Adhithya Sakthivel

Romance Action Drama


Adhithya Sakthivel

Romance Action Drama

Love: Feel Of Romance (Part 1)

Love: Feel Of Romance (Part 1)

4 mins

It was early morning exactly 6.00 AM and since the month is July, it is raining all over the Coimbatore district. Hence, there are no traffics on the main roads like SITRA-Nilambur, Kalapatti-Ukkadam, and Pollachi main roads, which are prone to accidents and heavy traffics.

There were only two to three vehicles and a traffic inspector, clearing the roots by standing in the roads. Shortly from the point of traffic inspector's view to the three kilometers distance, Ganapathy Police Headquarters comes, where a house consisting of two young police officers comes.

They have worn their police uniforms and are ready to take their vehicle. But, it's not for their duty. It's someone special for them and henceforth, they straightly go to the Cemetery of their beloved ones, whose name is told as Ishika and the birth date: 23.10.2002 and death date: 27.11.2024, the present date, in which the duo has come.

"Adhithya. This is an unforgettable date in our life, right?" asked Akhil.

"Akhil!" said Sai Adhithya, blinking with no words.

"I miss her a lot da, Sai Adhithya," said Akhil.

(Sai Adhithya recalls the memorable days of Akhil and Ishika and starts to narrate the past of Akhil. It goes as a narrative line, said by Sai Adhithya.)

Ishika is none other than, Akhil's love interest. I and Akhil were orphans and grown up in the Chennai Orphanage home. Our parents were killed in the 2006 Coimbatore bomb blasts. We weren't worried that we lost a luxurious lifestyle because our parents died. But, we worried a lot about this aspect. What could have happened when both of us had died in the blast?

In every aspect, we are never inseparable and will be close in every situation. We are that much close and thick friends. Though at first, I and Akhil aimed to become rich equal to our parents at a small age, we aimed to become an IPS officer in order to save our country from any other attacks, which will take out innocents.

Akhil was adopted and raised by my parents and he was an orphan since childhood. My neighboring Muslims were good and friendly with us and had been close to our family. But, on the day of the bomb blasts, it was they who killed my parents and I am further left shocked when they came to attack me and Akhil took me to the Chennai Orphanage trust.

We use to be arrogant and over-attitude to our fellow classmates showing ourselves to be rich and now, I realized the value of pain and agony when living in the orphanage. In further, this harsh incident made me realize that money does nothing in our life.

Initially, I was angry like an animal to kill the one, who was responsible for my parent's death like Akhil, who was raging in anger and was mad like anything. When he was about to take a sword nearby to him, I stopped him.

"Akhil. What are you doing da? Put down the sword, da" I said to him in order to control his anger.

"Let me go, Adhithya. If I kill them only, my anger will sustain. Leave me" said Akhil.

I angrily slapped him and said, "Go. Go and kill them all. But, how many of them will you kill with your sword? Or will my dead parents come again to this earth when we kill them all? Even when we kill those brutal animals, they will come up as a tree. Instead of using the sword, we have to use our brain Akhil. We need a strong base in order to eliminate those animals. It is easier for me to think like you and it cannot take even five minutes for me. But, it is difficult to rectify our mistakes. I think you may understand what I say to you" I said to him.

Akhil was consoled and eight years have passed as such and it was in college(PSG Arts and Science, our first step) were, I and Akhil realized the real world of humans. Like school, college is not so easy. We have to face the ragging of our seniors, bullying of my friends and so many challenges that stood behind us. In further, Akhil and I were selected as Assistant Representatives and our disapproval has not worked out.

Since I and Akhil became busy with the schedules of NCC and IPS studies with the semester exams also, we didn't have many times to spend with our friends. Two years had passed like such and between those years, Akhil experienced a good change in his life when Ishika entered into his life.

Ishika is a Tamil girl from Sai Ram Orphanage trusts. Like us, she also has experienced a tragic past and hates human beings. She is also a sensitive and psychologically disturbed girl.


(To be continued…)

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