I'm Chattanathan and I love to read StoryMirror contents.
I gift her back the land and retain the Autograph with me. I gift her back the land and retain the Autograph with me.
Dumbstruck Dumbstruck
I had finished my work a bit early, it was about 4.30 PM in the evening. I had finished my work a bit early, it was about 4.30 PM in the evening.
I wake up early in the morning, and decide to go to the beach for a morning walk I wake up early in the morning, and decide to go to the beach for a morning walk
This is a fiction of a Bachelor boy getting attached to a lonely old lady and legalising the relatio... This is a fiction of a Bachelor boy getting attached to a lonely old lady and le...
I wanted to fly out, reach the skies and enjoy the breeze. I wanted to fly out, reach the skies and enjoy the breeze.
I hold her in my hands and say a Junior GANGA has arrived. I hold her in my hands and say a Junior GANGA has arrived.
Both of us start walking towards the beach Both of us start walking towards the beach
No, I did not know how to grieve as have seen much death in the normal course. No, I did not know how to grieve as have seen much death in the normal course.
Ideate was a small parrot kingdom which had more than a thousand years of history Ideate was a small parrot kingdom which had more than a thousand years of histor...