Lost in Japan
Lost in Japan
Have you ever heard of a love story that just lasted 30 seconds? Yes, that’s a real story, amity blossomed for few jiffies and there was not a bit of verbal conversation. It’s about me and my perfect man. He happens to be one of my best buddies to whom I confide everything, except my heart tattooed with feelings. The reality is that he had tied nuptial knots with his longtime girlfriend now. The question is how I can even think we understood the sentiments of each other. Well, we do although oblivious to each other in a certain way. A love story doesn’t only happen to last in conjugal bliss. It’s a concord of sentiments rather than mere bodies. And it so happened in just one fine evening.
It was very busy day at work, we both decided to dine out and drink on a hot sultry Wednesday. We left for a plush restaurant to gravitate away from at our hefty work life and levitate my constant mawkishness about corporate failures. Well, let’s not divulge into that. So, it was Sanjay, who pitched in to drive, since I was planning on drinking.
Usually, in an avid conversation, he is a silent spectator, and I am constant chatterbox. But this tête-à-tête sundown over few margaritas, and virgin mojitos, lots of non-dietary proteins, He was a chatter box, and I was a drop-in affirmation. That was a different time in almost 4 years of close friendship. It was just few months ago he came back from an US project. We were in constant touch, but the same rule followed until now. It was me, who wanted to have break and it should be me nit-picking on the work-life-imbalances. But it was him speaking, that was the first shot, that I felt a different zing after ½ Margarita itself.
In all talks, I still remember over the tequila wringing in my nerves, it’s was his eye that kept gleaming at me like a different thought have raised in his mind. Well, I was already alarmed by him that 3rd one can be very harmful for both. He would be supposedly carrying me to home at dead of night, which would quite have some negative repercussions. May be because of that his eyes glowered me, asking to me rather stop drinking and focus on eating. But I was already in different sight. Although I entirely shifted our work heart-to-hearts to unpremeditated gags, and then to my recent crush, which was a quintessential cover-up.
It’s a fact none have ever made me swoon like he did, and that’s from the beginning itself. Although, I have several digressions, I never jolted up myself to confess my feelings to him. Even the universe was up against me to confess as he was more into a permanent fixture. I already knew he was out of my league, or more like I don’t deserve him. Yet the invisible thread had always been tied from mine to his it seems. Surprisingly, off-late I did come to know, that he does fathom my sentiments towards him, and he somewhat cherishes the fact even he knows he can’t revel in that sunshine nor let me ever put affixed. It seems that was in-depth Love, one could ever feel in their entire lifetime.
Anyways coming back to our past 3 hours of rendezvous, it was time we both must leave to our respective households. I was all woozy, and since I forgot to mention, the dreamy man accompanied me by that time was a non-drinker. So, since I was unsteady, I did hold his arms and as a gentleman he was, we took some time to get back to his car. As we were returning, ‘Lost in Japan’ did set in the silent mood. Oh boy! Shawn Mendez knows how to get into a befuddled girl’s brains. In a minute of glances exchanged and smiles bartered, I winced to a feeling of in-congruent zeal. There was a spark in his eyes that I always longed for. For a moment, I thought to give into the longing. But in next moment, reality snapped me out. He is never mine. There was these 30 seconds of love story created by the whole universe and etched its emotions to my entourage of finding perpetual adoration. Rest of the night – I was wholly lost in Japan.