Willem Van Herk

Action Fantasy


Willem Van Herk

Action Fantasy

Colourland 3: Colour King

Colourland 3: Colour King

51 mins

This is the Colour King series.

Chapter 1

New Leadership for the Country

Colour King was with Colour Queen, Colourclever, Colour Dictator and Colour Administrator.

" Now, we will start another law for Colourland " said Colour King.

" We will now crack down on any anti Colourlandish protests, they are now illegal "

" The country can no longer be criticized, individuals who do this will get a year "

" Great law " said Colour Queen.

" We will not allow family visits if prisoners have sex in jail for that extra year " said Colour King. " If anyone attempts to do that, they will get a year in jail " Good " said Colourclever.

" Anything involving Challenger? " asked Colour Administrator.  

" Protests supporting Challenger are now illegal " said Colour King. " Individuals who do this will get three years "

" Good, he has not been good for Colourland " said Colour Administrator.

" Colourlandish people must love Colourland, not hate it " said Colour Dictator. " We cannot have that happening here "

" Yes " said Colour King. " Anyone who says Fuck Colourland will be arrested, it is illegal now "

" Saying Colourland is shit is also illegal "

" Good " said Colourclever.

" All protests that criticize Colourland or Colour King or support Challenger are now banned, any protests that are critical of any justice system are also illegal " said Colour King.

" Protesting is not Colourlandish " said Colourclever. " Challenger never understood that "

" Anyone who commits three crimes that are all over ten years, or two of them are 15 years will result in execution " said Colour King.

" We will not allow Colourland to be a place full of criminals " said Colour Administrator. 

Crayon and his friends got up and they headed to the bakery.

" So glad to see the bakers here " said Artby. " Bakers are amazing, awesome, kind, brave and heroic people "

Artby thanked the bakers and they got their bread and left, they headed home.

" Well, things are different with a leader like Colour King " said Crayon.

" Some of his laws can be extreme but unless we defeat him we have to accept it " said Colouruke.

" Colour King is extremely strong " said Colourea.

" If Challenger doesn't fight, our chances are not great " said Artby.

They then decided to go to the store and get what they needed and then they ate breakfast.

Meanwhile, Warbler had got up and he contacted Crayon.

" Warbler has a message for us " said Crayon. " He wants to meet up for training "

" Sounds good " said Colouruke.

" Let's go " said Colourea.

" Yes " said Artby.

They went to meet up at this place in Colourland.

" Warbler " they said.

" Hello " said Warbler. " I have heard about the new laws "

" Numerians living here have to be very careful " said Colourea.

" They sure do " said Warbler. " It seems that Colour King does not care for them "

" Well, we should train for a bit and then get to Challenger " said Colouruke.

Colouruke then started using his Sea Implosion while Crayon used his Sun Implosion. Artby used his Light Implosion while Colourea used hers. Warbler used the Sky Implosion.

" Glad to see our power grow " said Warbler.

" We will fuck some people up " said Artby. " Bakers have wanted that "

" Why ? " asked Colouruke.

" Bakers are very wise they know that customers will risk their lives for bread " said Artby. " They know that their bravery baking will not go unnoticed "

" Risk their lives ? " asked Crayon. " Well we did fight in a bakery once "

" The bread was delicious when we did " said Artby. " We should look for bakeries like that "

" I mean we have gotten really strong but there are bakeries closer to us " said Colourea.

" The Bear are gone, so maybe it was just them " said Colouruke.

" We can go to that bakery tomorrow " said Crayon.

" Sounds good to me " said Artby.

Crayon then used his Ultimate Sun Blast while Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Blast. Colouruke used the Ultimate Sea Blast, Artby and Colourea used their Ultimate Light Blasts.

Crayon and Warbler used their Ultimate Sky Bombs while Colouruke used the Ultimate Sea Bomb. Colourea and Artby used their Ultimate Light Bombs.

" Great to see " said Warbler.

" I wonder what the strongest implosion out there ? " asked Colourea.

" I have heard about the Colourland Implosion " said Crayon. " It is a Darkness technique "

" Blackin used a lot of those " said Colouruke.

" No implosion is said to be as strong without combining attacks " said Crayon.

Crayon used his Times Ten Sun Strike while Colourea and Artby used the Times Seven Light Strikes. Colouruke used the Times Seven Sea Strike and Warbler used the Times Seven Sky Strike. After all of that, they headed to meet Challenger.

" Hello " said Challenger. " Well this is my office building "

" It is odd to not be the leader but we will stand strong "

" Challenger, we have a question " said Crayon. " It is about the Colourland Implosion "

" That technique is insanely dangerous, Colour King might know it " said Challenger.

" He is stronger than King Bobby and I needed to fight with all of you to stop him and the queen "

" We will continue training hard, we trained today " said Colouruke.

" Good " said Challenger.

" Warbler, how are you ? "

" I am good, Allie is happy now " said Warbler. " I think King Bobby probably did something "

" Knowing him, he would " said Colourea.

" I wonder if the advisors are alive " said Colouruke.

" It is hard to say " said Challenger. " We will keep training "

" I have done some myself early in the morning "

" Glad to see " said Colourea.

They then headed back to their place while Warbler then went to be with Allie but just before they were home then ran into Electro and this other man named Oceanoke.

" Colour King has said that he wants to meet with Challenger " said Oceanoke.

" I don't believe that he would " said Colouruke.

" Why wouldn't you believe him ? " asked Electro.

" The fact that Colourclever who is part of his group talks about how bad he is " said Crayon.

" Well he has a change of heart " said Oceanoke.

" I'm not so sure about that " said Colourea. " We could meet him "

" He wants to meet Challenger privately " said Oceanoke.

" We will talk to Challenger about that " said Artby.

" He needs to know as soon as possible " said Electro.

" We will head off now " said Oceanoke. " When Colour King and Challenger meet it will be glorious "

They headed off.

" Well, that was odd " said Artby.

" We should head to the house " said Colourea.

Meanwhile QuackQ were on air talking about more new laws.

" Man this guy is great " said Jack.

" He is showing what it means to be Colourlandish " said Bryant.

" Challenger did not live up to expectations " said Amanda.

" Colour King banned all protests " said Jack.

" Protesting is not Colourlandish " said Bryant. " Colour King has realized "

" He will crack down on Challenger " said Amanda.

" Numerians will want to leave here hopefully " said Jack.

" Or they will change and be better people " said Bryant. " They protest too much, I am glad Colour King has ended it "

" He banned calling Colour King a racist, maybe he will ban calling us racist " said Amanda.

" It is possible " said Jack.

" We must believe in Colour King and believe in the laws that he will create " said Bryant.

" We believe in laws " they all said.

" We have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned " said Jack.

Meanwhile Electro and Oceanoke headed towards Colour King.

" So, the two of you have found Crayon and his friends ? " asked Colour King.

" Yes " said Oceanoke.

" Good " said Colour King. " I must meet with Challenger alone "

" He must see my laws first hand "

Colour Dictator entered the room.

" Challenger will learn where he messed up this way " said Colour Dictator.

" I will let him know about the executions " said Colour King. " There are people who must die that disrespect our country "

" They must pay " said Colour Dictator.

Crayon then contacted Challenger by phone.

" Challenger, these two men named Electro and Oceanoke contacted me " said Crayon.

" What did they say ? " asked Challenger.

" They wanted you to speak to Colour King " said Crayon.

" I don't think that is a good idea " said Challenger.

" Same here, I think they are planning something " said Crayon.

" Oceanoke said that he had a change of heart "

" I don't trust him " said Challenger.

" We will have to see what he is up to " said Crayon. 

" Indeed, see you later " said Challenger.

The four of them were talking.

" Bakers will help " said Artby.

" How so ? " asked Colouruke.

" Flour " said Artby.

" Flour ? " asked Colourea.

" Flour will help Challenger " said Artby. " The flour will allow him with Colour King "

" By doing what ? " asked Crayon.

" You know how bakers get so wise, the flour helps them " said Artby. " The flour connects with the hands and a special wisdom is created "

" A special wisdom ? " asked Colouruke. " Never seen anything like that "

" It is connected to the soul of the baker and the flour makes the baker wiser when they bake bread " said Artby.

" Challenger isn't a baker though " said Crayon. " I don't see how this would work "

" The bakers just have to show him around the bakery and they will know " said Artby.

" I don't know if Challenger is going to the bakery you mentioned, it isn't that close to him " said Colourea.

" I will touch the flour, gain the wisdom from the bakers " said Artby. " Then I will transfer the wisdom to his body "

" I'm not so sure that he will even touch you in that way or want that type of thing " said Crayon.

" Well the bakers are incredibly wise so if that doesn't work they will think of something else " said Artby.

Time passed, and they went to bed.

They then got up and headed to the bakery that they went to in the past.

" If I need to fight, that is fine " said Artby. " Bread is worth risking death, worth the danger and it is always worth getting in a fight for "

" When a baker sees a customer willing to fight like that, the baker knows that customer will return for more bread "

" Let's go " said Crayon.

" The Bear aren't here, so it should be better " said Colouruke.

They went there, Artby then thanked the bakers for their baking.

" Welcome back, been a while " said a baker.

" So glad to see bakers, I have started dreaming about bakers baking bread " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said the baker.

" You are very wise, like lots of bakers all over " said Artby.

" Thanks " said the baker who was a little confused.

They got their bread and left.

" We didn't have to fight " said Colouruke.

" Well, that was surprising " said Crayon.

" I was ready to give an asskicking but I am okay with this " said Artby.

They headed home to eat their breakfast which they enjoyed.

Colour King was speaking.

" Challenger, this special meeting is mandatory " said Colour King.

" Crayon and his friends cannot attend, they will have to wait outside "

" There is a lot involving Colourland that I must tell you face to face "

" You must come today, Challenger "

Colour King's message was broadcast through Colourland.

Challenger then contacted Crayon.

" Crayon, I will go alone to meet Colour King " said Challenger.

" Okay " said Crayon.

" I would recommend training while we are meeting since we cannot all be there " said Challenger.

" Sounds good to me, good luck with that guy " said Crayon.

Challenger then headed to meet Colour King. 

Chapter 2

The Colourlandish Leaders

Crayon and his friends met up with Warbler and Allie.

" We should train " said Colouruke.

" For sure " said Allie.

" We may have to fight at some point so we should " said Warbler.

" It is hard to say with Colour King but that guy is something else " said Crayon.

Crayon then used his Sun Implosion while Colourea was able to use that attack for the first time.

" Nice " said Crayon.

" Thanks " said Colourea.

" Insane " said Artby.

Warbler used his Sky Implosion while Allie used the Wind Implosion. Artby used the Light Implosion and Colouruke used the Sea Implosion.

After that, Crayon and Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Bomb. Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Bomb.

Allie used the Ultimate Wind Bomb while Colouruke used the Ultimate Sea Bomb and Artby used the Ultimate Light Bomb.

The bombs hit with tons of power.

" Proud of the bakers " said Artby. " Flour has helped me "

" Flour ? " asked Allie.

" Flour has made me a lot stronger " said Artby.

After that, Crayon and Warbler used their Ultimate Sky Blasts and they hit with tons of power.

" Wow, such power " said Allie.

" Thanks " said Warbler.

Colouruke used the Ultimate Sea Blast while Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Blast. Artby used the Ultimate Light Blast while Allie used the Ultimate Wind Blast. The blasts hit with lots of power.

After that, they used their Strike attacks.

Crayon and Colourea used their Tenfold Sun Strikes.

" Wow " said Allie.

" The power is out of this world " said Artby.

" Great to see " said Colouruke.

Colouruke used the Times Seven Sea Strike while Artby used the Times Seven Light Strike. The attacks were strong.

Warbler used the Times Seven Sky Strike while Allie used the Times Seven Wind Strike. The attacks all hit with tons of power.

" I love Warbler " said Allie.

" Thanks " said Warbler.

" We have shown great power, let's keep it up " said Crayon.

" I hope it goes well for Challenger " said Warbler.

Meanwhile Challenger arrived.

" Welcome, Challenger " said Colour King. " It is just the two of us here "

" We have a lot to discuss so let's get started now "

The meeting began.

" Now, you must know something " said Colour King.

" What are you referring to exactly " said Challenger.

" We have banned protests " said Colour King.

" Why ? " asked Challenger.

" Protesting Colour King is not Colourlandish " said Colour King. " We cannot have these protests "

" So people cannot disagree with the king ? " asked Challenger.

" They must keep it to themselves in their house " said Colour King. " I banned saying " Fuck Colour King "

" It could cause an uproar " said Challenger. " I'm not one that loves being criticized but I'm not sure about this "

" We need these laws " said Colour King. " We have increased penalties against Numerians to encourage Numerians to commit less crimes " said Colour King. " We banned sex between prisoners and have extended the sentences for a year "

" Encourage Numerians ? " asked Challenger. " They may find this to be very racist "

" Racist ? " asked Colour King. " I have made it illegal to call me racist "

" What happens if people do ? " asked Challenger.

" 3 years " said Colour King. " We banned Numerians from heckling at comedy shows as well"

" Why would the king care ? " asked Challenger.

" It promotes better behaviour with Numerians, QuackQ wants Numerians to show more class " said Colour King.

" They praised Crayon for not dating one " said Challenger. " I don't think that Numerians not heckling will change QuackQ "

" QuackQ have wanted a serious change in Numerians which is why they do not want Crayon dating one " said Colour King.

" He doesn't work for their network " said Challenger.

" Even so, he is better off this way " said Colour King. " Numerians commit so many crimes and we must punish them more than Colourlandish people "

" They may find it racist, but it is on them to change "

" To change ? " asked Challenger.

" These laws should change them " said Colour King. " Like I said, I banned calling me a racist and protests to make sure it is easier "

" I don't want to hear anymore about me being racist, I want to hear about Numerians changing, I want to hear about Colourlandish people "

" Whether we like it or not, there are Numerians who are going to find these laws racist " said Challenger. " Some will be quiet and accept it and others will say it is racist "

" Some will even leave "

" There is no guarantee " said Colour King. " I believe in Numerians to commit less crimes, Challenger why do you not ? "

" Colour King, it is not just Numerians " said Challenger. " They will find it racist "

" I banned the act of calling me racist, do you want me to ban it for you as well ? " asked Colour King. " If these Numerians want to whine racism then they will be arrested "

" That is not what we want here "

" I do not need you to ban it for me " said Challenger.

" Challenger, you must not assume the worst " said Colour King. " I want Numerians to commit less crimes and yet you continue to assume that they will play the race card "

" QuackQ said they did " said Challenger. " A network which praises Colour King "

" They love me " said Colour King. " News loves a king like me "

" News ? " asked Challenger.

" Yes " said Colour King. " Challenger, you have much to learn "

" I am helping Numerians commit less crimes with these laws and it seems you are not able to understand "

" This meeting is over, time to leave "

Challenger left and Colour King then went to meet with the others. Colour King then showed the meeting throughout Colourland.

" Challenger has not got the message " said Colour King.

" This does not surprise me " said Colour Queen.

" Maybe Oceanoke and Electro should pay a visit to Crayon and his friends " said Colour Administrator.

" Maybe they can convince Challenger that this is good for Numerians " said Colourclever.

" I have been disappointed in Challenger before and it keeps happening " said Colour Dictator.

Oceanoke and Electro arrived.

" You two need to meet with Crayon and his friends " said Colour King.

" Sounds good to me " said Electro.

" They must see who Challenger really is " said Oceanoke.

" He does not want Numerians committing less crimes due to his refusal to support the harsher penalties " said Colour Dictator.

" Why ? " asked Colourclever.

" He feels it is racist despite me offering to create a law to make it illegal to call Challenger racist " said Colour King.

" We will find them and they must talk to Challenger about this " said Oceanoke.

Oceanoke and Electro left.

QuackQ were talking about the meeting with Challenger that Colour King had.

" Why is Challenger being like this ? " asked Jack.

" Well, I am so happy for Colour King " said Bryant.

" Punishing Numerians more will make Numerians better people " said Amanda. " They will not commit crimes "

" Unfortunately Challenger says that they will find it racist " said Jack.

" Colour King is giving Numerians an opportunity " said Bryant. " Calling people racist is not the answer "

" We now know that Numerians have a choice to make, it is up to them to make it " said Amanda.

" I hope they do " said Jack.

" No calling the king racist and no committing crimes is what we need out of Numerians " said Bryant. 

" If they can succeed in that, it will be great " said Amanda.

" If the Numerians commit no crimes then there will be no meth, which is the Colourlandish way " said Jack.

" Colourlandish people will be proud of Numerians for not committing crimes, they will not forget " said Bryant.

" We have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned "

Crayon and his friends then met up with Challenger.

" Colour King was not pleased " said Challenger.

" What happened with the man ? " asked Colouruke.

" He believes that the harsher laws on Numerians will make them commit less crimes and that Numerians will not find it racist " said Challenger.

" I don't see it " said Crayon.

" I do not either " said Colourea.

" Maybe the bakers know something about this " said Artby.

" Bakers ? " asked Allie.

" Bakers may know about Colour King " said Artby.

" What would bakers know about him ? " asked Warbler.

" Bakers know shit " said Artby.

" Bakers may know of a flour that will help "

" Flour ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes " said Artby. 

" Well we could go but I really don't think that the bakers will know much about Colour King " said Crayon.

They went to a bakery where Artby asked about Colour King.

" Do you bakers know about Colour King ? " asked Artby.

" Well, he is the leader and he has made some new laws " said a baker.

" We don't know much more than that " said a second baker.

" Any special flour ? " asked Artby.

" Well we have a lot of good flour for baking our bread " said a baker.

Artby thanked the bakers and then decided to get some bread that had the flour he wanted.

He then thanked the bakers for the flour.

They then left.

" We trained hard " said Colouruke.

" Glad to see " said Challenger.

" Bakers have helped " said Artby. " I just love them, I can never get enough of bakers "

" I'm glad to see " said Crayon.

" That is the way to be the customer that I want to be " said Artby.

" Bakers know the customers they have very well and the baker to customer relationship is important "

" Um, okay " said Challenger.

" Challenger, we train for the baker " said Artby.

" The baker ? " asked Allie.

" Yes " said Artby. " Bakers know what we are doing for them, the baker to customer relationship is strong "

" Well, I am glad that you love the bakers " said Colouruke. " I don't think that our training really has much to do with bakers "

Challenger said bye and he headed off.

Warbler and Allie then went to their place, while Crayon and his friends went to theirs.

Chapter 3

Colour King's Laws

Colour King then decided to create some more laws.

" Now, we are going to increase the sentences involving stealing by a Numerian " said Colour King.

" This will hopefully stop Numerians from committing so much crime "

" Colourlandish people do not commit crimes on the same level as Numerians "

" This will change Numerians, Challenger failed to do that "

" Challenger has not been good for Colourland, I have taken action that he never did "

" Now we are going to also prohibit calling Colour Queen a racist as well "

" Not just her though, we will make it illegal for Colour Administrator, Colourclever and Colour Dictator "

" By limiting the usage of the race card, it will do wonders for Colourland "

" We need people to understand that this is not personal and we want Numerians to simply just obey the law "

" Colourland originally was a place full of Colourlandish who obeyed the law but unfortunately things changed "

" These laws will change Numerians, Challenger never made a single law like this "

Colour King then sent the speech to the news stations which aired it.

Crayon and his friends heard about the laws.

" Preventing people from calling them racists by law, is something else " said Colouruke.

" Harsher sentences are one thing but for just Numerians " said Crayon. " I don't see this ending well "

" To blame Numerians for all of this is something that is not a good idea " said Colourea.

" Maybe he wants that " said Artby. 

" I hope that Colour King would not " said Crayon.

" I think he is going to do that whether we like it or not " said Artby. " We will continue training and eating bread and we will see what changes that Colour King will make "

Crayon then kissed Colourea and they all went to bed when the night came.

Electro and Oceanoke were talking.

" Crayon and his friends must talk sense into Challenger " said Electro.

" What the fuck is his problem " said Oceanoke. " I really do not understand "

" I don't either, Oceanoke " said Electro.

" He seems to not like the changes that will make Numerians better " said Oceanoke.

" He believes they will find it racist " said Electro.

" Well that is not a good attitude to have " said Oceanoke. " It will end the crimes of Numerians, Numerians will understand the consequences of committing crimes "

" Colour King is making Numerians better citizens and Challenger just wants to simply assume that Colour King will be seen as racist " said Electro. " What a real dick "

" Perhaps it is time for Crayon and his friends to support Colour King instead " said Oceanoke.

" That would be great " said Electro.

Electro and Oceanoke then headed to look for Crayon and his friends.

Crayon and his friends got up. They then headed to a bakery.

" I dream of bread baking " said Artby. " Bread baking is a great sight to see, I want to keep being a good customer "

" Uh, thanks " said a baker.

" We must always appreciate baking, love baking and understand baking and what it means to bake " said Artby.

Artby thanked the bakers and they got their bread and left.

Electro and Oceanoke approached a man.

" Have you seen Crayon ? " asked Oceanoke.

" No " said the man. " Why ? "

" We need him to talk with Challenger " said Electro.

" Challenger has been bad for Colourland " said Oceanoke. " He does not respect the possibility of Numerians changing "

" Numerians changing ? " asked the man.

" Yes, the crimes " said Electro. " We want Numerians to commit less crimes "

" Challenger has failed to understand and we need Crayon to speak with him " said Oceanoke.

" We need to get going " said Electro.

Electro and Oceanoke continued asking people but were not able to find them.

Meanwhile Colour King was talking.

" I will change Numerians, they will commit less crimes "

" Numerians will see that the penalties on them are harsher and they will stop committing crimes "

" We will extend the sentences if we feel that Numerians are not getting the message "

" If Numerians continue to fail to not commit crimes then other penalties will happen "

" We want Numerians to commit less crimes than other people do and it will happen "

Colour King sent his speech to the news who aired it.

Crayon and his friends ate their breakfast which they enjoyed and went to go train. On the way they met up with Warbler.

" Hello " said Warbler.

" We are glad to see you " said Colouruke.

Crayon and Warbler then used their Sky Implosions, Colourea used the Sun Implosion, Colouruke used the Sea Implosion and Artby used the Light Implosion. The attacks hit.

Crayon and Colourea used their Ultimate Sun Bombs, Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Bomb, Artby used the Ultimate Light Bomb and Warbler used the Ultimate Wind Bomb. The attacks hit.

" Nice power " said Artby. " This is for bakers "

Crayon and Warbler used their Ultimate Sky Blasts, Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Blast, Colourea used the Ultimate Sun Blast and Artby used the Ultimate Light Blast. The attacks hit.

" Wow " said Colourea.

" It is what we need " said Warbler.

Crayon used his Tenfold Sky Strike while Colourea used the Tenfold Sun Strike, Warbler used the Times Seven Sky Strike, Colouruke used the Times Seven Sea Strike and Artby used the Times Seven Light Strike. The attacks hit.

" Glad to train like this " said Warbler. " We have gotten very strong "

" I have eaten so much bread, I will never stop " said Artby. " Bread has done so much for me "

" Bread ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes " said Artby. " Bread's great 

" I am glad to see that to see you enjoy the bread, that was some great training " said Colouruke.

" We will keep doing this " said Colourea.

" I will keep eating bread as well " said Artby.

" Bakers know that I will eat, they want me eating their bread "

" Well the bakers know that we go to bakeries a lot " said Colouruke.

They then headed their seperate ways. After that, Challenger then contacted Crayon.

" Crayon, Colour King is very upset " said Challenger.

" He says he can change Numerians "

" Change them ? " asked Crayon. " How would he plan to do that ? "

" He says that he will increase the sentences on Numerians even more if they do not commit less crimes " said Challenger. " He wants Numerians to commit less crimes than Colourlandish "

" He must understand that he will be called racist and arresting Numerians for calling him that could make him get called very racist " said Crayon.

" That is what I fear " said Challenger.

" Well, we will continue training " said Crayon.

" Sounds like a plan to me " said Challenger.

" I have got to get going so see you later "

QuackQ were talking.

" These laws will make Numerians better " said Jack.

" Unfortunately Challenger isn't in favour of that " said Bryant.

" How could he be like this ? " asked Amanda.

" He is not sending a good message " said Jack.

" Challenger has failed to care about the crimes " said Bryant.

" Colour King knows he can change Numerians, guys like Challenger simply do not get it " said Amanda.

" Challenger does not get it, he has failed this country " said Jack.

" He must show that he cares about the crimes, which Colour King always shows " said Bryant.

" Colour King has shown to be a Colourlandish leader when this country needs him most " said Amanda.

" Challenger is no Colour King and he will never be if he keeps up with his attitude against stopping crime " said Jack.

" We have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned " said Bryant.

Colour King then had another law to create.

I have banned support of Challenger due to his refusal to support our plans to change Numerians " said Colour King.

" Protests in favour him are now illegal, I will also make the penalties against Numerians stronger than the ones against Colourlandish "

" Colourlandish people will get three years and Numerians will get five "

" We cannot have people supporting the type of thinking that he has done "

" Now, I hope that Oceanoke and Electro can convince Crayon and his friends to change Challenger "

" He is not putting the interests of Colourland first, he just keeps believing that what I am doing will be seen as racism "

" Wanting Numerians to commit less crimes is a Colourlandish thing to do, Challenger has failed to be Colourlandish "

Colour King then sent the speech to the news station which aired.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Man that Colour King is too much " said Artby. " Bakers must hate him "

" I'm not sure how bakers feel about him, but yes he is getting out of control " said Colouruke.

" Bakers hate seeing tyrannical behaviour, I never act like a tyrant which helps " said Artby. " Bakers know that this is the type of customer I am "

" Well I'm glad to see that you are not being a tyrant " said Colourea.

" Customers know not to be tyrants in the bakery " said Artby. " They know bakers and they know that bakers don't like that shit "

" Uh, yeah " said Crayon.

" Bakers will not put up with Colour King being the way he is " said Artby.

" I'm not sure what they can do " said Colourea.

" Bake special bread that helps people fight " said Artby. " Bread can stop him "

" Bread ? " asked Colourea.

" We must believe in bakers and the bread they are baking " said Artby. " Do you believe in bread ? "

" I believe that it tastes good, but I do not have other bread based thoughts " said Colourea.

" Believing in bread does wonders for the baker " said Artby.

" Wonders ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes Colouruke " said Artby. " I believe in the flour as well "

" In the flour ? " asked Crayon.

" Crayon, I believe in flour, I believe in bread and I believe in bakers " said Artby. " A strong belief in these things will help "

" Help ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes " said Artby. " I have a belief in ovens "

" Ovens ? " asked Colouruke.

" Have you believed in a oven used to bake ? " asked Artby.

" No " said Crayon, Colouruke and Colourea.

After that, they ate supper which they enjoyed. Crayon kissed Colourea and they went to bed together.

Artby and Colouruke were talking.

" My belief in bakers has done a lot " said Artby.

" What sort of things ? " asked Colouruke.

" You notice how happy Crayon is " said Artby.

" Yes, I do " said Colouruke.

" Bakers have done it, I always believed " said Artby. " He is performing well in the bedroom just like bakers wanted him too "

" Well in the bedroom ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes " said Artby. " Bakers have used flour that has helped, I always believe in the flour that they use "

" Flour is the reason for sex ? " asked Colouruke.

" Flour does a lot for Crayon sexually " said Artby. " I will always believe in flour because of this "

" Anyways I think we should get to bed "

" Sounds like a good idea to me " said Colouruke.

Warbler was kissing Allie and they went into the bed together.

Morning came and then they all got up and they headed out. 

Chapter 4

Electro and Oceanoke

Crayon and his friends went to the bakery where Artby thanked every baker and then they left and ate their breakfast

After breakfast they went outside where they ran into Oceanoke and Electro.

" Just who we were looking for " said Electro.

" Crayon, you must speak to Challenger " said Oceanoke.

" He must change " said Electro. " Protests supporting him have been banned "

" But he does not support these new laws " said Crayon.

" Why would he not ? " asked Electro.

" They will change Numerians and make them commit less crimes " said Oceanoke.

" This will make Numerians better, why would he refuse "

" This is why we want you to change him " said Electro.

" Change him ? " asked Crayon. " How would he be changed ? "

" Get him to understand what Colour King is doing " said Oceanoke.

" Colour King's laws will change Numerians, Challenger cannot keep opposing these laws "

" Challenger is concerned about if it will be seen as racist " said Colouruke. " He believes that Numerians will find it racist "

" We banned calling Colour King racist " said Electro. " We also banned calling Colour Queen, Colourclever, Colour Administrator and Colour Dictator racist as well "

" The ban solves that, so there is no purpose to that " said Oceanoke.

" We need you to convince him otherwise " said Electro.

" Challenger's mind is set " said Artby.

" With that type of thinking, you will never change his opinions " said Electro. " We don't want him to face harm but his opinions are not the opinion that is good for Colourland "

" Good for Colourland ? " asked Colouruke.

" They are very bad for this country, we need an opinion that agrees with Colour King " said Oceanoke.

" So people cannot disagree with each other ? " asked Crayon.

" Not when it comes to Colour King " said Electro. " He wants people to support his laws, he wants Challenger to be a good citizen "

" Challenger isn't a good citizen for the time being, but we believe that you can change him "

" He cannot continue this way, Colour King needs Colourlandish people to agree with him " said Oceanoke.

" The thing is that he doesn't want to support these laws regardless of what we say " said Artby. " Bakers would need to get involved "

" Bakers ? " asked Electro. " Artby, we know of your love for bread but bakers do not have the influence on Challenger that Crayon does "

" Artby may be a good customer to them, but Challenger cannot be changed by a baker " said Oceanoke.

Warbler showed up in the middle of this discussion.

" So that's Warbler who has been talked about before by Colour King " said Electro.

" Yes, it is me " said Warbler.

" Warbler, maybe Challenger will understand you " said Oceanoke.

" Challenger does not support these laws regardless of what anyone says " said Warbler. " I understand wanting less crimes but increasing the sentences for only Numerians is something that Challenger believes Numerians will find racist "

" We banned calling Colour King racist " said Oceanoke. " We mentioned it to Crayon and his friends "

" There is nothing to worry about " said Electro.

" True " said Oceanoke.

" If a Numerian does defy the law they will go to jail so they will not call us racist " said Electro. " We know that Numerians can change "

" Now get Challenger here " said Oceanoke.

" We will contact him " said Warbler.

" You must convince him " said Electro. 

" We cannot continue have Challenger this way " said Oceanoke.

Crayon then called Challenger.

" Hello Challenger " said Crayon.

" Hello, Crayon " said Challenger. " Anything going on in particular "

" Yes " said Crayon. " We are with Oceanoke and Electro "

" Is there something they want ? " asked Challenger.

" They want you to support Colour King " said Crayon.

" The laws are going to make Numerians think that we are a racist country " said Challenger. " Giving them longer sentences than Colourlandish people will not work "

" Oceanoke and Electro have been insisting on you supporting the laws and they say that Colour King does not want different opinions " said Crayon.

" I understand that he does not like the different opinions but I cannot support this type of thinking " said Challenger. " Oceanoke and Electro will have to understand "

" They won't " said Crayon. " I'm not sure what they are thinking but they will not like it "

" I cannot support this, Numerians will see us as racist and I do not want that for Colourland " said Challenger.

" I understand, we will have to face them " said Crayon. " See you later "

" So, it appears that Challenger has refused to listen to you " said Electro. " So we are left with some choices "

" Me and Oceanoke talk to him, you betray him or you fight against us "

" So which is it ? " asked Oceanoke.

" We will let you two talk to him " said Colouruke. " It appears like the most reasonable option "

" Okay " said Electro. " We will be a lot harder on him, I hope you understand "

Electro called the number of Challenger.

" Challenger, we must talk " said Electro.

" Crayon was not able to get through to you " said Oceanoke.

" Numerians will find us to be a racist country " said Challenger.

" I don't know who is telling you that, but they are wrong " said Oceanoke. " Colour King banned calling him a racist "

" You should have more faith in Numerians to be honest " said Electro. " When they see the sentences for them are longer and that Colour King banned sex in the prisons, they will not commit any crimes "

" Do you simply not believe in Numerians ? " asked Oceanoke.

" I believe in Numerians but these laws are not a guarantee " said Challenger.

" They are, Numerians will know how much they will spend time in jail with no sex and they will not commit crimes " said Electro. " Challenger, we have had enough "

" Colour King will not tolerate this " said Oceanoke. " I have had enough of this "

" Challenger, goodbye " said Electro. Electro then hung up the phone.

" Since that failed, we cannot have you support him anymore " said Electro.

" Either that, or fight " said Oceanoke.

" What is your decision ? " asked Electro.

Meanwhile Colour King then was talking with Colour Dictator, Colour Queen, Colourclever and Colour Administrator.

" I don't know what Electro and Oceanoke are planning with Crayon and his friends but if they cannot convince Challenger we cannot have them support him anymore " said Colour King. " I do not want these opinions, they are not opinions that are good for Colourland " 

" Opinions must be in the interests of Colourland " said Colourclever.

" Challenger is not what Colourland needs or any Numerian either " said Colour Administrator.

" Challenger has failed to support our changes for Numerians, so he is not someone that Crayon can support anymore " said Colour Dictator.

" It is not acceptable " said Colour Queen.

" Challenger will be seen as a dick to all people who care about the crimes " said Colour Administrator.

" He must be stopped " said Colourclever.

" Oceanoke and Electro may have to fight " said Colour Administrator.

" They will be fine " said Colour Queen.

" Yes " said Colour King. " The only opinion that Colourland needs is the right opinion not opinions that do not respect what we are trying to do "

QuackQ were talking on the air.

" Challenger's opinions are not the right ones for the country " said Jack.

" QuackQ has always understood what it means to support Colourland " said Bryant. " Colour King simply wants Numerians to not commit crimes "

" Challenger is not setting a good example " said Amanda.

" Colour King has opinions that are Colourlandish the ones that Challenger has are not " said Jack.

" If sex between prisoners is not allowed, people will not commit crimes " said Bryant. " Colour King knows what he is doing "

" Challenger on the other hand does not " said Amanda.

" Colour King's laws will change Numerians, Challenger needs to stop claiming that Numerians will find it racist "

" His lack of confidence in Numerians is not what is needed " said Bryant. " Anyways, we have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned " 

Chapter 5

Electro and Oceanoke Fight, Part One

" We will not stop supporting Challenger " said Colourea.

" Not a very smart thing to say " said Electro.

" You will truly regret this " said Oceanoke. " Challenger's opinions are not worth it " 

Electro then got ready with his Lightning Edge and he aimed it towards Warbler who used his Ultimate Sky Bomb to counter. The attacks hit, Electro then punched Artby while Oceanoke kicked him.

They got Artby but Colouruke then used his Times Seven Sea Strike to break him free.

" Not bad " said Oceanoke. " It will not be enough "

Oceanoke then charged up the Ultimate Ocean Blast while Crayon countered with his Ultimate Sun Blast, both of them took damage. Artby then used his Ultimate Light Blast directly on Electro. Electro got up and he kicked Colourea. Colourea then got up and she kicked him to the ground, Oceanoke then punched her.

Colourea then got up and she used the Ultimate Sun Bomb while Crayon used his own and they directly hit down Electro.

Electro got up and used his Tenfold Thunderstorm Strike while Oceanoke used his Tenfold Ocean Strike, the strikes then directly hit down Warbler. Warbler then got up and used his Sky Implosion while Artby used his Light Implosion, the implosions hit Oceanoke directly. Oceanoke then grabbed Colouruke and slammed him to the ground where Electro then grabbed him. Electro then used the Lightning Edge while Oceanoke used the Ultimate Ocean Blast doing serious damage against him.

" Hahahaha " said Electro. " Now, you realize what you are dealing with here "

" Colouruke, prepare to meet your demise " said Oceanoke.

" Colour King's opinion is the opinion of the land " said Electro.

" His opinion will make people think this is a racist country " said Artby.

" You just want him to fail where we want him to succeed " said Electro.

" Challenger has turned into a dick, we have to do this "

Colouruke then rushed for Oceanoke, the two grabbed each other while Electro then used the Ultimate Thunderstorm Blast directly on Artby. Artby got up and he kicked Electro but Electro then punched him.

Electro then used the Thunderstorm Implosion while Crayon countered with the Sky Implosion and the attacks collided with tons of power. Colourea then used her Ultimate Sun Bomb and the bomb hit Oceanoke knocking him to the ground.

Warbler then used his Ultimate Bird Flock which directly hit Electro but Oceanoke then hit Warbler with the Ultimate Ocean Bomb. Warbler then used the Sky Implosion while Crayon used his own which combined into the mighty Bird Implosion and it hit Electro and Oceanoke down to the ground.

" Yes " said Warbler.

" That was for the bakers " said Artby. " They have done so much "

" Bakers have had enough of Colour King "

" Colour King would not waste his time with a baker " said Electro. " He knows that he has Challenger to deal with "

" Well the bakers are very wise " said Artby. " When you see the wisdom of a baker, you know how wise a baker is "

" Colour King has the true Colourlandish opinion which no baker can do anything about " said Oceanoke.

" We will resume the fight "

 Oceanoke then charged his Ultimate Ocean Blast while Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Blast to counter it, the attacks collided with each other. Electro then kicked Artby to the ground, Artby then got up and aimed a punch at Electro but Electro threw him down.

Oceanoke and Electro then rushed for Artby while Crayon rushed for them. They then shoved Artby into Crayon knocking him down.

" Hahahaha " said Electro. " You will regret protecting Challenger, a man who does not believe in Numerians "

" He believes that they will not like these laws " said Crayon.

" That is why his downfall is necessary " said Oceanoke. " We cannot have his opinion here "

Electro then used the Thunderstorm Implosion while Artby used the Light Implosion, the attacks collided with each other and they both took damage. Artby was slightly struggling.

" As a customer, I will fight for bakers always " said Artby. " They cannot be let down, they will always bake knowing that I am there for them as a customer "

" They will always bake forever "

" What the fuck " said Oceanoke.

" Regardless if they bake or not, Challenger's opinion is an opinion that must be destroyed if we want Numerians and Colourlandish committing less crimes " said Electro. " It doesn't matter what kind of customer you are "

" The bakers know me " said Artby. " Their baking goes on, bread goes on "

" Well, we can't have you protect Challenger " said Electro. " The less people protecting that dick, the better "

Colouruke used the Ultimate Sea Bomb while Oceanoke used the Tenfold Ocean Strike. The attacks collided with each other.

Warbler then kicked Electro while Electro kicked him back and they both fell to the ground. Electro then grabbed Warbler, Crayon went to attempt to help him but Electro shoved him and Warbler broke free.

Electro then started charging for the Lightning Edge and he aimed it towards Warbler used the Ultimate Sky Blast to counter, they both took damage.

Warbler then got up and he used the Sky Implosion while Oceanoke used the Ocean Implosion and the implosions collided with each other, creating a hurricane of tons of energy which severly blew everyone.

Artby was seriously struggling while Colouruke was slightly struggling.

" Baking will save me " said Artby.

Artby then got up and he used the Light Implosion while Colourea used the Sun Implosion, the attacks combined together. Electro used the Thunderstorm Implosion and the attacks hit their targets.

Artby was getting very near the end, he had a hard time moving.

" Artby, your time is over " said Electro. " It is a shame that you did not side with Colour King's opinion or shun Challenger "

" We must do this due to the wrong opinion, Colour King does not tolerate these types of opinions " said Oceanoke.

" Colour King's opinion is the opinion that is good for Colourland, Challenger's opinion is not one that can be allowed " said Electro.

" So only his opinion is allowed ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes " said Electro. " We want people to side with him or to not get involved "

" Colour King is not a man who wants to be disagreed with " said Oceanoke.

" I don't think anyone does, but to force us to shun Challenger? " asked Artby.

" Challenger must be shunned unless he changes " said Electro. " When you act like a dick, there are consequences "

" Like a dick ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes " said Electro. " Challenger's a dick because of his refusal to believe in Numerians and to have the belief that they will not see it as racism "

" I will continue to see him as one until he changes "

" Let's continue the fight " said Oceanoke.

Oceanoke used the Ultimate Ocean Bomb while Colouruke used the Sea Implosion. The attacks collided with each other and they both took damage.  

Colouruke then got up and he used the Ultimate Sea Blast while Electro used the Tenfold Thunderstorm Strike, the attacks collided and they both took damage.

Warbler then used the Sky Implosion while Electro used the Thunderstorm Implosion. The attacks then collided with each other and they both took damage. 

Electro then kicked Colouruke to the ground. Colouruke was seriously struggling, he used the Sea Implosion while Artby used the Light Implosion. The implosions hit with tons of power while Electro used the Thunderstorm Implosion.

Colouruke and Artby were defeated, Warbler was slightly struggling.

" Well now we have three left " said Electro. " You will all regret not having the opinion that we want "

" I'm not having an opinion like that, Colour King has gone so far " said Crayon.

" Don't be a fool " said Electro. " Colour King is the leader that Colourland has desired, his opinion is great "

" Challenger is not a man with a good opinion, Electro has called him a dick because of this " said Oceanoke.

" I fail to see how he is a dick because of this " said Colourea.

" Challenger's a dick " said Electro.

" True " said Oceanoke. " We cannot have people helping him "

" Warbler, you should know " said Electro. " Do you remember King Bobby ? "

" I do, Colour King has gone very far with not allowing seperate opinions " said Warbler.

" What about Allie ? " asked Electro.

" How do you know " said Warbler.

" Very simple " said Oceanoke. " I remember King Bobby showing how much he cared about Warbler by saying the things he did, Challenger did nothing for him "

" King Bobby was happy that I am with Allie but he did a lot of questionable things " said Warbler.

" Allie is at the house right now "

" Well Warbler, she may be looking for someone else unless you refrain from helping Challenger " said Oceanoke.

" I won't give up " said Warbler.

" Warbler, Challenger has been a dick and we do not believe this is worth it " said Electro. " Since he has chose to be one, it is not worth protecting someone who is a dick "

Warbler then charged up his Sky Implosion while Electro used his Lightning Edge. While they were attacking each other, Crayon used his Sun Implosion and Oceanoke used his Ocean Implosion. The attacks collided with each other and all respective targets took damage.

Warbler then got up from the attack and he then charged up the Ultimate Sky Blast while Oceanoke then used his Ultimate Ocean Blast, the attacks collided with each other. Warbler was getting near the end.

" Warbler, we really didn't want this but defending a dick like Challenger is not something that Colour King can allow " said Electro.

" Warbler, you should have stayed back with Allie " said Oceanoke. " Since you chose to not do that or side with Colour King, this is how it must be "

" I'm not done yet " said Warbler.

" I don't think you can do a lot more " said Electro.

" We shall see " said Warbler.

Warbler then used his Sky Implosion while Oceanoke used his Ultimate Ocean Bomb and Electro used his Ultimate Thunderstorm Blast, the attacks all collided with each other.

Warbler was defeated, while Oceanoke was starting to slightly struggle. 

Chapter 6

Electro and Oceanoke Fight, Part Two

" So now you are down to only two, you will regret this " said Electro.

" Dying for a man with an opinion that is not good for here " said Oceanoke. " You really think that is worth it ? "

" We aren't dead " said Crayon. " None of us are "

" Well, there is a lot of time for that, a dick like Challenger and his lack of respect for Colourland is not a person that you should risk this for " said Electro.

" You can call Challenger a dick as much as you want, but we believe that Colour King has gone too far " said Colourea.

" Well we have no choice but to eliminate you then, Challenger's opinion is not an opinion that Colourlandish people can tolerate " said Oceanoke.

" Now, prepare for the end " said Electro.

Electro then started to use the Ultimate Thunderstorm technique while Oceanoke used the Ultimate Ocean Bomb. Oceanoke fired the bomb towards the clouds which then created a very dangerous storm full of explosions, lightning and water. The storm directly hit down Colourea and Crayon. 

Colourea was starting to slightly struggle but she got up.

Colourea then charged for the Sun Implosion while Crayon used the Ultimate Sun Bomb. Oceanoke used his Ocean Implosion while Electro used the Lightning Edge. Two insanely powerful attacks collided and everyone took damage.

Electro got up first and he then grabbed Colourea.

" Colourea " yelled Crayon.

" Hahahahaha " said Electro. " This is for the Colourlandish people, Numerian people and the king "

" Numerian people ? " asked Crayon. " Numerians don't particularly like Colour King ".

" They know about the new laws and they will commit less crimes " said Electro. " Had you stayed home or cut Challenger off, you would have been able to stay with Colourea "

Electro then kicked her down to the ground where Oceanoke was.

Oceanoke and Colourea were seriously struggling. Oceanoke then started to use the Ultimate Ocean Blast while Crayon used the Ultimate Sky Blast to counter. They both hit their targets.

Oceanoke was looking pretty weak.

" How could this happen " said Oceanoke. " Electro is stronger than me "

" I will still fight "

Colourea got up and she used the Ultimate Sun Bomb and hit down Electro, while Oceanoke then punched Colourea.

She got up and she used the Sun Implosion while Crayon used the Sky Implosion, Oceanoke used his Ocean Implosion and Electro used the Ultimate Thunderstorm. The attacks had tons of power and everyone took a bunch of damage.

" Colourea " said Crayon. " Noooo "

" Oceanoke has reached his end, same with Colourea " said Electro. " Defeating Oceanoke without Challenger is impressive but Colour King's people are stronger by a lot "

" Even with Challenger, you won't win "

" Colour King will rule Colourland forever and make Numerians better people "

" I don't think so " said Crayon.

" Well let us continue " said Electro. " I will enjoy finishing you off for the king "

Electro then used his Thunderstorm Implosion while Crayon used his Sky Implosion to counter the attack.

Both of them took damage, they both got up and they punched each other.

" Colour King would have loved you protecting this place " said Electro.

" He has some of the best opinions ever "

" No, he does not " said Crayon. " I'm not protecting anything for him "

" Well, that is your loss " said Electro.

Electro then used the Thunderstorm Edge, an extremely powerful attack while Crayon used his Sun Implosion, they both took damage.

Electro was slightly struggling but he got up first and he picked up Crayon and threw him into Colouruke's body.

" Colouruke " said Crayon.

" Well, Colouruke will no longer live " said Electro.

Electro used the Ultimate Thunderstorm technique while Crayon used the Ultimate Sky Blast. The attacks hit and they both took damage.

Crayon was struggling and so was Electro. Meanwhile Colour King was having a discussion with Colour Queen.

" Electro and Oceanoke have taken awfully long " said Colour King.

" This is not acceptable " said Colour Queen.

" My great opinion must be protected against people like Challenger, I expect to see those two very soon " said Colour King.

" I don't know what the fuck happened " said Colour Queen.

" Colourlandish people and Numerian people need my opinion at all times " said Colour King. " Without it, we are completely lost "

Electro then started charging up for the Thunderstorm Implosion while Crayon used the Sun Implosion. The attacks collided and both of them took damage.

Crayon got up first but Electro kicked him in the leg and he went to the ground.

" Crayon, enjoy these last moments while you still can " said Electro. " You will not make it "

Electro then went to punch him, but Crayon blocked the punch and shoved him down to the ground where they were attempting to grab each other.

After that, Crayon got Electro and he knocked him down and then he started charging for his Ultimate Sun Blast, Electro then kicked him which made the blast not a direct hit but part of it hit him but the kick stopped Electro from being defeated.

" For an opinion like Colour King's, I'll keep going forever " said Electro. " I won't let a dick like Challenger have his way "

" Always remember Challenger's a dick "

" Well, let's continue " said Crayon.

Crayon and Electro then both punched each other and they went down to the ground. For a while, neither of them got up but Crayon got up. Crayon then called the hospital who were on their way.

Crayon called Challenger.

" Challenger, we fought Oceanoke and Electro " said Crayon. " We won the fight "

" Glad to see " said Challenger.

" They kept mentioning something about the opinion of Colour King " said Crayon.

" Well, he is going to have to accept that not everyone agrees with him or it will get ugly " said Challenger.

" It really seems that way " said Crayon.

" Well, see you later " said Challenger. " Hopefully you will all be okay soon "

They all then headed to the hospital and they stayed there for the night.

QuackQ were talking.

" Colour King has a Colourlandish opinion " said Jack.

" His opinions are Colourlandish unlike Challenger " said Bryant.

" Challenger looks terrible compared to Colour King " said Amanda.

" Colour King's opinion is the opinion that everyone here must have " said Jack. " He will change Numerians for the better "

" Unfortunately some people believe it is racism to give Numerians longer sentences than Colourlandish people which will make them commit less crimes " said Bryant.

" The people who find it racist know who they are and they just should be embarrassed " said Amanda. 

" Colour King must take action " said Jack. " He cannot have people disrespect his Colourlandish opinions like this "

" Numerians that want to change and who want to not use drugs know these people who find it racist are trying to scare them " said Bryant.

" Drugs have changed Numerians for a bad reason, Colour King wants to change them for a good reason " said Amanda.

" We have decided to no longer encourage Numerians to not date Colourlandish people " said Jack. " It is the drugs that made them this way in the first place "

" Drugs make you commit tons of crimes " said Bryant. " The people who make them should be ashamed and so should the people who are dealing them "

" The laws will change Numerians and Colour King must say the names of the people who find it racist so that Numerians who want to change can shun them " said Amanda. " Colourlandish people must shun them as well "

" I really hope that Challenger is not responsible for any of this " said Jack. " He must understand that Colour King has a better opinion and must respect him "

" Colour King is truly Colourlandish and more Colourlandish than Challenger " said Bryant. " We have to go to a commercial break so stay tuned.

Colour King was talking with Colour Queen, Colourclever, Colour Administrator and Colourclever.

" So Oceanoke and Electro failed " said Colour King.

" This is disappointing " said Colour Queen.

" Challenger must change his opinion " said Colour Dictator.

" It is my opinion or no opinions at all " said Colour King.

" Challenger must learn that he is no longer in charge and he must agree with Colour King or be quiet " said Colour Administrator.

" He has been a jackass " said Colourclever. " Colour King has no patience for jackasses like him "

" Colour King must be agreed with at all times " said Colour Queen. " There is a reason that I married him and not Challenger "

" Challenger is not someone that the true people of Colourland trust in " said Colour Dictator. " People are ashamed when they look at him "

" I will pass some more laws " said Colour King.

" Colour King made it illegal to support an opinion that Challenger has publicly that is not one that I support and said that Colourlandish will get three years while Numerians will get five years "

" We have also banned posting the words " Fuck Colourland ", we will give non Numerians five years and Numerians six years "

" Fuck Colourland has been banned on all Colourlandish sites, all video sharing sites and we have also blocked all anti Colourlandish videos here in Colourland "

" Videos that call Colourland a racist country have been blocked here in Colourland, websites that call Colourland a racist country have been blocked as well "

" News stations have been ordered to not call Colourland racist, if they fail to do so then they must fire the people responsible or be either fined, shut down or arrested "

" Radio stations cannot play music that calls Colourland racist or is critical of Colour King "

" People cannot play music outside that calls Colourland racist or is critical of Colour King either "

" Music DJ's cannot do this either "

Colour King then sent it to the news stations who aired the several changes in the law of Colourland.

Time continued to pass, Crayon and his friends were ready and they met Allie and Challenger outside.

" Hello " said Allie.

" Allie " said Warbler.

" I am glad that all of us are okay " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, those two guys were pretty strong " said Crayon.

" I wonder who is next " said Colourea.

" They will probably use either Colour Administrator or Colourclever " said Challenger.

" They are very strong "

" We will go back to training " said Artby. " The bakers want us to think of them when we fight "

" Uh, yeah " said Colouruke.

" We should go to the bakery " said Artby. " The bakers must be wondering about us "

" They might " said Allie.

" Bakers are amazing, wonderful people " said Artby. " I dream about bakers so much "

" Well, let's get going " said Colourea.

The seven of them went into a bakery and Artby thanked every baker like he usually did.

" Man, I love bakers " said Artby. " It is great to see baking again, baking saves us "

" Saves us ? " asked a baker.

" Baking saves us in many ways " said Artby. " I love baking because of what it does "

" Glad to see " said the baker.

They got their bread and left.

" Me and Allie are going to head to our place " said Warbler.

" Bye " they all said.

They ate their breakfast which they enjoyed a lot, while Warbler and Allie enjoyed theirs.

Meanwhile on a island far away, Brett the father of the Smithsons saw Maxclever and Willemease wake up.

" Where are we " said Maxclever.

" What the fuck happened " said Willemease. " You look like an older Easeion "

" I knew we were out cold but this long " said Maxclever.

" I am his father " said Brett. " The regular members are still here "

" That's good " said Maxclever. " I wonder if they will wake up soon "

" They hopefully will " said Brett.

Maxclever and Willemease then started training their abilities. They were soon able to use the Quintuple Shadow Strike and the Super Shadow Bomb plus the blast.

" I wonder about Blackin " said a woman in the organization.

" I will never forget him and what he did for Blackina " said a second woman. " It was something that you almost never see "

" Yeah, Blackin loved Blackina in a way, that Blackina could not be loved " said the first woman.

Maxclever and Willemease finished their training.

This is the end of this section, the next section is the Colourclever and Admin section.

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