Krithi S Bhat

Comedy Others


Krithi S Bhat

Comedy Others

Chocolate cake v/s Me

Chocolate cake v/s Me

3 mins

Well, I had planned for the past few days to prepare a chocolate cake and was waiting for the right time. However, the right time hadn't arrived yet. Hence, I decided that I would take this time and make it right. My kitchen witnessed my entry.

I always get confused between Refined Flour (Maida) and Rice Flour. After getting an assurance from my mom that, the White box in the kitchen which was sneering at me was the Refined Flour, I caught hold of it and rejoiced. My next hunt was my recent love, that is, Cocoa powder which hid inside a shelf and played treasure hunt with me. However, I won, as always, held it captive and kept it next to the mixing bowl. Milk, which was coolly seated next to the mixing bowl, was ready for a roller coaster ride.

The story didn't end right here. My dear friend sugar was mourning, as I hadn't even thrown a glance at it. "Oh my poor friend, don't be sad. It's your turn now" I smiled an evil smile and the poor sugar didn't even shed tears when it was ground to a fine powder. Cooking oil had already planned its place next to the mixing bowl. "What can you do without me you fool? Forgot that you can't bake without me?" screamed baking powder from a corner. "Okay boss, cool!", the baking powder was consoled and shown its place.

All set and started. In went the ingredients in the right proportions to the mixing bowl and I transferred them to a baking bowl, which was ready after an oil massage was given and flour was sprinkled, to bake them in a cooker.

Suddenly I heard voices murmuring "Look at her. Adding onto this summer heat, she's baking us at this high temperature. It's time to teach her a lesson". I smirked and let the cake mixture to boil.

After forty five minutes, when I opened the cooker lid, I tested whether the cake had baked itself properly and into the right texture. Once confirmed, I turned the cake bowl onto a plate and started patting the sides of the vessel. To my utter dismay, the cake was stubborn and refused to step out of the bowl. 

Now the battle between the chocolate cake and me started. I realised now as to what lesson the mixture ingredients were murmuring about while I was baking them. After separating the sides of the cake from the vessel and turning it upside down, lo!, the cake fell piece by piece onto the plate, laughed a huge laughter and gave a sarcastic look.

"You think you are teaching me a lesson by not coming out as a cute round cake? Why, do you even realise that I cannot gobble you up as a single, nice, round chocolate cake even if you come out that way? Now, I'm going to pour the chocolate sauce all over you and relish the taste. Haha" I laughed and gobbled up the delicious chocolate cake pieces topped by the chocolate sauce.

Well, dear friends, I hope this brought a smile to your beautiful faces. Do comment after reading and if you feel there's any mistake, please feel free to convey the same. 

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