Eternal Journey (Part 3)
Eternal Journey (Part 3)
After a few days, Sharat realized that it is important for him to intervene in the rivalry between Nitin and Ashwin before the situation goes out of control. Out of the two,
he found that it is easy to work with Nitin than Ashwin. One day Sharat called Nitin to his office and gave him a letter.
Dear Nitin,
Soft Speech
Pure Heart
Peaceful Eyes
Strengthful Hands
Focussed Mind and
A determined Decision always makes you a winner in Life.
I want you to do these things so that your dream of being my best student gets fulfilled.
1. As soon as you get on the bus, with both the conductor and the driver good morning.
2. Once you get on the bus, sit in your allotted place – you are allowed to talk on the bus but only in English.
3. Whatever you speak should make sense and be no-nonsense.
4.Do not break the discipline rules. If you’ve to go in a line then you need to. You should not come out of the class without any reason.
5. While sitting in the class, both your legs should be on the floor.
6. No chewing gum in your mouth at any point in time on the school campus.
7. You need to respect all the teachers in the school wholeheartedly.
<p>8. All your work should be up to date.
9. No cheating during exams.
10. Not to use slang. Exert control over your emotions.
11. Not to carry soft drinks etc., to the school.
12. While in the classroom, you should not be seen playing with the ball.
13. When going back from school, board the bus in time and do not get down till your stop comes. While getting down at your stop say Thank You to both the driver and Conductor.
14. Should not talk with anyone and disturb the class while the class is on.
Lastly and most importantly I’ll trust my own eyes. If I get the confidence that you are able to follow these rules then I would be the happiest person. All the best!
“Affection is easy to obtain. But once gained it is difficult to maintain. And once lost it can ever be regained. So don’t lose the one who is affectionate to you.”
He was asked to read the letter then and there. Nitin read the letter and assured him that he would start implementing those small tips which might help him become a
better student.
Has Nitin taken the contents of the letter seriously?
Has Sharat noticed any behavioral change in Nitin?
The story continues ......