Happiest Day
Happiest Day

Dear diary,
In the life of a man, mainly three stages come childhood, adulthood and old age. In each stages, he experiences one happiest day and one saddest day and being still in childhood, I have got my both days in my files of memory. And today I want to share only that happiest day because happiness has its significance in all mankind over the sadness. And I think this is worth sharing over that worst day as that worst day from the whole childhood will be obviously horrible for a person.
That happiest day went only four-five months ago and, though I am in the last stages of childhood, I think that this kind of happiness will never come to me in my remaining childhood days. That happiest day was when I decided, from all the void of confusions, from all the opinio
ns, from all the perspectives, I decided where I want to go in coming future, in which field I will go and can become the master, in which field I am worth enough to go and explore deeply in that one cave, choosing which there will be no obstructions in my hobbies and I will worth enough to hold a household. I become precise and accurate as I can see the way on which I am going to step on. I can see the persons who have already stepped in this way and successfully came out and leading a healthy life.
That was my happiest day ever in my childhood. I enjoyed, although could not celebrated, that day. And it will be obvious that this day will not be forgotten in the future because on that day, I have selected seeds, which one to grow, of my whole life.