Christo: The Painter
Christo: The Painter

Chapter 01: Christo
A long time ago, a child named Christo was born in a middle-class family in England. As he grew he had an intrinsic behavior of stating a story to his family about his previous life. His family always neglected him. Although he stood for it started depicting his feelings in terms of painting. As he grew older he became good at painting. He started publishing his works at various art galleries. Slowly, and steadily he became one of the best in his city. As time passed his painting got offers for bids from various art shows. He was a renowned painter in his country after years of struggle. Once, he got a call from a country named India, in order to exhibit his paintings in a workshop. He was so excited about it.
Chapter 02: Destiny of previous Life
Christo was all set to go to India. The workshop was set up at Jaipur near its city palace. Christo was very fond of India’s historical places and their beauty. After the workshop, he visited the palaces and decided to draw a painting based on them. The painting which he drew felt very weird to Ms. Indira Sawant [she is the owner of Art in Palace Company Ltd. where Mr. Christo conducted the workshop]. She said to Christo, “Sir, can you please explain to me about the lady in your painting who is standing in front of the palace.” Christo, “Yes, she is the lady who comes to my dream daily, so I just thought to depict her love for this place.” Ms. Indira, “Sir, how do you know about this lady? And why does she come to your dream daily? Have you ever met her?” Christo, “Haha! I have never met her…but I feel some connection with her as she comes to my dream daily. I feel like she has some relation with me in my previous life.” Ms. Indira, “Absolutely, unbelievable Sir, as she is one of the finest dancers of our state. She dances every weekend at the palace for the Sound & light show. Would you like to join us, Sir?” Christo, “I can’t believe that the person who is in my painting is alive. Ma’am, there is no doubt that I won't be attending her show. Kindly take me there as soon as possible.”
Chapter 03: Sound and Light show
Christo was so excited to see the dance of Priya (Priya is one of the finest dancers in the state of Rajasthan and she is the lady who comes into the dream of Mr. Christo.) As soon as she arrived Christo was shocked to see her. He stood up and ran onto the stage suddenly. Priya, who was dancing, perceived Christo coming near to the stage. As soon as Priya saw her she fainted.
Chapter 04: Hospital
(Ms. Indira standing near Priya's bed. Christo asks the doctor about Priya’s health)
Doctor: The patient has suffered sudden shock due to which she collapsed.
Indira: Definitely, it was going to happen sooner or later.
Christo: Is that she remembers me, that’s the reason she fainted, Ms. Indira can you please tell me about it?
Indira: I doubt you are right, Mr. Christo.
Doctor: Is that you both met after a long period of time?
Christo: Yes, Doctor… the last we met was in our previous life yet, in this life this was the first time.
Doctor: Haha, what a crazy man you are. Ms. Indira, can you please explain to me… what Mr. Christo wanted to state?
Indira: Doctor, he is right.
Doctor: It is unbelievable!
Christo: I don’t know whether you trust me or not… but I want to meet Miss Priya as soon as possible.
Doctor: Okay! We will inform you when she comes to consciousness. But remember don’t give her a tremendous shock otherwise it may damage her brain.
Christo: Yes.
Chapter 05: Priya in consciousness
Priya: Hello Ms. Indira, thank you for my treatment.
Indira: No problem, dear. But I am here to introduce you to someone.
Priya: Please No, Ms. Indira. I don’t want to see that man again. He misshapen my childhood. Why did he didn’t arrived earlier? Now, why suddenly he think to see me. When I needed him the most he was not there. Due to this, my family members thought I have some psychological problem from seeing a man in my dream daily. They left me in my childhood… today I am here because of myself and not for someone’s support.
Indira: Priya, even though he has the same difficulties as you, please try to understand it dear.<
Priya: Uff! Ok, Ms. Indira, because it's you … I am ready to see him.
Christo: Hey! How are you now?
Priya: I am good, please directly come to the point.
Christo: (Showing his paintings to her)
Priya: (Tears in her eyes).
Indira: Can you guys explain to me what's going on? I am still confused.
Christo & Priya : (Laughing together…)
Chapter 06: Story of Previous life
About 2000 years ago, a king named Alingo was ruling a part of Indiana. Also, was very upset as her daughter Deviyana (also known as today’s Priya) was very fond of dancing and she wanted an art gallery of her own paintings in the palace due to which she argued with her Dad Alingo to marry her with the best painters of the world. Yet, Alingo wanted a warrior son-in-law, not a painter. But who knew that King Alingo would have to request my Dad, who is King of Azeki, to tie a knot at the wedding with me (Akzar also known as today’s Christo) as I was a great warrior but not a good painter. This news went to Deviyana that her Dad had found the best painter for her.
Deviyana was unknown about the truth. Soon we tied the knot of the wedding with each other. We were fond of each other's personalities which increased our affection, love & caring nature for each other. But one day, the truth was revealed when Queen Deviyana told me to paint her beauty. I was confused, I tried to draw her a painting although it was not that perfect she loved it. She neglected faults and accepted me as her lover. But one day a painter named Azio, the king of Alakada came in for the purpose of visiting king Alingo for the expansion of trade. During this visit, Azio fell in love with Queen Deviyana. Azio was a great warrior and also a renowned painter… a perfect king. He knew that Queen Deviyana can be easily taken into control by paintings.
He drew a painting of her and gave her a welcoming gift. As thought, Queen Deviyana was impressed by King Azio. Although she knew that King Azio wanted to impress her, she was so confident about my skills that she announced a challenge just to make fun of King Azio in order to show him his status. But who knew that king Azio was already prepared for it as if he thought to come for the visit to kill me. As the fighting started we both were good, but I lacked behind and this chance was taken up by king Azio… he wounded me very badly. He cut off one of my arms and both of my legs… I was extremely half dead. King Azio made one of his secret warriors kill king Alingo with an arrow of poison.
I was stunned and was looking at Queen Deviyana… King Azio forced her towards himself and married her forcefully. The distress was not handled by me and I took my last breath.
(Priya: Yes, Ms. Indira after his death I fired myself in the flame of a wedding which was set up by King Azio.
Indira: Oh! dear.)
Chapter 07: Twist in Present life
Suddenly, a gun shoots Mr. Christo… Christo fell towards Priya… Indira turns and sees the Doctor in anger with his gun. Priya shouts at Indira to run and call the police as this Doctor is the only King Azio of his previous life.
Doctor: Haha! No one will move from its place and Priya… if you can’t be mine then you too can’t be alive.
Priya: Azio, please stop. When you treated me as a doctor…that time only I realized that it's you … as I still can see the mark in your hand instead of you hiding it all the time.
Christo: Which Mark? (By pressing his shoulder to stop the blood flow).
Doctor: Shh! Keep quiet otherwise, I will shoot you directly in the heart.
Priya: Akzar, when you died your Sister (Aliwati) took the sword and inserted the sword into his wrist of Azio.
(In a meanwhile Indira stabbed the knife on the back of the Doctor and told him “whether it be that life or this life you can’t kill my brother Akzar & my sister-in-law Deviyana).
Indira: Yes, Azio, Akzar and Deviyana … it's me Aliwati… who prayed and followed all the rituals to get the four of us together again in this life and to complete the cycle of life. As your wishes were undone in the previous life. Yes, it was me who kept the connection with you all for so long as Akzar was out of reach but as soon as I found Akzar… I made this plan to bring you all together and just complete the rivalry. I hope Azio gets the punishment in this era of justice. Akzar & Deviyana all the best for your life.
(meanwhile, due to the gunshot noise the police reached on time and arrested Doctor for his action of shooting Mr. Christo in order to attempt murder.)