"Deep Space" [Space (Day 2)]
"Deep Space" [Space (Day 2)]

"How would you describe a word like space?" asked the slender woman standing on the wooden stage covered with red velvet curtains and decorations, as she saw the lights brimming over all the young people sitting on the seats that seem to have no end after they began from the first row. There was silence for a few minutes before the lady spoke again. "I am waiting! I will ask some students randomly so you all better be ready with your creative answers."
The lady waited for a few seconds and pointed towards a short, plump girl with dusty brown pigtails, and continued, "The one with cute ponytails. Yes, you." The girl fumbled for a couple of fractions, blushed and stood up, taking the mic that was passed to her by the helpers standing on every second block.
"Good evening, Ms. Wales. I am Eve from grade nine. Umm, I would define the word space as something I can occupy. Uh like say the stage you are standing on. There is a lot of SPACE up there for me." Eve explained as she smiled up at the judge like she had won something great.
The judge gave her a little smile and continued with her session, "Okay.... so something that you can occupy. Fine..... Next is you- the guy with black, dazzling spectacles." she pointed towards a thin, handsome boy who wore gigantic, black spectacles.
"I am Jonah. I would describe space as something that no one has occupied and neither is supposed to be occupied. An area much needed for survival. Like there is space between the seats. If I remove the spaces, the seats would feel suffocating." He said and the chain continued.
"I am Aron. As a developing scientist, I would like to describe space as something that starts where the orbit of the Earth
ends. somethings that is made up of galaxies and planets, something that has no ends for researching."
"I am Nina, I would describe space as something I have always wanted mentally. Like, don't disturb me cause I really need some space to breathe."
"I am Jessica. I would describe space as privacy, like yes, please give me some space to live my own life and don't ever dare to come into my space where I would be totally uncomfortable."
After so many answers, Ms. Wales finally showed up a hand indicating everyone to stop as she exclaimed, "Look at everyone of you! So many answers I would be opening a questionnaire on Instagram and close the session right away." everyone started laughing.
As there was enough silence for the mindfulness of a human mind, Ms. Wales continued, "Perspective." She asserted. There was so much silence, it felt as though everyone had actually travelled into the orbit of space.
"It's all a matter of perspective. Some described space as something you occupy or don't want to fill in. The other students said it would be the space that physics describes and some described space as something needed mentally for survival. It's the same with problems, obstacles, difficult situations and life. It all depends on the way we look at certain things and you can never blame someone for not understanding your words, situation or mindset. Everyone has a different mindset and approach towards different things."
There was a sense of shock, surprise and realization on everyone's face. And suddenly everyone started clapping. Ms. Wales chuckled and came closer to her mic. "It only got us thinking into one place," she stated with sarcasm.
"Deep space."