

2 mins

“If you want to increase your success rate double your failure rate.”

                                                                                               -Thomas Watson (IBM Founder)

I wish to share an achievement in my life which made me laugh through tears and taught me not to give up until you succeed. I had qualified in the UGC-NET in December 2012 in my ninth attempt. Qualifying in this test is an eligibility criterion to work as a Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Colleges and Universities. Each time I failed, my determination became stronger and a question came in my mind – why can’t I? Here is the success story…………….

I was determined to qualify in the UGC-NET since the time I had completed my Psychology Masters in 2005. My first attempt was in June 2006. I could not qualify and this did not disappoint me and my efforts continued. I appeared for

the same in December 2006, June 2007, December 2007 and June 2008. Even after five attempts, I could not qualify. I knew very well that my problem is with Paper-III which was subjective and for 200 Marks. Until and unless a student has command over all the major concepts in the subject, it is not possible to qualify in Paper-III. That’s when I decided to appear for the test only when I am sure about my preparation.

My next attempt has been in June 2011. In the meanwhile, I was able to gather enough study material as per the syllabus prescribed by the UGC. Again I experienced the same problem when it came to Paper-III. I used to pray to God and often question why can’t this paper be made into an objective one. To my surprise, there was a notification from UGC stating that Paper-III would be in objective mode from December 2011 onwards. My happiness knew no bounds and that’s when I felt confident that now I can definitely clear this test. I failed yet again in my attempts in December 2011 and June 2012 but finally in December 2012 in my ninth attempt I qualified with 64.57% with the cut off being 64%.

Every time I sat for the test I used to come back with rich experience about the type of questions being asked which were stimulating to my brain and thus conditioned myself not to feel defeated in the pursuit of endeavors. 

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