First Enemy
First Enemy

Dear diary,
The reason we are together, talking, and sharing is because of this lockdown which is due to corona virus. This virus has entered the battle ground and is now attacking the entire world. This time humans have a fight with a virus, this enemy is in spite of being microorganism, is now heading towards the starting of end of humanity. This must be the first war since the world created in which there is ‘Humans verses Virus’. This must be the first war in which if the humanity units then only it can be defeated. Our enemy has a power to hide behind the curtains of the environment and surrounding, it has the power of invisibility and has a huge army. We even don’t have any weapons to fight against it which can result in the destruction of our enemy. We can cure from it but we cannot get rid of it.
Whatever, it seems that God only has sent this rubbish for the destruction of humanity because if humanity grows, there will be the destruction of nature, animals, birds and all the other living things with whom we share our Earth. Its actually, they are sharing with us rather than we; because if we were sharing then there, obviously, would not be destruction and deprivation of any living things and even God didn’t become enraged. If we get tired by just the lockdown of some weeks, then think of those anim
als and birds whom we lock up in the cages for lifetime. God, himself, has changed the whole situation, making it contradictory, in which we, being humans, are locked up in our cages like animals and they are walking and enjoying their freedom since they are free from the danger of virus. By this, God must be sending us the warning, if we want humanity then we have to preserve Mother Nature and other living things. This virus is seen to be taking the side of the other living things which seems like only they have sent this thing to warn us as the enemy kingdom warns at the starting of war to quit and accept their defeat.
Humans should strictly follow the rules of nature now onwards otherwise that day is not far when we, from our own eyes, will see the destruction of humanity. After the destruction of humanity, this thing happens that the other species who will become literate will find this in their books or whatever another information source: ‘Dinosaurs ended with the falling of asteroid and there were humans also (which were not very unlike to dinosaurs with the perspective of their mind) who become extinct due to a biological disaster.’
This is the only prediction, we can stop this as it still remains time to. But nowadays, let us focus on our present enemy. We have a small weapon to stop this which is ‘TO STAY HOME’.