Adhithya Sakthivel

Horror Action Thriller


Adhithya Sakthivel

Horror Action Thriller



12 mins

Near to the Alwarpet of Chennai, a Radio Jockey Aravinth gets ready to speak about the rumored Haunted house Demonte Colony in Chennai starting with the words, "Hello friends. Good evening. This is RJ Aravinth speaking. Everyone around (well, almost everyone) loves listening to a good old horror story. But it's also true that more than half of these people will refuse to enter a room unless a light is switched on inside, after listening to such stories! Well, in a country like India, superstitions and beliefs in the spirit world run deep. There have been so many posts made on buildings or areas that are believed to be haunted. Be it Goa, Rajasthan or even Gujarat; every place has its fair share of spooky-looking buildings and stories that will give you goosebumps! This is especially true in Chennai, where there are a number of sites that are slated to be haunted! One among these is the spooky De Monte Colony."

As the RJ said this, every one of them, who hears this radio starts to sweat and carefully listens to his words. He continued saying: "There’s no dearth of supposedly haunted places in Chennai: from the Theosophical Society Campus and Broken Bridge in Adyar to Madras Christian College in Tambaram. But while most are quick to dismiss these horror tales, there is one location that no local takes lightly: De Monte Colony. The secluded and near-abandoned area has captured the imagination; the spooky legends fuelled by word-of-mouth horror tales and a feature-length horror movie. So what is it that makes De Monte Colony the most haunted neighborhood in Chennai?"

"The journey matters more than the destination." If the journey goes wrong, everything goes mishap. We people, love adventures and try to do adventures one way or the other. But, do we realize some sorts of dangers surrounding those adventures?


6:30 PM:

As RJ Aravinth is telling this horror tale, four ex-college students(Ramesh, Akhil, Sai Adhithya, and Vimal) of Mindscreen Film Institute(who are hearing this), hears the story on the radio. As the RJ gives a break, Ex-Students starts to laugh around and tells, "Buddy. See da. He is unable to build up any more stories. That's why he has given a break."

"Akhil. Don't ridicule this da. Maybe what he has told is true!" Sai Adhithya and Bhuvanesh said to him.

Hearing this Akhil's love interest Kaviya(back to her house in Alwarpet) laughed and tells, "Ok. Let's go to the Demonte Colony and confirm, whether those things are true or rumors."


Around 11:30 PM, the friends go to the house of Demonte Colony along with Kaviya. The colony is filled with identical-looking houses.

As they step inside the house of Demonte, Sai Adhithya's face starts to sweat and his hands shivered.

"Why are you fearing like this da?" asked Akhil.

"Buddy. See how the colony looks da. I feel terribly feared da."

Kaviya laughed at this and replied to him, "Go and consult a good doctor da. See, the colony has a shabby look, which is mainly due to a lack of good maintenance. There are also tonnes of trees lining the streets and this might also be the reason for the shadows and the solitude."

"It does indeed look worn down and will seem even more so at night. However, as to claims of there being ghosts in that vicinity, there has been no solid proof so far. Several people feel sorry for the colony, which is located in such a prime locale. Stories like these, they believe, will only serve to run down the reputation of such a place!" Vimal said and the friends sneak into the house and get separated in the darkness, although all of them managed to come out seemingly unscathed.

8:30 AM:

The next day, the four friends discuss a plan of making an action adventure-thriller short film, set in the forest of Kerala. As per Vimal's idea of going to Athirapally waterfalls in Kerala, they plan to take a forestry resort in the place and consults an astrologer to know about this trip.

The friends get their thumbprints and their future predictions did whereas the astrologer tells the guys(including Kaviya), "Be careful guys. Because this journey would be mostly an unforgettable memory for you."

"Why sir? We would have so many thrilling experiences ah?" asked Ramesh, to which the astrologer shuns him. The guys seek the special permission of forest officers in Chennai and start their journey to Athirapally in their Honda SUV Car, packing their things up.


At the same time, Adhithya secretly takes the swimming equipment, that he and his friends have used during a journey to Kanniyakumari's Thirparappu waterfalls for safety enhancement. As they reach Kerala, Akhil chooses a nearby house as the place, where they are going to stay for shooting the short film.

"Hey. The house is so shoddy da. How could we stay here?" asked Ramesh.

"We could manage da buddy," Adhithya said. He goes inside the other room and secretly keeps the swimming equipment that he has brought.

The friends make a journey inside the forest and come back to their room, around 7:30 PM. After refreshing up, the friends go for sleep and Akhil gets a message from someone that, the astrologer has died.

Without the knowledge of his friends, Akhil has brought a Hebrew, that has some sort of intoxication reaction in it to drink.

Before he could take the phone, he sees Kaviya in a beautiful sari and glosses. Smitten, switched off his cellphone, and puts it for a charge. Then, he takes the Hebrew to drink inside his room, along with Kaviya.

Seeing her, he threw the Hebrew asides and tells her, "Darling. You look so beautiful in this sari. Wow!"

Smiling at him she tells: "Thank you da." Akhil slightly touches her arms and leans in, while talking with her.

"We are loving for five years, darling. Yet we are not getting married."

"Because, now only you have finished your academics and taking a film, to settle yourself down," Kaviya said laughing at him. Akhil then touches her cheek and tells, "Darling. You're so beautiful."

As she looks, he softly kisses her lips. Then, he lingers and pulls away from a little. Letting his lips linger, he again kisses her. Kaviya is shocked by this initially and tries to go away from this. But, he follows her and pulls her closer to him, holding her by the waist.

Kaviya comes closer to him and Akhil notices how her body moves and holds her in his arms gently. To her back, he trails a finger down and feels the fabric of her dress on his skin. Running his fingers through her hair, Akhil trailed a finger along her jawline and holds her chin up to him.

He lifts her to the bed of the next secluded room and lights a fire inside. Taking his own time in the bed, Akhil starts to kiss her more passionately now, letting her to realize that, 'she is wanted.' And further to let herself know that "he wanted her right there, right then."

Akhil slowly undoes her sari and blouses like sculpting a statute and like teaching her to break free. Her body shifts right into his arms. Kaviya unbuttons his shirt by taking her own time. Since Akhil never stopped kissing her and he lingered on her lips. Taking her hands in him and letting his fingers entwine, he gently stroked the nape of her neck and finally, kissed her neck gently.

With every moment and every touch in the bed, he admired Kaviya at that moment and felt grateful that she's with him. With every move and every touch, he doesn't leave her eyes or her li

ps, which were so beautiful and attractive.


The next day, Akhil and Kaviya, who are still sleeping with the help of a blanket(to hide their naked body) wake up to find out that, "Early morning have already arrived with the break of dawn."

They get ready for the shooting of a short film and the friends get ready for this procedure. Akhil assigns Ramesh as the editor, Vimal as the Cinematographer, and Adhithya as the photographer. However, before going, he takes his phone to find out that, "The Astrologer has died." Informed by someone.

He has further come to know that, the Astrologer has called him through the phone when they are on the trip to communicate something important to them. But, he doesn't hear about that properly due to the poor climatic conditions.

Some times later, Akhil in an angry state for the astrologer's death asked the guys and Kaviya: "What such great story is Demonte da? Will he kill anyone?"

"I already told you that something would happen right. See same have happened" said Adhithya.

"Actually, who is that Demonte da?" asked a frustrated Vimal. Hearing these things, Ramesh tells: "A Portuguese."

He narrates about Demonte: "John De Monte lived with his wife, Mary, and owned several acres of land in what is now some of the poshest spots in the city, including Moubray’s Garden, Greenways Road, and the Madras Club.

He was a devout Christian and a rich man for most of his lifetime. He was also credited with having constructed the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Kovalam, where he owned a weekend home. But as with every good horror story, this one is short of happy endings. According to corroborated accounts, at some point during their stay here, De Monte’s wife had a mental illness. Additionally, his son, who was brought up in Europe, apparently died at 22 on the eve of leaving for India to join his father. These two misfortunes left De Monte a grieving old man longing for home.

At the end of his life, De Monte entrusted all of his properties to the care of the Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore, and over the years the lands were leased to a number of holders, before leaving. When De Monte returns after five months, he learns that some orderly working in the house has raped his wife, leaving her pregnant. He further requests a doctor to treat his wife within the confines of the house, but the doctor refuses, citing hospital laws. Taking this as a mark of disrespect, De Monte kills the doctor and all his servants over lingering doubts as to who had raped his wife. Angered by this, the locals set fire to the house and a disturbed De Monte shoots barrels filled with gunpowder; the ensuing explosion kills everyone within the house including De Monte. Seemingly, a curse is set on the diamond necklace such that whoever tries to steal it will be killed, and the stolen necklace will return to De Monte's house in any way."

While hearing the story, Akhil plays the recorded call conversation of the astrologer. He has stated in the call, "Akhil. Someone of your friend has stolen the necklace from Demonte Colony. So, be careful. I don't know what could happen now."

At this point in time, Ramesh reveals to them, "I stole the necklace da. I thought that it was precious and planned to wear it." Now, the friends are shocked and Kaviya admonishes him for doing such dastardly acts.

As they are discussing escape from the forest, it's too late. Since eerie things start to happen. Akhil tells, "Adhithya. Somehow we have to escape from here da."

"How is it possible da? Are we all experts or know the concept of Impudence? The forest is so dense."

"Isn't there any other way to escape from here?" asked a tensed Kaviya.

"We have an option. After reaching some distance, there's a waterfall. From there we all could escape to the other side and reach back to Chennai, safer." Adhithya said and he shows the swimming equipment, which he had brought secretly.

"Well done da buddy." A relieved Akhil appreciated him and they all set out to escape from the forest. However, eerie things begin to happen in the forests.

The clouds, which were until then normal, turn to the darker side. While running inside the forest to reach the site of Waterfalls, Akhil realizes the rain droplets. Using his Impudence, he holds Kaviya gaze in his arms and tries his best to escape from there.

While Adhithya, Vimal, and Ramesh are all stuck in the mid of trees. When escaping along with them, the guys witness King Cobra and its egg while crossing the Bamboo Canyon tree.

"Hey. Don't stamp that da. It's King Cobra's egg. Come safer." Akhil and Adhithya said.

However, Ramesh accidentally stamps the egg without his knowledge. Yet he manages to escape along with the guys inside the forest. Kaviya, despite being in the arms of Akhil states: "I am unable to withstand this chase Akhil. Let's take a breath of rest."

"No Kaviya. It's very dangerous." Akhil escapes along with the friends inside the forest. However, a few miles away, they notice a hungry lion, sitting near a Neem tree. To defend themselves, Akhil kills the lion and acts smart.

The friends try to seek help from the police through their phones. But, it gets switched off and there's no power in and around the forest. Everything is dark. Akhil screams out, "Help! Help please." However, nothing is heard outside.

The friends continue to run inside the forest and notice the statue of Lord Shiva to the left side of a Teak Tree. To their luck, Ramesh has brought the diamond necklace with him and Adhithya tells him, "Buddy. God is there to save us when we are in trouble. The same has happened here. Praying our Lord Shiva, return the diamond necklace to him da."

As Ramesh takes his hands to remove the necklace from his neck, he finds it out to be missing. At the same time, Akhil's phone switched on and he finds out a WhatsApp audio from the astrologer, before two days.

He plays the audio. The astrologer said: "Guys. As I told you, some of your friends have stolen the necklace. The only way, through which you can escape is from some of your friend's help, who is an ardent devotee of God. In the aftermath of seeing Lord Shiva, the diamond would automatically return to the same Demonte Colony. Since, besides God, there's nothing that would work out." As told by him, Lord Shiva has helped them.

The friends rejoice and Adhithya asked them, "Buddy. What about these swimming materials?"

"Let's swim da," said Vimal. The guys and Kaviya wears the swimming dress and reaches the waterfalls. However, now the real rainfall downpours severely. As a henceforth, sudden floods come in the Chalakkudy river.

Nevertheless, the friends jumped into the river to swim. They reach the right side of the river, after jumping from the waterfalls, safely. The guys then, enjoy nature, surrounded by the deep forest regions.



Three weeks later, the guys are back in Chennai for their SUV Car. Kaviya and Akhil are now married. The short film which Akhil intended to take in the forest, was successfully completed and it won accolades.

As a henceforth, director R. Ajay Gnanamuthu now calls him and tells, "Hey Akhil. I saw your short film titled, Impudence. It was interesting and unique. You have a long way to go."

As he appreciates him, Akhil expressed his wishes to work as an associate director under him, to which he accepts gladly. He prepares to meet him. While, Vimal and Adhithya come to meet him for an important script(which would be their debut feature film), for which they had worked.

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