Sindhura Reddy



Sindhura Reddy


Lost Chapter

Lost Chapter

4 mins

Vandana joined as a cashier at the Farmhouse supermarket. It was her first day. In the morning shift, she was expected to be at the cash counter and later in the afternoon, she had to walk around to inspect the products and arrangements.

Vandana, a little after lunch, began her duty of inspection. She felt a sense of belonging in the place and a sort of liberty in her life. The supermarket encouraged first time working women, especially those who came from broken marriages and poor conditions. One year after the divorce, Vandana felt a kind of liberation inexplicable in mere words.

Four years ago, Vandana got married to Nandan through an arranged marriage alliance. Since they were new to each other, she accommodated Nandan’s behavior although it was difficult. Marriage was not a fairytale romance; it was going to be a lot of work, she knew.

Vandana had completed her bachelors in arts and soon after the graduation, she got married to Nandan. Like any normal human being, she too came forward with a lot of hope and excitement.

Somehow, Vandana was unhappy in her marriage. Somethings bothered her very much. Nandan often took sadistic pleasure in belittling Vandana in front of his family members and acted just the opposite when her family was around. As weeks passed by, she noticed how he craved to be the superior one in the relationship be it in the arguments or the decisions they took us as a couple.

Initially, she shrugged it off as a childish behavior and later retaliated by maintaining dignified silence for hours after the fights. At one point, it got suffocating for Vandana. She still kept quiet about it giving it time and chance.

Three months after the marriage, one night soon after the dinner, Vandana requested Nandan to come talk to her about something important.

Vandana did not mince her words. She came straight to the point and asked Nandan to make amendments in how he treated her. She highlighted how verbal abusing and mocking were not going to be a part of their marriage anymore.

Nandan was silent for a few minutes. When Vandana urged him to say something, the next thing she knew was, she had fallen on the ground unconscious.

Vandana got up in shock after a good thirty minutes. Nandan had slapped her hard. He had stormed out of the house never to come back for about two hours. Later, as usual, he slept in another bedroom without saying a word. The next morning Nandan simply left for work.

That was the day; Vandana took the biggest decision of her life. To move on! She vouched not to put up with a monster like him who only knew how to abuse women. She regretted having hid this matter from her parents who had told her time and again to let them know of any difficulty.

When Vandana informed about the whole story to her parents, her parents stood by Vandana. In spite of a lot of interference by the in-laws, Nandan and several relatives, they disagreed to send their daughter to Nandan.

Cruelty can always get repeated and violently, even.

After half a year or so, Vandana filed for a divorce with the total support and strength from her parents and sister. It took her about two years to get through the whole process and the journey was not easy. Her parents, sister and she went through excruciatingly painful moments yet they fought it bravely. They did not give up despite scornful remarks from the relatives and neighbors.

 Finally, the truth unfolded and everybody understood how Vandana had been with a mentally unstable man who had anger management issues right from the start. Nandan’s family failed to disclose this to Vandana and her family. Instead, they blamed Vandana as an impatient woman and the one with the fault in the stars.

“Hey Vandy! Come on soon, there are Samosas. Everybody is hurrying.” Chitra called out to Vandana to come join for an evening snack at the supermarket. 

Vandana had been lost in profound thought remembering her past ordeal. She immediately smiled now that all the tragic past was behind her

She rushed to grab her share of samosas. 

Vandana enjoyed her work with each passing day. She enjoyed her financial freedom and her beautiful life with her parents and the sister. Nandan was now a lost chapter.

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