Willem Van Herk

Action Fantasy


Willem Van Herk

Action Fantasy

Colourland 3: Colourclever

Colourland 3: Colourclever

59 mins

This is the Colourclever and Admin section of the Colour King series.

Chapter 7

Colour King's Opinions

Colour King met with Colourclever, Colour Queen and Colour Dictator.

" Now, we have to make some more laws " said Colour King. " We have ordered Crayon and his friends to not support Challenger anymore "

" Crayon needs my opinion, not Challenger's "

" Your opinion is a great opinion " said Colourclever.

" It is " said Colour Dictator.

" Challenger has not respected Colour King's opinion " said Colour Administrator. " I will take action "

" Good " said Colour Queen. " Crayon and his friends cannot support an opinion that is not helpful to Colourland "

" My opinion is the law of the land now " said Colour King. " We will not arrest Challenger but we will force people to not support his opinion and we do not want Crayon and his friends being around him "

" True, Crayon cannot be around him " said Colourclever. " Crayon must know by now that Challenger does not respect what is good for Colourland "

" Crayon must make the right decision " said Colour Queen. " Colour King's opinion must be agreed with at all times "

" By preventing other opinions, Colour King is showing what a strong king he is " said Colour Dictator. " Colourland does not need opinions that are not opinions of Colour King "

 Colour King sent the new law to the news, who then aired it.

Crayon and his friends heard the news.

" We cannot be around Challenger anymore ? " asked Colouruke.

" Man that Colour King guy is something else " said Artby.

" Challenger doesn't respect Colourland ?" asked Colourea.

" By that, Colour King means his opinion " said Crayon. " With a guy like him, only his opinion is Colourlandish "

" This is really bad, bakers would never support this " said Artby. " Bread can help people to not be a tyrant, I have refrained thanks to bakers "

" Bakers ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes " said Artby. " Bread allows us to not be a tyrant easier "

" How many times do you see a tyrant in a bakery ? " asked Artby. " It never happens "

" I suppose " said Crayon.

" Bakers have made people not be assholes who would be otherwise, I have loved their baking " said Artby. " Bread stops a man from being an asshole "

" Bread stops that ? " asked Colourea. " Well, that is something "

" Bread stops people from being assholes, do you ever see someone being one in a bakery ? " asked Artby. " It never happens, baking prevents it "

" Baking prevents people being assholes ? " asked Colouruke. " That is something, I am glad that you enjoy the baking "

" Thanks " said Artby. " Baking has done so much "

After all of that, they decided to go train their abilities and they met up with Warbler and Allie.

" Hello " said Warbler and Allie.

" Glad to see both of you, let's train " they said.

Challenger then came there as well and he joined them.

" I have some bad news " said Challenger. " Colour King has attempted to split us apart and he wants you six to not be around me "

" Colour King is very extreme " said Colouruke.

" He sure is " said Allie.

" Let's train " said Warbler.

Challenger then used the Thunderstorm Implosion, Crayon and Warbler used their Sky Implosions, Colourea used the Sun Implosion, Colouruke used the Ocean Implosion, Artby used the Light Implosion and Allie used the Wind Implosion.

" Glad to see I can use the Ocean Implosion now " said Colouruke.

" For sure " said Crayon.

" We are getting stronger " said Challenger.

Challenger used the Ultimate Thunderstorm Blast, Crayon and Colourea used their Ultimate Sun Blasts, Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Blast, Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Blast, Artby used the Ultimate Light Blast and Allie used the Ultimate Wind Blast.

" Awesome " said Warbler.

" It is great " said Allie.

" Now let's use our bomb techniques " said Challenger.

Challenger used the Ultimate Thunderstorm Bomb, Crayon and Warbler used their Ultimate Sky Bombs, Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Bomb, Artby used the Ultimate Light Bomb, Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Bomb and Allie used the Ultimate Wind Bomb.

" Brilliant " said Colouruke.

" The bakers have done so much for us, I train for bakers " said Artby. " In the same way I train for bakers, bakers train for me with their baking "

" Train for me ? " asked Allie.

" Bakers have trained the flour to help us out " said Artby.

" Flour has been trained by bakers, bakers train the ingredients to make the bread better and to make us more heroic "

" Ingredients trained by a baker ? " asked Colouruke.

" It seems that way " said Crayon. " We should train our strike techniques "

Challenger used the Tenfold Thunderstorm Strike, Crayon and Colourea used their Tenfold Sun Strikes, Warbler used the Tenfold Sky Strike, Colouruke used the Tenfold Ocean Strike, Artby used the Times Seven Light Strike and Allie used the Times Seven Wind Strike.

They finished their training.

" I love bakers " said Artby. " Bakers must stay loved, ingredients have done so much for me "

" Ingredients ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes " said Artby. " The ingredients make us better fighters "

" Colouruke, have you noticed this ? "

" Well, I know we are getting a lot stronger, I'm not sure about ingredients though " said Colouruke.

" Glad to see Colouruke use the ocean techniques now " said Crayon.

" Same here " said Colourea.

" That was some great training " said Challenger.

" It was " said Allie. " Warbler has shown himself to get so strong "

" Thanks, Allie " said Warbler.

" We should head to the bakery " said Artby.

They arrived at the bakery where Artby thanked the bakers.

" The ingredients have done so much for me " said Artby.

" Glad to see " said a baker a little confused.

" The way you bake, I love " said Artby. " I love it "

" Uh, thanks " said the baker.

" Customers love seeing it, customers respect baking and the bakers who bake " said Artby.

They got their bread and left.

Meanwhile Colour King had some new laws to create.

" We are now going to ban the viewing of all videos that support Challenger " said Colour King. " We have banned saying " Colourland is not a good place to live " as well. " We are going to extend the lack of sex for Numerian prisoners to two years "

" We believe that this will make Numerians better people and not commit crimes "

" We have also banned videos that support protests in Colourland as well, videos that do not agree with my opinion "

" People cannot view these videos here "

" We have also banned these videos on all social media here in Colourland, my opinion is too Colourlandish and important for it to be disagreed with, disrespected or mocked "

" We have also banned mocking of the opinion of Colour King publicly as well "

" We are going to ban all comedy shows that mock Colour King, mock Colourland or Colourlandish people as well "

" Now, those are the new great laws for the country "

Colour King sent the laws to the news which aired it.

Colour King was talking with Colour Administrator.

" You are to approach Crayon and his friends " said Colour King.

" I will " said Colour Administrator. " Challenger's opinion is not as Colourlandish as your opinion "

" His opinion is not good for here, he says that Numerians will find this racist " said Colour King.

" That is something that puzzles me " said Colour Administrator. " Why does he not believe in Colourland or the possibility of Numerians committing less crimes because of the laws ? "

" He does not believe in the best way to do things " said Colour King. " We need Crayon and his friends supporting my opinion, my opinion is always needed everywhere "

" Crayon must understand your opinion, I will make him understand it " said Colour Administrator.

" Good, my opinion is one that is always needed and an opinion that is well loved in Colourland " said Colour King.

Colour Administrator left and he started to search for Crayon and his friends.

Meanwhile Brett, the father of the Smithsons was talking to Maxclever and Willemease again.

" We have been training hard " said Maxclever.

" It is what we need " said Willemease.

" Great " said Brett. " It looks like Flora and Jessica have woken up "

" Where is this ? " asked Flora.

" We are on a distant island " said Brett.

" So what happened to Blackin ? " asked Jessica.

" It is not looking good " said Brett. " We may have to continue the organization without him or Blackina " 

" Whites will be very upset " said Flora.

" Yes, he will " said Brett. " We cannot do anything about it "

" Hopefully Flora and Jessica can start their training as well "

QuackQ were talking about the new laws, which they were very happy about.

" This is great " said Jack.

" Mocking Colourland is never acceptable " said Bryant.

" When you mock Colourland or the opinion of Colour King, you are simply not truly Colourlandish " said Amanda.

" True " said Jack.

" Colour King's laws will make Numerians better people while Challenger just assumes that Numerians will find the laws racist " said Bryant.

" Numerians cannot play the race card like that, guys like Challenger sadly encourage it " said Amanda.

" Crayon must shun him " said Jack. " When Crayon shuns him it will help "

" Crayon does not need Challenger in his life " said Bryant. " Challenger has not been a good influence "l

" Numerians have been poorly influenced by drugs and Crayon has been poorly influenced by Challenger " said Amanda.

" That is where Colour King has stepped in to save Crayon and Numerians " said Jack. " Colour King is a good man "

" He is " said Bryant. " We have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned "

Crayon and his friends headed to their place while Warbler and Allie went to theirs.

 " I love you " said Warbler.

" Me too " said Allie.

Warbler and Allie continued kissing and then they headed to the bedroom where sex ended up happening.

While that was happening, Crayon and his friends then ate their supper which they enjoyed.

" This is great " said Colouruke.

" It sure is " said Crayon.

They then noticed an email from Grackle and Dove.

" Hello Crayon and friends,

We miss you a lot, I hope that you are all enjoying yourselves in Colourland.

We are doing fine in Bird's Isle right now, with the king gone the country has changed.

The warriors have taken over and it is very good now, it seems that King Bobby had brought the worst in them. Lots of people seem to be in good condition, it is great. Maybe we will see each other someday.


Grackle and Dove.

" Glad to see that things are good " said Colouruke.

" Me too " said Artby.

Crayon replied back to the email with this.

Hello Grackle and Dove, 

Thank you for sending us this. It is great to see, I had a feeling that the warriors would be different without King Bobby and his advisors. We miss seeing you as well and hopefully we will meet again.

Thank you,


Time passed and they went to bed. During the morning Colour King decided to make some more laws.

" We have declared a search for Crayon and his friends " said Colour King. " We cannot have them around Challenger anymore "

" We have also banned all comments on video sites that are critical of Colour King or Colourland "

" Individuals will not to make those comments here in Colourland, we have also shut down the viewing all blogs critical of Colour King or the country here in Colourland "

" Comments on social media that are critical of Colour King cannot be viewed here and accounts that are created in the country cannot make comments critical of Colour King "

" We have also banned all music videos of bands that have criticized Colour King or Colourland, we are going to do that to any band who chooses to do so "

" I am censoring for Colourland, Colourland needs this Colourlandish censorship "

" Colourlandish people do not need this in their lives, I am just being Colourlandish "

Colour King sent this to the news and they aired it.

Crayon and his friends were talking about the decisions made by Colour King.

" Man, he won't let any criticism of him anywhere " said Crayon.

" Bakers will lose it if he censors any baker " said Artby. " When a baker is not free, it affects the baking "

" How so ? " asked Colouruke.

" When a baker is not free, they cannot truly bake " said Artby. " They cannot control the flour in the way that is needed "

" Control the flour ? " asked Colourea.

" Having true control of flour is what is needed to bake " said Artby. " Flour does wonders for us everywhere we go "

" Colour King is turning into a tyrant sadly "

" I hate to say it, but that is the reality " said Crayon.

" Now, they even want to stop us from even being around Challenger " said Colourea.

" We have to figure some shit out " said Colouruke.

" For sure " said Artby. " Bakers deserve true greatness, they should never have to be around any tyrant "

They made breakfast which they ate and enjoyed.

Warbler received a call.

" Hello " said Warbler.

" This is Jack " said Jack. " We haven't really kept in touch for a while "

" Colour King is making this country so much better "

" Much better ? " asked Warbler. " He has banned so many things, I am not sure about how people will cope "

" Warbler, you must think about Colourland and not that Challenger guy " said Jack. " You know that you are not allowed around a jerk like him, right "

" A jerk ? " asked Warbler.

" Challenger has turned into a jerk, he has not believed in Numerians becoming drug free like Colourlandish people " said Jack. " Drug dealers have used their meth to control Numerians and make them menaces to society "

" Meth ? " asked Warbler.

" Warbler, I know that you are not a bad person so that you do not deal drugs but meth can make people commit lots of crimes " said Jack. " I know that Allie does not take them either but these drugs are being used to harm Numerians "

" Look, I know that we were very critical against Numerians before but we learned the truth and that drugs were making them like this "

" Never seen any drug force people to commit crimes " said Warbler.

" QuackQ knows a lot about drugs, Colour King has learned the truth unlike that Challenger " said Jack.

" Challenger just thinks that people will play the race card, the race card is a very dangerous thing "

" Very dangerous ? " asked Warbler.

" Warbler, make sure to not play the race card " said Jack. " It is not good for Colourland, see you later "

Warbler then started talking to Allie.

" Allie, Jack called me " said Warbler.

" What he say ? " asked Allie.

" He talked about the race card and the drugs that making Numerians commit crimes " said Warbler.

" Drugs are doing that ? " asked Allie confused.

" Apparently they are " said Warbler.

" They want us away from Challenger as well "

" I don't know what we are going to do " said Allie. 

" We will have to figure something out " said Warbler.

Warbler and Allie ate their breakfast and Warbler then decided to go outside to train.

 Chapter 8

Colour Administrator

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby and Warbler met up outside.

" Jack called me " said Warbler.

" What did he want ? " asked Colouruke.

" He said that drug dealers have caused Numerians to commit crimes " said Warbler.

" Drugs ? " asked Colourea. " Never heard of any drugs that do that "

" It seems odd the sudden change about Numerians, they used to oppose them so much " said Crayon. " Maybe Colour King convinced them to change "

" Well, we should train " said Artby.

Crayon and Warblerused the Sky Implosion, Colourea used the Sun Implosion, Colouruke used the Ocean Implosion and Artby used the Light Implosion. The attacks hit with intense power.

" Amazing " said Colourea.

" Damn straight " said Crayon.

Crayon and Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Bomb, Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Bomb, Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Bomb and Artby used the Ultimate Light Bomb. The attacks hit with intense power.

" This is for bakers and the baking " said Artby. " Baking must always be remembered "

Crayon and Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Blast, Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Blast, Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Blast and Artby used the Ultimate Light Blast. The attacks hit with intense power.

" Glad to see us hit with such power " said Warbler.

" Bakers have kept us heroic " said Artby. " Heroism has kicked in, and it's not going anywhere "

Crayon and Warbler used the Tenfold Sky Strike, Colourea used the Tenfold Sun Strike, Artby used the Times Seven Light Strike and Colouruke used the Tenfold Ocean Strike for the first time. The attacks hit with intense power.

" Glad to see you use it, Colouruke " said Artby.

" Thanks " said Colouruke.

" We have gotten stronger " said Colourea.

" We need it, Colour Administrator or Colourclever will be a lot stronger so we must be ready " said Crayon.

Meanwhile with Brett, Willemease, Maxclever, Flora and Jessica they saw Alice wake up.

" Alice " said Jessica.

" I am back " said Alice. " This place is very different "

" It is " said Brett. " I am the father of the Smithson family "

" They will return " said Alice.

" They will return with a vengeance " said Maxclever.

" Yes " said Willemease. " The Bear will be back the way it used to be "

" I would love that " said Flora. " I loved the organization so much "

" The Bear will be different but still great " said Brett.

" Now, we should get to training again "

They then continued to train their techniques.

On their way Crayon and his friends ran into QuackQ.

" It has been a long time " said Bryant.

" It has " said Amanda.

" So, I hope that you did not see Challenger " said Jack.

" He was not here " said Colouruke.

" Good " said Bryant. " You are better off without him to be honest "

" Colour King does not like the opinion he has and that he has demanded that he is respected " said Amanda.

" Respected ?" asked Crayon.

" Colour King has had enough of Challenger, you must know this " said Jack. " You all are getting very strong without him anyway "

" Challenger does not believe in Numerians changing " said Bryant.

" He doesn't think the laws will do that " said Colourea.

" This is why you cannot be around him, he just believes that the race card will be used " said Amanda. " The race card is a very serious thing "

" Numerians cannot play the race card if they are serious about being better people " said Jack.

" Better people ? " asked Colouruke.

" Drug dealers are controlling Numerians with drugs " said Bryant.

" Drugs ? " asked Crayon.

" The drugs are making Numerians commit crimes " said Amanda. " You must warn Numerians about this if you see a Numerian "

" Warn Numerians ? " asked Colourea. " I remember you three being happy I was with Crayon instead of a Numerian "

" We have learned the truth, drugs were responsible " said Jack.

" I wouldn't be surprised if these drug dealers are using Challenger for some purpose " said Bryant.

" Challenger doesn't get involved with drug dealers " said Artby.

" Artby, we must be careful " said Amanda. " Drug dealers are very dangerous and they want to use Numerians to have them be criminals "

" They want more criminals so they can have more people like them "

" I have never heard of anything like that " said Crayon.

" Well, you five must be careful " said Jack. " We have to get going so see you later "

QuackQ left, Crayon and his friends continued to talk.

" Drug dealers are making Numerians commit crimes " said Artby. " Well, that is something "

" I have no idea what they are planning " said Colouruke.

" Who knows with QuackQ sometimes " said Colourea.

" Well, we should just keep training " said Crayon. " We shouldn't be outside with Challenger for the time being "

" Sounds like a plan " said Warbler.

" We should head to the bakery " said Artby. " Great baking should not be put on hold "

They headed to the bakery, where Artby began to talk.

" Thanks for making us heroic " said Artby.

" Heroic ? " asked a baker.

" The flour has made us braver " said Artby. " It is good to be brave "

" Brave ? " asked a baker.

" Your baking does so much, I will never be tired of it for the rest of my life "

" Thanks " said the baker.

They got their bread, Artby thanked all the bakers and they left.

They then headed back to their place.

Meanwhile Colour Administrator was looking for Crayon and his friends and he approached a man.

" Have you seen Crayon ? " asked Colour Administrator.

" No " said the man.

" Well, we need him and his friends right now so keep an eye out for them " said Colour Administrator. 

He then kept looking around but was unable to find them.

Colour King, Colour Queen, Colourclever and Colour Dictator were talking.

" Colour Administrator will set them straight " said Colour Dictator.

" These laws are helping " said Colourclever.

" Challenger is simply not good for Colourland, Crayon cannot support him for the good of the country " said Colour King.

" Challenger is terrible " said Colour Queen. " Why anyone would support him is something else "

" Colour King loves Colourland, Challenger hates it " said Colour Dictator. " Crayon is a strong fighter but he must make the right decision "

" If his friends are opposing Colour King, then he must find different people to hang out with " said Colourclever.

" My opinion is the only right opinion, everyone must have it " said Colour King. " All of you support how right I am which is what Colourland needs "

" My opinion has done more for Colourland than any opinion Challenger ever had "

" Challenger's opinions have not helped the country " said Colour Queen.

" Numerians must be free of the drug dealers that Challenger is refusing to do anything about " said Colour Dictator. " Challenger assumes that Numerians will just claim our laws are racist which is why I cannot stand him "

" He is a complete ass " said Colourclever. " He has been an ass to Colourland, Colourlandish people are calling him a jackass because of it "

" These drug dealers must be stopped " said Colour King. " I have now decided to execute all drug dealers who deal meth which is what we need " 

 " Good " said Colour Queen.

" People must know how right I am and how wrong Challenger is " said Colour King.

Crayon and his friends later then ate their supper which they enjoyed. Crayon kissed Colourea and they went to bed.

Crayon and his friends got up and ate their breakfast. They met up with Warbler outside and they were seen by Colour Administrator.

" You five " said Colour Administrator.

" We must talk right now "

" What do you want ? " asked Crayon.

" It is time to support Colour King, he is right where Challenger is wrong " said Colour Administrator.

" We cannot have you support his opinion, we need you supporting Colour King's opinion "

" So we can only support him ? " asked Artby.

" Yes " said Colour Administrator. " You can disagree but be quiet about it and not support Challenger anymore "

" So different opinions are not allowed ? " asked Colouruke.

" We want people to support Colour King, I have said that if people want to disagree quietly it is fine " said Colour Administrator. " I don't know why you want to risk this "

" We cannot have people supporting Challenger, he does not think highly of this country "

" He is too critical of Colour King, he does not believe in Numerians changing "

" Changing ? " asked Warbler.

" Drugs have made Numerians commit crimes " said Colour Administrator. " We believe by punishing Numerians more for committing crimes it will end it "

" We will also execute the drug dealers responsible "

" Drugs making people commit crimes ? " asked Crayon. " Never seen any drug do that "

" Crayon, these drug dealers are a problem " said Colour Administrator. " Numerians and Colourlandish people cannot be used like this "

" We do not support that, Colour King does not want that sort of thing "

" I understand not wanting people to take meth but meth cannot make people commit crimes " said Colourea. " I don't know why Colour King would believe something like this "

" He knows the truth, whether or not you like it " said Colour Administrator. " Colour King has an opinion that is more right than any other opinion "

" Colour King is a great man, Challenger is not "

" So what is it ? " Support Colour King and his always right opinion or support Challenger and his always wrong opinion ? "

" Always right and always wrong " said Crayon. " I don't see that "

" Same here " said Artby. " That seems excessive "

" Well then we will fight since you keep refusing " said Colour Administrator.

" His opinion must be the opinion that everyone must have "

Chapter 9 

Colour Administrator Fights For Colour King

" Now, you will see some serious techniques " said Colour Administrator.

" Now, let's begin "

Colour Administrator then started charging up his Ultimate Darkness Blast while Crayon used his Ultimate Sun Blast and Colouruke used his Ultimate Ocean Blast, the attacks collided with each other and they took damage.

Colour Administrator then got up and he punched Artby, then grabbed him.

" Artby, take this " he yelled. He threw Artby down to the ground.

Colour Administrator started charging for his Ultimate Darkness Bomb while Artby used his Ultimate Light Bomb and Warbler used his Ultimate Sky Blast. The attacks hit each other and they took damage.

Colour Administrator then used his Tenfold Darkness Strike while Crayon used his Tenfold Sky Strike. The strikes hit each other and they both took damage.

" It really is a shame that you are not supporting Colour King " said Colour Administrator. " The fighting that you have shown is not bad "

" His opinion must be defended and respected always "

" Defended and respected always ? " asked Artby.

" Yes, his opinion is an opinion that we like here, he is not a man that we can have you disagreeing with " said Colour Administrator.

" So it is impossible for anyone to ever disagree with him in any way ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes " said Colour Administrator. " Now, let's continue fighting "

Colour Administrator then used his Darkness Implosion against Artby's Light Implosion. The attacks collided but Colour Administrator's was stronger and it overpowered Artby and he took damage.

" I cannot let bakers down " said Artby. " Bakers baking has done so much "

" I will continue to fight for everything the baker has done for me and everything I have done for the baker "

Artby got up and he used the Ultimate Light Blast and hit Colour Administrator directly. 

Colour Administrator got up and he kicked Colouruke and grabbed him and then knocked him down.

Crayon then used the Sun Implosion while Colourea used her own as well. The attacks then combined and they directly hit Colour Administrator. He then got up and he fired the Ultimate Darkness Blast while Artby used the Ultimate Light Bomb, the attacks collided with each other.

After that, Colour Administrator then punched Colouruke down to the ground. He started charging his Darkness Implosion while Crayon used his Sky Implosion. The implosions hit each other and everyone took damage.

Colouruke then got up and used the Ocean Implosion while Artby used the Ultimate Light Bomb. The attacks combined to create a very bright oceanic bomb with tons of power, Colour Administrator used the Darkness Implosion to counter it but the combined attack was stronger and everyone took damage.

Artby was starting to slightly struggle but then he started talking.

" Bakeries know that I am there for their baking " said Artby. " I cannot just die, bakers could not accept that "

" Bakers will be so hurt and sad by that, bakers think of me a lot "

" They think of what I have achieved as a customer and they probably think about what they have done as a baker "

" Therefore, I will never give up or die "

Artby then got up and he used the Light Implosion while Colour Administrator used the Ultimate Darkness Bomb, the attacks hit.

Colouruke then used the Ultimate Ocean Blast while Colourea used the Sun Implosion. The attacks hit Colour Administrator who got up and punched Colouruke. He then used the Tenfold Darkness Strike and the strike hit Colouruke directly.

Colouruke was starting to slightly struggle. He then got up and he used the Ocean Implosion while Crayon used the Sky Implosion, the attacks combined into the Hurricane Implosion which hit directly against Colour Administrator.

" I have to admit that was quite powerful " said Colour Administrator.

" That being said, I will still win this fight "

" Colour King's opinion must always be protected from other opinions that are not good for Colourland at all "

" Good for Colourland or good for Colour King ? " asked Crayon.

" Good for both " said Colour Administrator. "He is right "

" We should continue fighting "

Crayon used the Sun Implosion while Colour Administrator used the Darkness Implosion. The attacks hit each other and everyone took damage.

Colour Administrator then punched Artby down to the ground. Artby was struggling but was able to get up "

" For baking " said Artby. " This for every baker that has baked bread for me, I am for them in every way possible "

Artby then fired the Light Implosion while Colour Administrator used his Ultimate Darkness Blast to counter. The attacks hit their respective targets and Artby was getting near the end.

" Artby, you are done for " said Colour Administrator. " Unfortunately, your refusal to agree with Colour King is not something that can be tolerated "

" Well he is going to have to tolerate that " said Colouruke.

" He won't, he insists that his opinion is the only right one " said Colour Administrator. " He will not allow anything like that "

" Now, it is time for the end like I said "

Colouruke used the Tenfold Ocean Strike while Colour Administrator used the Tenfold Darkness Strike. The strikes hit and both of them took damage. Colouruke was getting near the end.

" I won't give up " said Colouruke.

" Same here, after what bread has done for me I cannot ever quit " said Artby. " Baking just does too much for any of that "

Artby then charged for his Light Implosion while Colouruke used the Ocean Implosion, Colour Administrator used his Darkness Implosion. The attacks collided with each other and everyone took damage. Colouruke and Artby were defeated.

" Well now, you know what I am really about " said Colour Administrator. " Colour King will be delighted "

" You haven't won yet " said Warbler. " The three of us are in good condition "

" It won't be for very long, Challenger cannot be supported in this great country " said Colour Administrator. " Colour King knows that his opinion is a true Colourlandish opinion while Challenger's opinion is not the type of opinion that is good for here "

" I will continue fighting for Colour King and I will succeed "

Colour Administrator punched Warbler while Colourea kicked him. They got up and then Crayon started charging for his Sky Implosion while Colour Administrator used the Ultimate Darkness Blast. The attacks collided with each other and they took damage.

Colour Administrator then got up and he fired the Ultimate Darkness Bomb while Colourea countered with the Ultimate Sun Bomb. The bombs collided with each other and there was an explosion full of darkness and light energy which damaged everyone.

Everyone got up, Warbler then used the Ultimate Sky Blast while Colour Administrator used the Ultimate Darkness Blast. The blasts hit each other and they both were hit. Colour Administrator got up first but Crayon then kicked him while he then tripped Warbler to the ground.

He rushed for Warbler and then he shoved him into Crayon who got out of the way and Warbler fell.

Colour Administrator then used the Darkness Implosion while Colourea used the Sun Implosion, the attacks collided and Colourea was starting to slightly struggle.

Warbler then used the Ultimate Sky Blast and Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Blast while Colour Administrator used the Ultimate Darkness Blast. The attacks hit their respective targets and Colourea was seriously struggling while Warbler was slightly struggling.

Colour Administrator got up and he punched Warbler down to the ground, he then grabbed him and he pushed him towards Colourea who got out of the way and Warbler fell down.

" Warbler, you shouldn't have come " said Colour Administrator. " Now you will pay for what you have done "

" By simply not agreeing with his opinion ? " asked Warbler.

" His opinion is the law of the land, if you do not support it you must keep it to yourself " said Colour Administrator.

" I gave you a chance to support Colour King or be quiet and you were not successful " 

" Since you refused, this must happen "

Colour Administrator then charged for his Darkness Implosion while Colourea used the Sun Implosion and Warbler used the Tenfold Sky Strike. The attacks collided and Colourea and Warbler were near the end.

" Colour King will like this " said Colour Administrator.

" He will and his opinion must be defended throughout Colourland "

" He needs his opinion defended through the whole country ? " asked Crayon. " Well, that seems a bit much "

" It is not, he knows that he is right while others that disagree with him are wrong so that is why " said Colour Administrator.

Colour Administrator then rushed for Warbler with the Tenfold Darkness Strike but Crayon used the Tenfold Sun Strike to counter and they both took damage. Colour Administrator got up and he then kicked Colourea.

" No " said Crayon.

" Well so much for that " said Colour Administrator. " I know you care for Colourea but I care for the Colourlandish opinion that Colour King has and it is the right thing to do "

" Right thing to do ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes " said Colour Administrator. " His opinion is the opinion that Colourlandish people have and it allows Numerians to change "

" Colourlandish people ? " asked Warbler.

" By that he means himself, Colour Queen, Colourclever, Colour Dictator and himself " said Crayon. " He just says Colourlandish to make it seem that the people want it "

" The people do want it " said Colour Administrator. 

Colour Administrator used his Ultimate Darkness Bomb while Crayon and Warbler used their Ultimate Sky Bombs. Warbler was defeated while Colour Administrator was starting to slightly struggle.

" Crayon, you are alone now " said Colour Administrator. " He will be pleased to see that four people opposing him are out of his way "

" Colourland needs people agreeing with him "

" Again, you are just claiming that but really it is you and him " said Crayon.

" It's Colourland " said Colour Administrator. " Numerians will commit less crimes thanks to his opinion and Colour King is loved by the people "

" The people want his opinion "

" Do they ? " asked Crayon. " I'm sure they love that they cannot disagree with him in any way "

" Colour King is showing what a strong leader he is by not allowing people to criticize him, something that Challenger never did " said Colour Administrator. " Challenger just didn't care about being a leader as much as Colour King did "

" Or maybe he realized that we do not need to ban all criticism of the leader " said Crayon. " Why does he need all criticism banned and for everyone to agree with his opinion all the time ? "

" Colour King's opinion is a Colourlandish opinion and it is one that the country truly needs and Colourland must always have him for the sake of the country " said Colour Administrator. " Now let's continue "

Colour Administrator then charged up the Darkness Implosion while Crayon countered with the Sun Implosion. The attacks collided and they both took damage, Colour Administrator got up first and he then grabbed Crayon and then threw him down to the ground.

Colour Administrator started charging for his Darkness Implosion again while Crayon then started to charge for his Sky Implosion.

" Crayon, Colour King's opinion is worth everything to Colourland " said Colour Administrator.

" It isn't " said Crayon.

" Colourlandish people love him " said Colour Administrator.

The attacks then collided with each other and they both took damage and it was too much damage for Colour Administrator to fight anymore.

Crayon then contacted the hospital, while he was waiting he contacted Challenger.

" Challenger, we fought them and won " said Crayon.

" Good " said Challenger. " You have gotten stronger "

" We all have, I contacted the hospital " said Crayon.

" Good " said Challenger.

" Colour Administrator talked about the opinion of Colour King a lot " said Crayon.

" I wonder why he would do that " said Challenger.

" He said that his opinion was very Colourlandish " said Crayon.

" Very Colourlandish ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes, I don't understand how Colour King is more Colourlandish than other people here " said Crayon.

" I don't see that at all, see you later " said Challenger.

They eventually arrived at the hospital which they all stayed at.

Meanwhile Colour King was stunned about what happened.

" Colour Administrator defeated, but how ? "

" Now it is time for Colourclever to crush them, I cannot allow this "

" My opinion is the only true Colourlandish opinion, Colourlandish people agree with it "

" By stopping Challenger, I will make sure that it is the law of the land forever "

" Colourland is great, I cannot let a person like Challenger ruin that "

" Challenger is not as Colourlandish as me and I will make sure that Colourland is a respected country not an embarrassment ".

Chapter 10

Colourclever's Plan

Meanwhile Colourclever was talking with Colour Dictator and Colour Queen.

" We need to think of something to get Crayon and his friends to stop supporting that jackass Challenger " said Colourclever.

" We could make something up involving him " said Colour Dictator.

" Or we could take one of his friends and force Crayon to make a decision " said Colour Queen.

" We should take Colourea " said Colourclever. " He is with her after all "

" He will be fucking hurt by it " said Colour Dictator.

" He will stop supporting him in a minute if that happens " said Colour Queen.

" Challenger has been an ass to Colourland so we must do something like this " said Colourclever. 

" True " said Colour Dictator. " Colourlandish people know that we are for them and not Challenger, Challenger brought no leadership to Colourland "

" We need Crayon to understand that " said Colour Queen. " Doing this will do so "

" We must head out and find Colourea " said Colourclever.

They then talked to Colour King who supported the idea and they then left.

Meanwhile QuackQ were talking.

" That Colour King is amazing " said Jack.

" Whatever it takes for Crayon and his friends to not be around Challenger must be done " said Bryant.

" There was a time when we were okay with Challenger but that time is over " said Amanda.

" Challenger is no Colour King and he never will be " said Jack.

" True " said Bryant. " When Colour King ends all the drugs here then Colourlandish people will know what it means to have a leader "

" Colour King is something special, there has never been a man so Colourlandish like this before " said Amanda.

" Numerians will stop committing crimes when the drugs are gone, drugs make Numerians this way " said Jack.

" We need Numerians to not commit crimes just like Colourlandish people and Colour King's a man to make it happen " said Bryant.

" Challenger just claims that Numerians will find the law racist but he never gives a reason of why they will do so " said Amanda.

" We have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned  and remember to love Colour King and not Challenger " said Jack.

Time passed, Crayon and his friends were ready to leave the hospital.

" Glad we are better " said Crayon.

" The bakers have wanted us this way " said Artby. " The bakers may want us to fight for our baking but they do not want us dying either "

" Wanted us like this ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes " said Artby. " Bakers are amazing people, they keep amazing me always and will continue to do so "

" We should go to the bakery and get some bread, I miss bakers so much and I bet they have missed me as well "

They then headed to the bakery, where Artby then thanked the bakers like usual. He then started to talk.

" Baking is what we have always needed " said Artby.

" Thanks " said a baker.

" When a baker bakes, all is well in Colourland " said Artby. " Baking has made me braver "

They got their bread and left and headed home to eat their breakfast, Warbler headed to his place to meet Allie.

" Allie " said Warbler.

" Warbler " said Allie.

The two of them embraced and they went inside. While that was happening, Crayon and his friends were making their breakfast which they enjoyed eating. They then decided to take it easy for the day while Allie trained her wind techniques. Meanwhile Colour Dictator, Colourclever and Colour Queen were in the streets of Colourland.

" We must find Colourea " said Colour Dictator.

" For sure, we need Crayon to support Colour King " said Colour Queen.

" He must do it for the sake of Colourland " said Colourclever.

" Colourlandish people do not want him supporting Challenger " said Colour Dictator.

" There is no need for that here " said Colour Queen.

" We must do this, Colour King must be respected at all times " said Colourclever. " I cannot stand Challenger for the lack of respect for this country he has "

" This is for Colourland " said Colour Dictator.

" Not to mention changing Numerians which is something Challenger never did " said Colour Queen. 

" Colourland does not need Challenger and the country never did " said Colourclever. " I will make sure that Crayon never speaks to him again no matter what "

The three of them then kept looking for Crayon or any of his friends but they were inside their place for the time being.

Meanwhile on the island, Brett was with Willemease, Maxclever, Flora, Jessica and Alice.

" Well it seems to be taking a while for the others " said Brett.

" It is a shame " said Maxclever.

" The Smithsons will get their revenge at some point " said Willemease.

" Well what Crayon did is not something they will tolerate " said Jessica.

" I wonder what they will do " said Flora.

" I know them very well " said Alice.

" Easeion is not one to forgive " said Brett. " I raised him like that "

" I can understand that " said Maxclever.

" Same here " said Willemease. " Before me and Maxclever first went to Colourland we knew him for a bit "

" I remember there was another man he knew " said Flora.

" You mean Xax ? " asked Jessica.

" Yes " said Alice.

" Xax was a friend of his growing up but he disappeared " said Jessica.

" There was someone close to Whites as well " said Alice.

" Melissa ? " asked Flora.

" Yes " said Alice.

" I wonder where they are right now " said Brett.

" I am not sure maybe they are in Colourland " said Jessica.

" Right now, we should keep training " said Brett. " I do not care for Crayon but I am pretty sure he has gotten stronger so we must do the same.

Bear members then looked on the island for a while for a bit but they did not see them.

Eventually lots of time passed through the day, Crayon kissed Colourea and they went to bed.

Morning came and then they made their breakfast, Warbler and Allie made their breakfast as well which all of them enjoyed.

After that, they all met up to train their techniques.

" Hello " said Warbler and Allie.

" Hey " said Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby.

They then started to train their techniques.

Crayon and Warbler used the Sky Implosion, Colourea and Artby used the Sun Implosion, Colouruke used the Ocean Implosion and Allie used the Wind Implosion. Artby was able to use the Sun Implosion for the first time.

" I am proud of myself, baking and bakers " said Artby. " My abilities have gotten great and it's wonderful "

" Congrats Artby " said Allie.

" Thanks " said Artby.

Crayon, Colourea and Artby used the Ultimate Sun Blast, Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Blast, Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Blast and Allie used the Ultimate Wind Blast.

" Nice to see " said Crayon.

" True " said Colouruke.

" We are getting better " said Warbler.

Crayon and Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Bomb, Colourea and Artby used the Ultimate Sun Bomb, Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Bomb and Allie used the Ultimate Wind Bomb.

" Amazing " said Colourea.

Crayon, Artby and Colourea used the Tenfold Sun Strike, Warbler used the Tenfold Sky Strike, Colouruke used the Tenfold Ocean Strike and Allie used the Times Seven Wind Strike.

" Great to see this power " said Artby. " Bakers want us powerful "

" Bakers want that ? " asked Allie.

" They want their customers stronger so that they will fight for baking " said Artby. " Baking is something that bakers want us fighting for always "

" Stronger customers ? " asked Colouruke. " I have never heard of a baker wanting a stronger customer before "

" Bakers are a very special group of people " said Artby. " I understand bakers, I understand baking "

" Bakers can amaze you when you least expect to be amazed "

" We should go to the bakery "

" Let's go " said Allie.

They headed to the bakery.

" Glad to be here " said Artby. " My love for the baker is huge "

" Thanks " said a baker.

" The love between a baker and bread is what I am about " said Artby. " Bakers know it means to bake, I know what it means to eat bread "

" What it means to eat bread ? " asked Warbler.

" It means more than some would think " said Artby. 

" It means a lot to the baker and all the bakeries "

Artby thanked all the bakers, they got their bread and left.

" Glad to be a great customer " said Artby. " I am glad to see myself use the Sun Implosion "

" It is great " said Crayon. " Hopefully I can use the Bird Implosion "

" That would be something else " said Colouruke.

" It would " said Allie.

" I haven't heard from Challenger for a bit " said Colourea.

" Well, the laws pretty much forbid us from being around him " said Warbler.

" It is unfortunate " said Artby.

" I agree " said Colouruke. " Colour King really is not one to be lenient "

They went home to bring the bread while Warbler and Allie said their goodbyes.

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby then headed back out.

They noticed a man who appeared.

" Crayon " said Colour Dictator.

" Yes " said Crayon. " Colour Dictator ? "

" We know something " said Colour Dictator.

" What is that ? " asked Crayon.

" We know about how you care for Colourea " said Colour Dictator. " We really don't want to do anything but if you don't stay away from Challenger then something will have to happen "

" Crayon, Challenger is not worth that "

" He is not as Colourlandish as Colour King "

" We haven't seen him face to face for a while " said Colouruke.

" We would recommend not calling him either " said Colour Dictator. " He does not support the most Colourlandish opinion, the opinion of Colour King "

" Most Colourlandish ? " asked Warbler.

" Yes " said Colour Dictator. " Colour King is so Colourlandish, he wants to stop Numerians from committing crimes by making the sentences longer "

" That is making Numerians better and it keeps Colourland safer "

" I do not understand why supporting Challenger is something that any Colourlandish person would do "

" I understand wanting to keep Colourland safe " said Colouruke. " Numerians will likely find it racist for the longer sentences "

" We have said that they will not, why don't you believe us ? " asked Colour Dictator.

" We can believe what we want but if Numerians find it racist that will not be good " said Colourea.

" Colour King has said that Numerians will not find it racist and they will stop committing crimes which is what we want " said Colour Dictator. " These crimes are not what we need " 

" I will leave here with Colourea "

" With Colourea " said Crayon. " She isn't going to do that "

" You think I'm giving you a choice " said Colour Dictator. " We made this decision because we need you to stop supporting Challenger "

" Challenger has done nothing good for Colourland, I need you to admit that "

" It's Challenger or her "

" Now which is it, Crayon ? "

" We will be with Colourea " said Crayon.

" Well, that was a good decision " said Colour Dictator. " We need you to either support Colour King or be quiet about not supporting him "

" Not supporting Colour King is better than supporting Challenger but is not what we prefer "

" Colour King is a great man, he loves Colourland while Challenger hates it "

" We don't believe that you hate Colourland but Challenger has gotten to you "

" Gotten to us ? " asked Colouruke.

" He has attempted to convince you to find the new laws racist, he is not willing to take a stand against the drug dealers and the way they have treated Numerians " said Colour Dictator. " That is not what I believe Colourlandish people think "

" I understand that there is racism out there but Challenger is trying to force Numerians and Colourlandish to think that these laws are discriminatory which they are not "

" Numerians are being given longer sentences than Colourlandish people " said Colourea.

" It is to prevent them from committing crimes " said Colour Dictator.

" What about the crimes from Colourlandish people ? " asked Artby.

" There are not as many, so we feel that this decision is very necessary " said Colour Dictator. " We increased some sentences on Colourlandish people also "

" Now, I must return to Colour King "

" If I get any word of any of you talking to Challenger in any way, there will be serious problems "

Colourclever and Colour Queen then showed up.

" So Colour Dictator, what happened with them ? " asked Colourclever.

" We convinced them to stop contacting Challenger but they are not supporting Colour King " said Colour Dictator.

" Well, it seems that is the furthest we will get with them " said Colour Queen. " It is a shame "

" Well, we must eliminate all support for Challenger in the country, he is an ass " said Colourclever. 

The three of them headed back towards Colour King.

Colour King was glad to see them back and started to talk to them. 

" Colour King, they do not support you but they claim to stop talking to Challenger for the future " said Colourclever.

" Well, I would want to be supported since that is very Colourlandish " said Colour King. " Challenger will be on his own so isolated, hahahahahaha "

" Colourland is laughing with you Colour King " said Colour Queen.

" When Challenger goes down, Colourland is better " said Colour Dictator. " We do not need his ideas here at all "

" His ideas are not as Colourlandish as mine and they never will be " said Colour King. " Now it is time for all of Colourland to end their support for him "

" I will end all praise, all support for somebody like him "

" When you support a leader like me it shows that you care about Colourland "

" Loving Colour King also means that you love Colourland " said Colourclever.

" Colourclever, keep an eye out for Crayon and his friends in case they contact Challenger and we were fooled " said Colour King.

Colourclever left and he headed out.

Chapter 11

Keeping Challenger Isolated, The Way Colour King Wants Him

Meanwhile on the island that Brett and the Bear members were, they were talking.

" So Xax and Melissa are not here " said Brett.

" It appears that way " said Maxclever.

" Maybe they are in Colourland " said Willemease.

" I could see it " said Brett.

" Right now Colourland is the middle of a clash between Challenger and Colour King "

" Well that is something else " said Flora.

" True " said Jessica.

 " Well we will look if we still have their contact " said Flora.

" We need them to join us " said Brett.

" For sure " said Jessica.

" The Smithsons should wake up soon " said Maxclever.

" They should " said Willemease.

They called Xax first who then answered back.

" Who is this ? " asked Xax.

" Xax, it is me Brett " said Brett.

" Brett, very long time no see " said Xax.

" Xax, we need you to join us " said Brett. " The Smithsons should wake up soon "

" Good " said Xax.

" We will call Melissa and the two of you come together " said Brett. " See you soon "

Then Melissa was contacted.

" Who is this ? " asked Melissa.

" Melissa, this is me Brett " said Brett.

" Glad to see, is Whites around ? " asked Melissa.

" Whites should wake up soon " said Brett.

" Good " said Melissa.

" Melissa, we will have Xax meet you and both of you will join him " said Brett.

Melissa and Xax then met up with each other.

" Hello " said Melissa.

" Hello Melissa " said Xax. " The Bear will return to what it was if not better "

" I need to see Whites " said Melissa. " There is a boat waiting for us at this location "

Melissa and Xax got onto the boat and they arrived at the island where they were greeted by Bear members.

" Welcome " said Brett.

" Glad to be here " said Xax and Melissa.

" I think about Whites " said Melissa.

" Whites was great for us " said Xax. " I have heard about it from Brett "

" Glad to see everyone is here " said Flora.

" Me too " said Alice. " Now we should go inside "

They went inside and made themselves at home in the giant building that was on the island.

Meanwhile, Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Colour King really has gone so far " said Artby.

" He doesn't even want us contacting Challenger " said Colouruke.

" He hates Challenger and everything he stood for " said Colourea.

" We cannot let him do this " said Crayon. " Challenger must fight with us if we want to end all of this "

" Colour King keeps claiming how Colourlandish he is, but what is Colourlandish about any of this " said Colourea.

" He is trying to turn people against Challenger by claiming that Colourland is against him which I do not think is true " said Colouruke.

" It isn't " said Crayon. " Unfortunately some Colourlandish people will buy into it but others won't buy into it "

They then ate their supper which they enjoyed.

Colour King was talking.

" Now we cannot support Challenger " said Colour King.

" We must refrain from contacting him "

" I have now forbidden all contact with Challenger outside of family members "

" This isolation is an isolation which we need "

" His views are very bad for Colourland "

" We are Colourlandish and we cannot forget that, we will take action against drugs which are making Numerians commit crimes "

" Challenger just thinks that the longer sentence will make Numerians think they are discriminated against "

" We cannot have that type of thinking, maybe isolating him will make him change "

" Numerians will be better, Colourland will have less crimes to deal with "

" Isolating Challenger will help Colourland "

" Colourland's great, everyone must love Colourland at all times "

" I believe Crayon and his friends do not hate it but Challenger has misled them when it comes to loving Colourland "

Colour King sent it to the news who then broadcasted it.

Time passed, Crayon kissed Colourea and they all went to bed.

Morning came and then Crayon and his friends got up and they had breakfast. They met Warbler and Allie outside. They then headed to train and then they started to train.

They continued getting their usual moves stronger like usual, Allie was able to use the Sky Implosion, Ultimate Sky Blast, Ultimate Sky Bomb and the Tenfold Sky Strike.

" Glad to be so much stronger " said Allie.

" It's great to see that we can both use the Sky Implosion " said Warbler.

" I love Warbler " said Allie.

" Same here " said Warbler.

" I am in love with baking " said Artby. 

" Baking ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes " said Artby. " Baking does so much for me, baking has made me the person I am today "

" Baking can do that ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes " said Artby. " Baking can surprise us, amaze us and shock us when we least expect it "

They all went to the bakery.

" I have dreamed about baking a lot " said Artby.

" Uh, thanks " said a baker.

" No problem, bakers have done so much for me " said Artby.

Artby then thanked all the bakers and they headed back. They put their bread away while Warbler and Allie said their goodbyes.

After that, they headed out and they ran into Colourclever.

" So, we meet again " said Colourclever.

" What do you want, Colourclever ? " asked Colouruke.

" What I want is very simple " said Colourclever. " The isolation of Challenger "

" Colour King has called for it "

" What will this accomplish? " asked Crayon.

" A lot " said Colourclever. " He must understand what he did "

" We need not only you four around him but all non family so that he learns from it "

" Learns from it ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes, he has not respected Colourland " said Colourclever. " He has turned into an ass "

" He has been an ass to Colourland, I cannot stand him "

" Whether you can stand him or not, forcing him to not be seen by other people is something else " said Crayon.

" Crayon, you are too Colourlandish to support him " said Colourclever.

" He has not put the interests of Colourland first, he just claims that Numerians will find the laws racist " said Colourclever. " Numerians will not find it racist, Colourlandish people know that they won't "

" This isolation is Colourlandish "

" I am too Colourlandish ? " asked Crayon. " Yes, I am Colourlandish but I don't see what that has to do with all of this "

" Supporting Challenger is not the Colourlandish way, it appears that you are not willing to understand " said Colourclever.

" Challenger has failed to be Colourlandish repeatedly and I will never tolerate it "

" Isolating him is what Colourland needs until he starts supporting Colour King "

" You must get out the way of our design for Colourland it is not acceptable what you have done, prepare to fight "

" We are ready " said Crayon.

Meanwhile QuackQ were talking.

" Challenger's isolation is great " said Jack.

" It is what he deserves " said Bryant.

" He has not been good for Colourland " said Amanda.

" Colour King opened many people's eyes when it came to him " said Jack.

" Numerians will be better " said Bryant.

" Challenger prefers drug dealers and Colour King prefers Colourlandish people " said Amanda.

" This isolation hopefully we will make him change " said Jack.

" If he doesn't then he must be isolated forever " said Bryant.

Challenger then contacted Warbler since Crayon and his friends were about to fight.

" Warbler, hello " said Challenger.

" Challenger ? " asked Warbler.

" I have been isolated by Colour King " said Challenger.

" Sorry to hear that " said Warbler. " Where are you right now ? "

" At my place " said Challenger.

" Crayon and his friends are likely dealing with Colourclever " said Warbler.

" They can beat him, I have been training " said Challenger. " I hope the same for you "

" I have " said Warbler. " Allie has learned the Sky Implosion so I am very happy for her "

" Brilliant " said Challenger.

" Hopefully Crayon will learn the Bird Implosion " said Warbler.

" He will " said Challenger.

" Colour King must be stopped " said Warbler.

" We will stop him but we must train harder, he is stronger than King Bobby " said Challenger. " See you later "

Warbler then started talking to Allie.

" Allie, I talked to Challenger " said Warbler.

" Good to see " said Allie.

" Yeah, we must stop that Colour King guy " said Warbler.

" We will do it together " said Allie.

" For sure " said Warbler.

They embraced and then they kissed.

Chapter 12

Intense Showdown with Colourclever

Colourclever then started charging his Ultimate Darkness Blast while Crayon countered with his Ultimate Sky Blast, the blasts hit and they took damage.

Colourclever got up and he kicked Colouruke while Colourea punched him. Colourclever then got ready with the Colourlandish Barrage, an attack which several quick punches with some energy then hit Artby.

" Hahahaha " said Colourclever. " I am lot stronger than Colour Administrator, so prepare yourselves "

" We will have a Colourland that is truly amazing when Challenger is isolated forever "

" Colour King is isolating him for Colourland "

" Isolating him for Colourland or isolating him so that Colour King gets his way ? " asked Colouruke.

" Colour King knows what it means to be Colourlandish, Challenger does not " said Colourclever.

Colourclever then charged up for the Darkness Implosion while Crayon countered with his Sky Implosion, the attacks collided and they both took damage.

Colourclever got up and he then used the Colourlandish Barrage while Artby used the Tenfold Sun Strike, they both took damage from the attack.

Colourclever got up and he punched Colourea while Colourea kicked him. Colourclever then got up first and he started charging up for the Ultimate Darkness Bomb while Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Bomb, the bombs collided and everyone was hit.

Colourclever got up and he then grabbed Artby and then pushed him towards Crayon but Crayon got out of the way and Artby fell to the ground.

Colourclever then used the Tenfold Darkness Strike while Colouruke uses the Tenfold Ocean Strike, they struck each other and they both took damage.

Colourclever got up first and then he used the Darkness Implosion while Crayon and Colourea used their Ultimate Sun Blasts. The attacks collided with each other which created a giant explosion which everyone was damaged by.

" Hahahaha " said Colourclever. " Colour King will be very pleased "

" We will still fight " said Colouruke.

" True, bakers want us to keep going " said Artby.

" Baking must be fought for since it does so much for a customer like me "

" A customer like you ? " asked Colourclever.

" Yes, I will make sure that I keep being a good customer " said Artby. " Bakers need a customer like me, and I need their baking "

" Regardless of what customer you are, I will still crush you for Colour King " said Colourclever. " Challenger has been an ass to Colourland "

" He has not respected Colourland in the way that Colour King does, Colour King loves Colourland "

" He is so Colourlandish, his opinion must be defended always "

" Regardless of that, let's continue the fight " said Crayon.

Artby then started charging for the Ultimate Sun Blast while Colourclever used the Ultimate Darkness Bomb to counter, both attacks hit their targets.

Artby was starting to slightly struggle.

" I will never let a baker down, I cannot be that type of customer " said Artby.

" I will never give up, bakers would not feel good seeing that "

" I have bought too much bread to let a baker down "

Artby then got up and he used the Ultimate Sun Bomb while Colouruke used the Ultimate Ocean Bomb. Colourclever used the Darkness Implosion to counter and they all took damage.

" Hahahaha " said Colourclever. " Colour King's opinion is the most Colourlandish opinion ever "

" So Colourlandish unlike Challenger "

" By Colourlandish you must mean you " said Crayon.

" No, Colourland's great " said Colourclever.

" Colour King's opinion is not the reason for that " said Colourea.

" It is, his opinion is truly brilliant " said Colourclever.

" Crayon, you should love his opinion "

" I don't love it, Colourclever " said Crayon.

" Crayon, this is what Colourland needs " said Colourclever. " Think about the country "

" The country ? " asked Colouruke.

" Colourland is the type of country that needs Colour King, in the way that Bird's Isle needs King Bobby " said Colourclever. " Challenger must be isolated because of his refusal to be quiet or agree "

" If you had truly cut him off at the beginning then things would not be like this "

" Needs Colour King ? " asked Colourea. " Why would that be, Challenger was the leader while the Bear were attacking "

" Challenger did not take strong action luckily you four and Warbler were to win the fight " said Colourclever. " It is a shame since the talent level you have is good and that if you had joined forces with King Bobby then it would have been something "

" King Bobby wanted war with Numeria but Colour King wants to change Numerians, I don't understand how this makes sense " said Crayon.

" King Bobby changed his mind and Colour King understood what he needed to do, you must trust in Colour King and how Colourlandish he is " said Colourclever.

" Now, we should continue the battle "

Colourclever then started to use the Colourlandish Punch while Colourea used the Tenfold Sun Strike, both of them took damage. Colourclever got up first and he used the Colourlandish Kick directly on Colouruke, knocking him down.

Colouruke was starting to slightly struggle, he then used the Ocean Implosion while Colourclever used the Darkness Implosion. A very wet and dark explosion happened which soaked and damaged everyone.

Colouruke and Artby were struggling. They got up and they both grabbed Colourclever and they knocked him down but he tripped Colouruke on the way down.

Colourclever got up and he used the Darkness Implosion while Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Bomb while Crayon used the Ultimate Sun Blast. A bomb full of energy then blasted Colourclever while Crayon and Colourea were hit by the implosion.

Colourclever then got up while Colourea did. Colourea used the Tenfold Sun Strike against Colourclever's Colourlandish Barrage. They both took damage, Colourea was starting to slightly struggle.

Colourea used the Sun Implosion while Artby used his as well while Colourclever used the Darkness Implosion. The sun implosions combined were stronger than the darkness one but both attacks hit their respective targets, Artby was getting near the end.

" I cannot die after what I have done as a customer " said Artby. " I cannot die "

" If you agreed with Colour King then you would not die " said Colourclever. " I will make sure that you will regret helping an ass like Challenger "

" Challenger has been an ass to Colourland forever, Colourlandish people think he's an ass "

" Do they ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes " said Colourclever. " Colour King has not been one ever in his life "

" Colour King shows how much he loves Colourland and the Colourlandish people always "

" The people ? " asked Colourea. " Colour Dictator and Colour Queen maybe "

" No, the people love Colour King " said Colourclever.

" The people love bakers " said Artby. " The people love baking and getting the chance to be a customer which is great "

" While we do have great customers in Colourland, the people still love Colour King " said Colourclever.

" Colour King is a man of the people more than Challenger is "

" Challenger has not taken action against the drug dealers forcing Numerians to take drugs which are making them commit crimes "

" Maybe because there are no drugs that can make them commit any crimes " said Crayon. " I get wanting to stop these drugs but to say that they make Numerians commit crimes really is not true "

" Numerians know of what drug dealers have done to them " said Colourclever. " They feel hurt and they need Colour King to stop these dealers "

" We should continue our battle "

Colourclever then used the Colourlandish Barrage while Colouruke used the Tenfold Ocean Strike, both attacks hit their targets.

Colourclever then grabbed Colouruke and then shoved him down to the ground, Colouruke was getting near the end.

" I'll keep fighting " said Colouruke.

" Bakers want you fighting, they want me fighting " said Artby. " They know what I have done for them as a customer "

" I'll never stop eating their bread "

Colourclever then used his Darkness Implosion while Colouruke used his Ocean Implosion and Crayon used the Ultimate Sky Bomb. The attacks collided and Colouruke was defeated.

" Colouruke " yelled Crayon.

" Well now the three of you will face the end " said Colourclever. " It is a shame that you do not support the extremely Colourlandish opinions of Colour King but since you do not it must be this way "

" Challenger will stay isolated, the way I want him "

" His isolation is a Colourlandish isolation "

" A Colourlandish isolation? " asked Colourea.

" Yes, it is one that the country needs " said Colourclever. " Colour King is isolating him and refusing to support this isolation is not something I can be happy about "

" Let's continue fighting "

Colourea then used the Tenfold Sun Strike while Colourclever then used his Colourlandish Punch to counter the attack and both attacks hit their targets.

Colourclever got up and he used the Darkness Implosion while Colourea and Artby used their Ultimate Sun Blasts to counter. An explosion with tons of dark and light energy happened, Artby was defeated while Colourea was near the end.

Colourea was having a hard time getting up but Crayon then used the Ultimate Sky Blast towards Colourclever which hit him down which prevented him from attacking Colourea.

Colourea then used the Sun Implosion with all her energy against Colourclever's Darkness Implosion. The implosions hit, Colourea was defeated while Colourclever was starting to slightly struggle.

" How could this fucking be " yelled Colourclever.

" My abilities should be stronger than this "

" We have trained hard and we have shown it here " said Crayon.

" Colour King's opinion must be defended, he will not tolerate defeat " said Colourclever.

" We will see about that " said Crayon.

" Colour King is a great leader, I will always support a great Colourlandish man like him " said Colourclever.

" We should continue the fight " said Crayon.

Crayon then charged up for the Sky Implosion while Colourclever used the Darkness Implosion, the attacks collided and both of them took damage.

Crayon got up but Colourclever then hit him in the back of the leg.

" Hahaha " said Colourclever.

" Colour King is so Colourlandish that everyone in Colourland sees a very Colourlandish person and they feel so Colourlandish"

" I'm sure they do " said Crayon.

" Being Colourlandish is a great thing, Crayon " said Colourclever.

" None of it has to do with Colour King " said Crayon.

" Colour King has saved Numerians, when did Challenger ever do that ? " asked Colourclever.

" What is there to save them from exactly ? " asked Crayon.

" Drug dealers have used drugs to take over Numerians, we believe " said Colourclever. " We believe that these drug dealers may be Numerian but we are not entirely sure "

" They are using drugs to make people commit more crimes "

" We believe that they are using meth to do that " said Colourclever. " We do not want people taking it, Challenger himself does not use it either "

" True " said Crayon.

" Crayon, we know that you and Colourea are not using meth so you must agree to some degree " said Colourclever.

" We may not be using it but we do not think that meth can do that to all the Numerians " said Crayon.

" Well, we should continue fighting "

Colourclever then used his Colourlandish Barrage while Crayon used his Tenfold Sun Strike, both of them fell to the ground.

Colourclever and Crayon got up and they grabbed each other and were in a struggle.

" Colour King's opinions are too Colourlandish " said Colourclever. "

" Too Colourlandish ? " asked Crayon. " He's no more Colourlandish than me or you "

They both broke free and Crayon kicked Colourclever.

Colourclever got up and he started to charge for the Darkness Implosion while Crayon used the Sun Implosion. The attacks collided with each other and both of them took damage.

Colourclever was not able to get up and he could not fight anymore.

Crayon then contacted the hospital and then contacted Challenger.

" Challenger, we beat Colourclever " said Crayon.

" Glad to see " said Challenger. " I talked to Warbler "

" So how were things ? " asked Crayon.

" Good " said Challenger.

" That is good to see " said Crayon.

" I am allowed outside and to see family members but I cannot visit you legally " said Challenger. " That is the decision "

" I have continued training, the two of us will need to fight to beat Colour King "

" Colour King is very strong " said Crayon. " We can stop him "

" Colourclever keeps saying how Colourlandish he is and how he will save Numerians "

" I had a feeling about that " said Challenger.

" Warbler and Allie should be on there way here " said Crayon.

" Anyways, hope to hear from you soon again Crayon " said Challenger.

Crayon and his friends then arrived at the hospital where Warbler and Allie showed up.

" So, you won against Colourclever ? " asked Allie.

" Yes " said Crayon.

" That is good " said Warbler. " I have been getting really strong now "

" Good " said Crayon.

" Warbler's great " said Allie.

They went inside the hospital where they stayed for the night.

Meanwhile Colour King got word of Colourclever's defeat.

" This pisses me off " said Colour King. " Colourclever should have won "

" Well, Colour Dictator is stronger and knows a special technique "

" Crayon and his friends must understand what it means to be Colourlandish, they have not been successful at that "

" Colourlandish people love my opinions, they feel more Colourlandish unlike under Challenger when they did not feel as Colourlandish "

" Colourland loves Colour King, Colourland loves my opinion "

" I'm great "

This is the end of this section, the next section is Colourland Series 3: Dictator.


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