Friends to Best Friends.
Friends to Best Friends.

Charu Gupt, an Indian boy was famous for his general knowledge. He use to win all the quiz games wherever it maybe. Although he was average in academics. Charu, was teased in his school has he has his favorite teacher who was a male, yet everyone has their favorite teachers as in opposite gender. Rohan, who used to tease Charu every now and then. Charu, never understands why they tease him just because he like his male teacher? Later, Charu was being bullied by girls in his school. Charu, somehow managed and pass out from his school with good grades and joined a boy's college has he was traumatized by girls. Charu's parents where happy that their boy is in good path away from girls so that he can concentrate on education. Charu's parents weren't aware of what is happening in Charu's life. Charu, was very innocent that he too wasn't aware of what's going on into his own life. As he was going to join boy's college soon, Charu's parents forced Charu to join Karate class for his self-defense training as he was very weak. Charu's Karate Sir, changed the whole structure of Charu in 4 months. Charu, was looking tough, charming and handsome. After one month, the day arrived to join the college, as soon as Charu entered, he was looked up by few seniors. All the surrounding people where stunned to see him.
After few weeks to college, few boys started following Charu, in the whole campus. He was stare by many boys in the canteen. Charu was unaware of the gay relation. He use to feel awkward. One day in the lobby from the group of people passing by touched him on his hand, yet felt and turned back ...but was unaware of person. This made Charu intolerable, he went to his best friend Priyank Shetty (the longest guy in the whole campus and a great footballer of the college) and narrated the whole story
. Priyank got what Charu was going through...he explained him about the forbidden love. He explained him that the judgement is yet to come, its a need of today's society. Charu got some idea and he thought for a while, he smiled to Priyank. Priyank was aware that Charu is now going to approach his favorite teacher, whom he liked a lot. Priyank, stopped him, Are you crazy? Are you sure you are doing right and feeling right? First have a good thought, Charu.
Charu realized what he is feeling and was unaware of. Priyank, informed Charu to wait before he express his feelings to Mr Jaha (Charu's favorite teacher who has recently joined college). After one year of waiting finally the date came, when lgbtq community got it's right. Everyone in college was waiting for Charu, to talk to him regarding their feelings towards him. As soon as Charu entered the college, many boys asked him for a relationship...Charu denied all, has he was awaiting for someone else. Charu, with full determination moved his steps towards staff room, as soon as he asked permission to enter he saw Mr Jaha, was distributing sweets for his engagement. Charu, hold his emotions and ran away. Priyank who cared for Charu, supported him, "Charu, its alright... you know many were waiting for you to accept there proposal but your love was someone else, its alright you will get your true love one day." It's not right Priyank, everyone got the chance to express but I never got. Priyank, "Charu! there are so many people who love you, but you know due to my height everyone forbidden me from their love. Charu, who always got support from Priyank in all his blue times realized this is true love, Charu, in next moment proposed Priyank to be his best friend instead of friend. Priyank, laughed loudly and hugged Charu for his support.