in my bed. Did she just disappeared? Wait she disappeared the moment he wanted to see her is there a conspiracy???? ( sorry I think I am losing my mind ) but now he will think I did it on purpose " I swear she was sitting right there... I am not lying " this is so embarrassing.
" It is OK Sahara.....it happens. " thank god...wait what???? Did he just taunt me by saying it happens when your hormones are not under your control. " No I was not physically attracted towards you. I was seriously scared of Bella OK don't imagine things. " he grabbed his blue T-shirt from the lamp side and wore it. " I actually said about Bella....she likes to come in and leave without any notice in my presence.... I meant that happens nothing new." three minutes silence for me please. I am so embarrassed.
" Breakfast in bed thank you... Oo please enjoy your breakfast. " my breakfast, lunch and dinner everything got ruined but I still went near my bed to bring my breakfast. But the image of Bella sitting on bed is enough to scare me. so I took my tray and joined Asad for breakfast. Few minutes we eat in silence but suddenly a question came in my mind.
" Asad you are afraid of dogs but you have a pet tiger....how is this possible??? " he looks shy but told " My grandpa use to have a dog called Jimmy and it was very furious. One day I by mistake stood on his tail and he grew very angry. He bite me on my left leg and for that I had to take 12 injection on my bum. Its a painful memory so I am not afraid I just hate them. " that's a funny story but I told " you known if we were still married and you said something like that I would have divorced you. Who don't love dogs they are great." he didn't say anything.
We eat our breakfast in silence. I took my laptop to read my emails and Asad got ready to go office. As I almost finished reading my mails I saw him all ready to go office With laptop bag and his life, his wife (not me) his mobile. He is in love with that thing.
Before I could comment someone knocked at the door he answered " come in " I heard boot sound but as I looked up I saw Anna standing their in my room ( for few days but still my room ) come on she should not be your concern. He is divorced can do anything. But I can do some funny or should I ruin his day? Sweetheart let's ruin his day.
" Good morning sir , you have a meeting at 11:30 a.m. And then lunch with Mr Sharma in Beauty & life restaurant," said Anna to Asad. So she is his secretary now and I thought she was not in town good. I walked up to Asad took his arm and smiled sweetly towards Anna and told - " wouldn't you wish me good morning dear?" She looks shocked. Poor girl was not expecting me. With a irritated voice she said " Morning mam. " good job girl. I turned my face towards Asad smiled sweetly at him.
" Don't be late sweetheart. I will wait for you for dinner. Anna make sure he takes his lunch on time and remains hydrated. " After saying that I did something which he was not expecting ,I pulled his arm and gave a small kiss on his cheek and told " Bye honey have a nice day. Don't miss me too much." God he looks like thunders fall on his poor soul. Boy his girl is going to eat him alive.
" Yeah I will , I will..umm...bye then..see you soon. Bye love. " he wrapped his arms around me gave me a hug. Man Anna's eyes they wants to burn me alive. I am having so much fun. Asad took his things and went out.
what???? Don't look at me like that. He wanted it...not me..I mean he is the one who wanted me to act like we were never divorced and I am still his wife... now he have to stay like this. I am not jealous OK...just having little fun.
Asad went office and momo went out for her regular checkup I am on my 3 week leave, what should I do? I am getting bored. Well since I am here lets take a fancy bath and then I will give joy a pleasant surprise.
I just love taking long showers it makes me fresh and feel heavenly. I told rosy to arrange my bath. She is a girl of 18 with cute pink cheeks and blonde hair. She has arranged a nice and warm bath for me.
There is warm water in my tub,rose petals in it and soap with strawberry scent. There are fresh towels and a nice cup of chocolate milk with marshmallow in it. A perfect bath for me. OK time for my special touches. I took out a really cute dress to wear and then grabbed my earphones and my mobile phone. It really smells heavenly inside my bathroom.
The bathroom is white in color and it looks royal from inside. I slowly slid inside the hot water almost drowning myself. Nothing can make my tension, my sadness and my tiredness melt away like a hot bath. I just love it. I played ' I love you for Thousand years ' song in my phone and lied on the tub enjoying the sweet rhythm of the song. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and it awakened my taste buds. I love its silky taste.
The little flowers tickling my skin , the steams making the room foggy representing Paradise in front of my eyes , Sweet smell of strawberries filled the room. I feel like I am in a high mountain surrounded by flower garden, and I am enjoying the warm bath in a steamed water body just in the middle of the garden. As if I could hear the silent murmur of the angles and the sweet voices of birds. The music flowing with the water mixing with my emotions , driving my imagination to distant land filled with daisies with golden sun rays over them , as if the world outside has melted and became one with my imagination. As I immerge more deeper into the water I feel like I am one with it. I lose track of time.. as if time has stopped for me and I enjoy my bath. I could hear the soft beat of my heart , my breathing rhythm, the blasting of little bubbles on my skin , the smell of fresh strawberries.
The song changed its just soft piano music flowing like stream from mountain.
The music flowing with the water mixing with my emotions , driving my imagination to distant land filled with daisies with golden sun rays over them , as if the world outside has melted and became one with my imagination. As I immerge more deeper into the water I feel like I am one with it. I lose track of time.. as if time has stopped for me and I enjoy my bath. I could hear the soft beat of my heart , my breathing rhythm, the blasting of little bubbles on my skin , the smell of fresh strawberries. The song changed its just soft piano music flowing like stream from mountain.
Bathing is always like praying for me. The silence in my bathroom with only the sound of the running water of my tap and the warmth of the water ,combined with the silence which gives you time to think , discuss and judge your own view point, the conversation that you have with your soul ,the warm water which keeps you safe from the cold chilly winds, the peace of mind is pure heavenly.
After an hour I got ready to go and surprise joy with my presence. I wore my favorite blue color frock. I wore my diamond ear rings so that it goes with my dress and took my little clutch. I Just let my hairs flow down my shoulders and little lipstick on my lips and I am ready. Joy will be really surprised. she always complains that after coming here I forgot her but today its going to be a great day.
" Aaachooo " there is one lovely butterfly in this whole house of cactus who don't like strawberries that much cause she is allergic towards it and that butterfly is none other then Asad's adopted sister Noor. when Asad was in class 6 his grandma adopted her from street. She was only 10 years old , a little girl bitterly bitten by her mother for money. Asad saw her first and then with Sam's fathers help they rescued her. She was in hospital for months. Asad loves her with all his heart. And she loves me very much. She was out for her performance( she is a singer ) and as I can assume just got back.
" oh my god! Oh my god! Bhabi ( sister-in-law in Hindi ) you came back. I missed you so much. " she squeezed the life out of me.
" I missed you. you never called back. where were you? Didn't you miss me? Why didn't you contacted me? Why silent treatment to me? Why angry with me? " she said all that in one breath.
" calm down girl. OK here is my deal. You take a shower,eat food and rest and let me grab you're brother for you then we will have barbeque in the garden OK." Her whole face glowed like the sun. she hugged me again and sneezed. Here you go another sneeze.
" Go girl. I will meet with you soon and..... I will change" she giggled and went inside. She is such a cute girl. you think we spoiled her well she is really sweet and she is really very gentle and kind , the kind people loves to spoil. So yes if she asks for the moon she gets it. Her happiness is all I care.
oh! Right hubby see you soon. Its going to be an interesting day. I should tell momo that Noor came. She will be really happy. Poor Anna its sure the bad day of her life. Well she should watch out now cause the tables has turned.... I am not jealous OK just having some fun.
Asad is in a meeting and momo will have to stay one day more so none of them are coming home early. I took out some snacks and sat with Noor for a little chit chat. I known I didn't mentioned about her earlier cause so many things are happening in my life that my thoughts got messed up.
" so you both are back together. I am so happy for both of you," she said innocently. I wish I could say the same thing but poor me.
" That idiot took a divorce for trash. I hate that girl she can never be my sister in law. But my brother finally came to his senses. So how is life? " she asked me playfully.
" I don't know. You tell me how is your life? Is everything good? Got anyone special? " I asked her expecting to hear crush stories or recent boy who tried to date her but she declined.
" No , I don't have anyone whom I can call special," she said with a sad tone and a fake smile. What happened with her. She looks so upset.
" You really didn't get anyone you like. The person of your heart?" I gave another try. Man I have to know more about it. I a
m curious.
" Well , we always don't get what we want, do we? We plan , we dream but at the end reality hits so hard that it hurts very much and gradually you learn to live with the pain. The pain numbs down...you learn to laugh....you learn to fake happiness with people and show how happy you are....but at night when you are alone with no one around you and you stand in front of your mirror avoiding your own eyes that pain chokes you...stabs your heart really hard and makes life a living hell...." My head is spinning like anything. The silence is killing me.
" Oh my pudding pie is home. " momo came in with a smile and Noor jumped up like a little kid. Well there is no way I can known more about her situation right now. I hate Asad what type of brother he is? Doesn't care about his sister at all.
We gossiped about lots of things. All the time I was watching Noor whats wrong with her why she is so upset? I have to talk with Asad about it. We all had a pleasant dinner. After that in our room Asad again sat with his laptop to work.
" Hey! Are you busy? Can we talk for a bit if you don't mind?" I asked nicely. He looked up all confused.
" yeah why not? Please have a sit. " he closed his laptop and every working file and sat with so much attentive face that it made me laugh a little. I sat on the same bed with him as he made space for me.
" Its about Noor. I am really worried for her. Today as I was talking with her I felt she was really upset about something. She was not herself....she acted different. Is she hiding something? Or is their anything that I missed and should known about her?." He listened carefully each and every word. Like I said Noor is not a joke to us.
" see after you left this house... She grew distant from me. She never likes to share her worries Wife others like she use to share them with you. so I have no what going on with her, " really and I thought he is just a bad husband.
" Really???? You said like you don't even care what's going on with her. She is depressed and as her brother you must do something. Your family should be your responsibility. You adopted her just to make her feel that their is no one to care for her. So that she could feel lonely again, " I almost shouted at him. How can he do this to his sister?
" No , of course not. I love her very much. She is my only happiness. " he almost cried at the end. okay , I know he loves her a lot but their are sometimes when he's just a jerk.
" Then get up and go fix things like grown up. Talk with her and know her problem. I can't see her sad. I think someone left her whom she gave her heart....if that's true then I know how much its going to hurt. " I have been their so I know how it feels.
" OK then...do what do your work I wouldn't disturb you." why every time I get up from bed I think Bella is sitting under my bed.
" Thank you Sahara." Did he just thanked me? I turned towards him shocked.
" Thank you for loving my family. I really appreciate your concerns for my
family, " cause I use to think its my family too. But I guess he never thought I belong in his family.
" Mention not....." Well , life has changed so much. He started working again. I sat near the window. The garden looks amazing in the moon light. There is little balcony near my bedroom window and a cozy couch is there With pillows. so I went there to enjoy the beauty.
The cool light , the sweet breeze and the fragrance of the flowers its just magical. Reminding me about my favourite song. I love that song. Its smooth and rhythmic. Perfect for the present scene. I can spent whole night here in perfect peace.
" Its beautiful isn't it " he scared me. I jumped on my seat. That man is a ghost or what?
" sorry , I didn't mean to scare you.....coffee? " Asad bought coffee for me...wow. I took a sip and the coffee is just the way I like. Okk that's an improvement. I said " Thank you. "
" Mention not. " he sat with me and he has also switched off the lights which enhanced the beauty of the moon light. " Actually when I feel tired I sit here and listen music... Its really relaxing, should I play any music? " he asked well no problem. I nodded in response.
He played my favourite song in flute version. Moon light, coffee, favorite music and a nice company life can't get better than this. I think I took a good decision. For sometime I can enjoy my life life without any tension. We lied in the couch gazing the beautiful sky. Seriously I don't want to see the day light. I just want this night to go on and on.....with no ending.
The bright sunlight is really disturbing my precious sleep. But as I opened my eyes I saw the most beautiful face few inches away from me. So we slept on the balcony while watching the moon. The sunlight is making his skin shine like diamond.
The sky is red and the breeze is so cold. I should wake him up. He should not miss this lovely morning. But I didn't had to wake him up. He woke up by himself only. Its only 5 in the morning.
" Its so calm and relaxing, so beautiful." Said Asad. Well he is right. I have never seen any morning as beautiful as this one.
" I am always in a hurry to go to my office or I come home early in the morning from office. I never get time to sit and appreciate a lovely morning. When I was in school every morning use to Start with a big fight between mom and dad and every night use to start with the painful cries of my mom. I started staying with Sam. But in that age I understood I have to be someone to survive in this world and slowly slowly I drifted from what you call beauty of
life. So I never knew mornings can be this beautiful. " he said with a sad smile.
Well he had to take responsibilities of his father and his grandma in a very small age. He had to take care of his sister also. I have seen many beautiful mornings so why is this particular one so beautiful?
" I always wanted to go and visit city X where their is a little village called ' Paradise' in that village when the sun climbs in the sky...the gardens greet the light with fragrance, the west wind playing in the green land , the little river silently flowing to meet the sea....I know too much dreamy for a businessman but I like to dream. And when Noor came in my life she became my life, my light. " I am speechless. I never thought he can be this emotional person.
" Asad and that's why you should talk with Noor. She is our morning light and dark clouds are trying to hide her happiness you have to save her like a hero in shinning armor. " I said with such drama that he started laughing. He looks really adorable when he laughs.
" You are staring. " he said. OK I should stop doing that. oh! Its embarrassing. How I ended up staring at him for so long? what will he think about me? Girl grow up , you are not a teenager.
" First thing that you will do today is talk with Noor. Take a day off and then spent some time with her. Go out with her she will feel better. " he nodded with sincerity.
" I always believe your judgment when it comes to my family. You know I just want to lie down here and watch the morning. I don't want the time to pass by... I don't want morning to actually come." he said with such dreamy and lazy voice that made my heart want to stay with him forever , even I want the same thing.
His phone ranged all of a sudden and its Anna. He took the call with a smile and whispered her the most beautiful good morning ever. I must not listen his conversation with others its just he is too near to avoid him. My eyes inched a little threatening to tearup but I controlled myself. Bright light filled the balcony. He kept his phone I said " Time didn't listened you.. " He looked confused.
" Its morning Asad...good morning. " he looked towards the sky and I got up from the couch. It was a dream for me and like every dream this also crashed with reality and now I am awake.
After my morning workout I came in the dinning room for my breakfast and got welcomed by Bella. Really why my luck is good? Where is Asad? Where is momo? Why am I alone? OK good girl just chilling...just leave her alone. let me have my breakfast , you eat something else and we are good.
" But sir the meeting is very important.... Please it wouldn't take more then an hour...but if you don't attended then we will face a huge loss.." that irritating noise. I hate it. Bella roared at the noise.. See even tigers are allergic towards such noises.
" But..I promised my sister. I can't break her heart. " they came in the dinning room. I sometimes want to stab that girl.
" Everything OK honey? " I asked Nicely. He wrapped his arms around my waist and told " I have an important meeting at Deluxe mall and one I can't avoid. Its for an hour but I made plans with Noor now what should I do? " well , I have solution for everything.
" Why don't you take us with you? Noor and I will shop in the mall by that time you finish your work and then we can go for a lunch. It can be her home coming present. " I said in a sweet voice. He considered the fact than he nodded. Anna is digging her nails on her own arm. Poor girl.
" That's a great idea. What will I do without you? Please go get ready and make Noor ready too. We will leave in an hour. " I gave him a sweet smile. Bella roared again and I grabbed Asad real tight. Anna left the room out of fear. Hey! that was amazing.
So I took courage , took baby steps towards Bella not trying to scare her and slowly tried to Pat her. She didn't reacted aggressively so I reached out and scratch her neck behind her ear just like a dog and she loved it. She leaned forward and licked my hands. Oooo she liked me.
" My girl...that's my girl. " I said softly. Anna watch out cause your big weakness is my strength now. Bella is finally my friend now. This is going to be so interesting.
" Your brother is little busy so let's punish him by buying lots of things and make him wait. " Noor agreed with me. We shopped for an hours and when we came back for lunch Asad was waiting for us. And yes Anna was their with him. Literally their with him. I am not jealous.... am not it's just that we are here for Noor and Noor hates Anna.
" I have already ordered food for us. Chicken soup and coke for starters, then fried rice and pork , mutton , momos , naan for main course and chocolate cake for desert. Is that OK or should I order more? " time for some action.
" You are soo sweet baby. You order everything I like so sweet of you. " I gave him a little hug and pulled him little down to kiss on his cheek but out of shock he turned towards me and our lips brushed together and a electric shock went down my spine , my hards started shaking. His warm breath touched my skin and for few moments I lost track of time. It's my first kiss. I stood speechless for five minutes.
" You welcome Cherie. " I heard it before few days ago he said something in French. Full sentence I forgot but I remember the Cherie ' part. But what does it mean?
" Tell Anna to leave or Noor wouldn't say anything. And the whole plan will be over. " I whispered in his ear. He nodded still holding me. Softly whispered " yes mam. " wait , what?
" Anna please go and see if any work is pending or not. And make sure no one disturbs me. If nothing more please leave. " her face but she left.
We sat together my legs are still shaking. What just happened? Why? The soup arrived and we started to drink in silence. Well someone has to break it right but who will take the pain.
" You didn't tell me exactly what you want to talk about. Why you brought me for lunch. " Noor asked Asad. He looks so much list less what to say.
" We are here today to talk and have some fun. You only complain that I don't give you enough time. So I decided to spent some time with you and hear you. " said Asad.
She smiled Sweetly and with energy eat everything and chartered non stop for the half of the day. We heard her patiently. We went to eat ice cream together, we went in different rides and also took tones of pictures. But the trip came to an end without any success. Noor didn't say a word to us.
As we came back in our room Asad said " OK that was a fail. She didn't say a word. " I agreed with him which schoked him. I asked why was he surprised he answered.
" you agreed with me , that's new. Well we have to try again tomorrow. Let's sleep now its already late. " I nodded but wait where is the sofa bed? Why it is not in the room?
" I swear I don't know anything about it. " said Asad hurriedly. Its late we can't even call our maids so I told " we can sleep in your bed I trust you " he nodded.
After four years we are in same bed but the feeling of being a stranger never left me. I was a stranger and will them in a stranger to him forever. We lied together moonlight filled the room. The night sky is so beautiful. Hope tomorrow becomes a better place to live in.
If anyone is interested to ask my characters any question or any suggestion or advice for my characters than please do let me know.
My characters will love to talk with you and take your advice and on next chapter, they will answer your questions and listen you if you have any advice for them please share them with me. Thank you.