Bad Boy Crush
Bad Boy Crush

Brie's POV... New York City a.k.a "The Big Apple"
"Wake up Brie! My best friend and roommate Payton Farley yelled while snatching the curtains open letting in the bright sunlight.
"Why? I don't have any classes today or to go to work" I murmured, jerking the covers up over my head.
"Get your ass out of this bed! She says while snatching the covers off me. You promised me that you would go shopping with me for my birthday." She adds with her hands on her hips.
"Okayyy! I grumbled. I regret ever promising her this after the long stressful week that I've just endured. All I wanted to do was stay curled up in my warm, comfy bed, and sleep. Taking classes during the day and working way into the night at Poco's Diner was becoming a bit too hectic for me. "What would you have done if I hadn't chosen to attend Alden University? I asked, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and wiping the crude from my eyes with the back of my hand.
"Then I would have followed you to Vanderson University bestie" Payton retorted with a smirk on her face.
"So what you're saying is, either way, I would have been stuck with your ass anyway, huh? I questioned heading into the small bathroom.
"Yes." Payton simply replies. "Oh by the way Brie you only have fifteen minutes to get ready! She shouts through the closed bathroom door.
"Dammit, Payton you know that it takes me longer than that to get ready! Doing my hair alone takes about forty-five minutes to an hour. How do you expect me to be done with everything within fifteen minutes? I grumbled cracking the door halfway open.
"I guess you better make a miracle happen in those fifteen minutes then because Blaze is on his way to pick us up as we speak." She flippantly says then heads back out of my room. Just the mention of his name pissed me off. Why you asked? Because he is a womanizing, self-centered jerk. I agreed to go on this long and hectic shopping spree because for once I thought it would just be the two of us without him being around. Ever since Blaze and Payton started dating he's accompanied us everywhere. I do believe that if he could follow us into the women's bathroom he would.
I looked at my appearance in the mirror after taking a quick five-minute shower cringing at the dark circle and bags forming around my eyes from lack of sleep.
"Brie, you only have ten minutes left," Payton says from the other side of the door.
"Get out of my room! I shout back at her. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail after not having much time to do anything else to it. While dabbing strawberry-scented flavor lip gloss onto my lips I strolled over to my closet pulling out a pair of black ripped jeans off the hanger and black pumps off the top shelf. Rummaging through my top drawer I grabbed my black and white shirt with the word off written on the front of it along with a white panty and bra set. I wasn't at all satisfied with my appearance but it would have to do for now due to a nagging Payton pounding on my bedroom door like a crazy person.
I snatched my purse, phone, and house keys up off the stand by my bedroom door before unlocking it. Payton yelled, "we're two minutes late," as soon as I opened the door. I just rolled my eyes at her and walked into the living room. Blaze sat on our sofa with his feet propped up on the table like he was in his crib.
"Hi, Brie! He calls out and then winks at me.
"Didn't you just see your man winking at me flirtatiously? I asked Payton turning around to
glare at her.
"Oh, sweetie he does that to everyone." She nonchalantly responds then grabs me by my left arm pulling me towards the front door.
"I'll lock the place up! I hear the cheating scumbag Blaze says behind us. I called him a cheater because he's been giving me the cheater vibe for the past few months. Every time Payton wasn't paying any attention he would stare at me oddly and sometimes make sexual comments about my body. I've tried warning her but as you can see for yourself she just brushes everything that Blaze does off as some innocent playful gestures. I know they say that love is blind to me this was just plain out Payton being stupid or ignorant at its highest level.
Four hours later...
By the time we made it back to our apartment, I was bone-tired and hungry. I immediately walked into the kitchen after placing my things into my room and grabbed the half-empty box of frosted flakes cereal and milk out of the fridge. Sitting down I filled the bowl halfway with cereal then sat both the box of cereal and jug of milk in front of me.
"Brie, aren't you going to offer me some of what you got? Blazed asked in a way that let me know that he wasn't talking about the cereal that I was eating.
"Blaze if you don't leave me alone I'm going to give you something alright! I shout loud enough for Payton to hear me in her bedroom. She laughed and brushed his behavior under the rug like she always does.
"If you were my man would you'd be dead right about now! I sneered in anger pushing the chair from the table. I headed out of the apartment needing some fresh air and space away from Blaze before I killed him.
"Brie please don't forget that we have to be ready at 8:30 pm to head out to Rocco's for my birthday gathering with Leah and Aniya," Payton says, reminding of the other dreadful agreement that I made with her earlier this week.
"I'll be back in enough time to get dressed Payton," I called out before closing the apartment door behind me.
The downstairs lobby of our apartment building was packed with several ladies that I knew from my art class and a few I had no clue as to who they were. I didn't have very far to go to get to, "Alden's Art Studio," the only place that seems to calm me down whenever I'm stressed. It was on the campus of Alden University wedged in between the musical art and the library building right across from our apartment.
"Brianna, are you coming to Professor Robert's art lecture tonight? Skylar, a young, bubbly Latino girl asked as I passed by her heading to the front door.
"I have a prior engagement to attend tonight, Sky," I answer and continue to walk out the door.
I breathed in a breath of fresh air as soon as I walked outside. I stared at the tall magnificent library in awe. It looks like a magical, stress-free getaway island placed in plain sight to me. The three-building was surrounded by luscious green grass with a few tall colorful trees and a huge sparkling water fountain in front of the library. A long paved walkway leads to the entrance of the double doors.
Beautiful red roses lined each side of the walkway, and several picnic areas were placed distinctively throughout the front yard. I sat underneath a large shaded oak tree then pulled my favorite book called Marriage Of Convenience out of my black purse along with a bottle of water. Leaning back up against the tree and began to read my book. I was so immersed in the part where Jae found out about McKenna being raped while they were in college that I hadn't noticed a group of people had gathered around me until I hear a guy says in a gruff voice "You're in our spot."
Looking up from my book I see seven guys and one female standing in front of me. Two of the guys were giving me an unwavering glare while the female rolled her eyes at me with her lips poked out.
"Bitch, aren't you going to move? I hear the female say causing a peal of loud laughter to erupted from my mouth after I realized that she was talking to me.
"What's so funny? The two guys that were glaring at me demanded.
"You all are! I retorted then returned to my book.
"Move out of our spot now! The tallest guy orders as he comes to stand directly in front of me.
"I don't see your name anywhere near where I'm sitting," I responded then like before I began to read my book. My book was snatched out of my hand and thrown across the yard into the nearby fountain by the female who had a big grin upon her face.
"Don't you ever touch anything else of mine again! I commanded as I hauled back and slapped the shit of her. Grabbing my things off the ground and my now soaking wet book out of the fountain I left them all standing there with their mouth gaped wide open.
"Could today get any worse? I pondered as I walked into my apartment holding my soaking wet book wedged in between mounds of paper towels that I had gotten from the bathroom downstairs in the lobby. I pulled my cell phone out of my back pocket and immediately groaned out loud after noticing that it was Payton calling me. "What Payton? I answered as I walked into the living room.
"Leah, Aniya, and I will be back in time to pick you, and please wear something cute for my birthday outing! She says in an insulting tone of voice, while the other girl's snickers in the background at her snide remark.
"Payton if you keep this insulting ass attitude up then you just might be going to your outing with one less friend tonight! I snap before hanging up the phone on Payton. I looked at the clock on the wall hanging beside the forty-inch flat-screen TV and noticed that I still had approximately one hour and a half left before I had to get dressed for Payton's twenty-fourth birthday bash. I walked into my bathroom to take a long relaxing bubble bath with a bottle glass of champagne in my right hand and a wine glass in my left.
Chapter 2: Meeting Under The Tree
Ten's POV...
“Well, fellas it looks like we will have to find somewhere else to have our meeting today,” I tell the group as I point to someone sitting in our usual meeting spot with their face stuck in a book.
“That's our spot!” I hear Winwin annoying girlfriend “Charlotte” speak as if she was part of our crew. I hated being in the same vicinity with her and Winwin knew this, but he still chose to let her come to our practice every day. “Are you not going to move? She barked at the person that turned out to be a mesmerizing lady that had a surprised look etched on her face. Lucas and I stood hovering over her with a scowl on our face. Mines was only to be as a back up to reinforce Lucas bruting glare to scare her. She returned her attention to her book after letting out loud laughter.
“What's so funny?” Lucas and I asked at the same time.
“You all are!” She retorts then turns back to her book again. Charlotte snatched the book out of her hand and sling it into the nearby fountain. “Don't you ever touch anything of mine again!” She shouts in fury as she hauls off and slaps the piss out of Charlotte. She hit her so hard that she left her handprint on the right side of Charlotte's face. For some reason, this pleased me immensely. So much so that I was finding it very hard to hold in my snicker. I watched as the woman snatched up her things and worked off towards an apartment building across from campus.
“Babe, are you okay?” Winwin asked in a voice that let me know that he too, found it satisfactory that someone had the guts to stand up to Charlotte uppity behind.
“Do you really care Win?” She asked shortening his name on purpose because she knew how much he despised it.
“You know what Charlotte, I don't!” Winwin retorts then walk away from her.
“What are you staring at Ten?” She yells at me.
“At someone that just got the piss slapped out of her by a woman that isn't afraid of you! I hurl back at her before letting the laughter I was trying to keep at bay flow freely.
“Charlotte please shut up!” Hendery demanded, sounding annoyed all of a sudden then say to the group, “guys we only have a few hours before we have to head out to Rocco's for tonight's performance. This means that we have thirty minutes to figure out which songs we are going to be performing!” He adds.
“How about Bad Alive?” Kun suggests as he leans up against the tree in a red and white jacket with black jeans.
“Good suggestion,” Yangyang responds.
“I don't like that song?" Charlotte says giving us her two cents.
“Well, it's a good thing that we didn't ask you then ain't it?” I retorted then turned back to the group.
Winwin then asked, “Are there any other suggestions?”
“ about “Love Talk” since it's one of our most popular songs among the women?” Xiaojun says while he was scratching the right side of his head seemingly in thought.
“How many songs have we been requested to sing? I questioned looking over to Lucas since he's the one that normally schedules our performances at these venues.
“Three!” He states while holding up three fingers at the same time.
“So that means we only have one more song to pick,” I announce.
“Then I say we should do Take Off. The song has an upbeat, fast-tempo that can be played anywhere. Plus it will allow us to show off the new dance moves that we've been practicing so hard on.” Hendery throws into the mix.
“Sounds good to me! We all say in unison well except for someone whose opinion shouldn't matter at all, “Charlotte's.”
“Alright everyone, we will meet up at my house in about thirty to forty-five minutes,” Lucas announces as we all begin to walk to our respective vehicles.
None of the photos that I will be using belongs to me. Also please don't steal my work.
I'm so sorry that this is a short chapter. Please vote and comment. Your feedback on what you think about my work would be greatly appreciated. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad criticism. Your thoughts and opinion will help to make me a better writer. Until next you ladies and gentlemen please be safe. God bless you all.
Chapter 3: At Rocco's
Tens POV...
People were already lined up outside of Rocco's when we arrived. The line was nearly wrapped around the corner of the building and it was only 7:30 pm. “Fellas it looks like we are going to be performing to a full house tonight!” Lucas says with too much excitement if you ask me.
All I wanted to do was get this night over with as fast I could so that I can go back home to be by myself. We all hopped out of my black Hummer dressed in coordinating attire consisting of purple and black. The energy surrounding the place was like a magnetic force field amping me up for what's to come. It was something that I couldn't explain even if I tried to.
“Are you guys re
ady to blow the roof off this place with your hypnotic voices?” The owner of Rocco's yells over the loud music that was already being played after we walked inside.
“Yeah let's get this party started!” Hendery responds while pumping his fist into the air.
The place was so packed that we could barely get through the crowd and this was saying a lot because Rocco's was not some rundown whole in the wall shack. Large multicolored Disco lights were flashing everywhere. A huge bar circled halfway around the place with a larger than life performance stage placed in the center of the room. A few empty tables were placed on one side of the stage.
“Do you guys want to relax until it's time for you to hit the stage?” Rob the owner asked as we followed him over to the flamboyant bar. “You all can lounge in the VIP section.” He states pointing to a glass area up on the second floor.
“Sure!” We all say at the same time then follow him upstairs to the room in question. The room was very quiet thanks to the soundproof glass. Two large black sofas were placed up against the wall facing the dance floor with a glass oval table in front of it. The lighting was dimly lit casting the room into a mysterious feeling.
“If you want to listen to music all you have to do is press the red button in the center of the table and it will filter into the built-in speakers above your head.” Rob then says before walking out of the room.
“Winwin, how did you manage to show up without nagging Charlotte hanging onto you?” Xiaojun asked, spoiling my somewhat mellow mood just by mentioning her name.
“Oh, trust me she'll be here!” Winwin responds, sounding regretful. I rolled my eyes at this bit of unsettling information and I looked out into the crowd. I wasn't looking for anything or anyone in particular or at least that's what I thought until I saw her. Scooting to the edge of my seat I stared at her long and hard beckoning her to make eye contact with me. Surprisingly she did just that and immediately her face turned into a frown.
Brie's POV...
“What's with all this racket?” I uttered as I exited my bedroom fully dressed. Loud music was being blasted throughout Payton and mine's tiny two-bedroom apartment. Payton was a huge BTS fan but me not so much. Shit, due to my busy schedule I barely had time to listen to music to even decide on what I like and what I don't anymore.
A little background on Brie's and Payton's upbringing...
Payton came from well off parents whom she loves to splurge on every chance she got. I on the other hand came from parents who both had decent, well-paying jobs. Even though I wasn't rich like Payton my parents loved my sister, Jasmine, and I dearly. They wanted nothing but the best for us.
I could have lived a life without worries if my conscience didn't constantly remind me that my parents have worked hard to be able to pay for me to attend one of the most prestigious colleges in the world. So I could not and would not allow myself to freeload off of them. They paid for the first two months my half of the rent and utilities until I found a decent paying job at Poco's.
“Wow, you look sexy!” Payton exclaims bringing me back to the present.

“Umm, thanks I guess,” I responded awkwardly. At this point in our friendship, I couldn't tell if she was giving me a sincere compliment or not. Usually, when Payton says something nice about someone she always follows it up by saying something rude and insulting. She never knew how to say something nice and leave it at that.
“Let's ride ladies!” Aniya calls over the loud music. I grabbed my things then prayed for tonight to go by in a flash. I was already ready to come back home before I even walked out the front door.
Fifteen minutes later...
The parking lot of Rocco was jam-packed with dozens of men and women standing on the outside having a friendly conversation. As we passed four good-looking men they began to whistle at us.
“Hey, foxy lady!” One of the four guys called out to me. He and his buddy began to follow behind us like a bunch of lost puppies.
“Dang, Brie you're already pulling men's,” Payton says, sounding surprised.
“Whatever Payton,” I sarcastically retorted while showing a tall muscular, dark chocolate bouncer my driver's license. We all entered into the well decorated and crowded establishment with the three guys still following close behind us. They were making small talk with Aniya, Leah, and Payton. They quit trying to talk to me when I wouldn't respond to any of their questions.
“Let's go over to the bar to get something to drink,” Leah suggests to the group.
“You, ladies are gorgeous!” The guy who was whistling at me commented and walked a little too close to me.
“Thank you!” I spoke then turned to the short female bartender and ordered me a French Martini. I wasn't a heavy drinker but after the day I've had and what seemed like an even rougher night I sure as hell needed something up to help me to ease the stress.
“I'll have vodka on the rocks.” A sultry male voice from behind me tells the bartender. I wanted to turn around to see who this captivating voice belonged to but I was too busy trying to keep the asshole beside me hands off my ass.
“I see that you're one of those kinds, huh,” Mr. Jerk face says with a hint of rage in his voice.
“And exactly what kind is that?” I asked, getting angry.
“The ones that like to play hard to get and kind that think you're too good for a handsome man such as me!” He spat.
“Since you put it that way then hell yeah I do!” I reply then down my drink all at once and immediately ordered another one.
“Well good luck with finding a man better than me bitch!” He sneered then walked away.
“Brie, we are here to celebrate my birthday not for you to ruin it.” Payton scolded me like I was a damn child before downing her drink. “Chill the hell out with that nasty ass attitude of yours!” She demands then turn her attention back to Leah, Aniya, and the other three guys.
“Dammit, I'm going to need something way stronger than this! I say out loud while looking at my glass.
“You may need a Long Island iced tea to deal with that bunch!” The bartender suggests.
“Is it stronger than the drink I just had?” I asked looking over at the bartender then at my party troop.
“Definitely!” She responds then passing the glass to me. Taking the glass I took one big gulp after hearing damn she has a phat ass from behind me.
Tens POV...
I immediately stood to my feet after seeing Mei "the woman who had snatched my soul from my body" making her way through the crowd over to the bar. She looked amazing wearing a purple halter top and black mini skirt with fishnet stocking. I don't know how I could make out what she was wearing in a dimly lit room downstairs in a room full of people.
“Alright fellas it's showtime, Lucas says just as I was about to walk out of the room to go talk to Mei. I think that he did that shit on purpose to stop me from making a fool out of myself like I've done dozens of times before. People were grinding their bodies with the slow jam music that was being played as We made our way to the stage. I still was trying to cram my neck to locate Mei when I stood on the stage.
“Ten!" Hendery called out after noticing that I hadn't gotten into position when the music to ''Love Talk” began to play. I focused my attention back onto the one thing that was like breathing to me dancing. I began to move my body in tune with the beat of the soft melodic music and letting my vocals feel the passionate lyric that was beginning to burn deep inside me. My eyes once again began to search Mei and when they landed on her she was dancing with some dude up close and personal. Standing right beside her was a beautiful, chocolate woman beckoning me to come to her with her hand and body.
Breaking out of formation I hopped off the stage striding towards her in hopes of making Mei jealous. The mesmerizing woman began to dance sexy causing every damn body to stop dancing and began to stare at her. She rubbed her hands up and down her body in slow motion while grinding her ass up against my front.
Mei's face turns into an angry one after seeing what was transpiring in front of her. Seeing her like this emboldens me to keep going. I placed my hands on the woman's tiny waist after witnessing Mei's jealousy and began to grind up against her soft plump ass. Surprisingly to me, another part of me had also awakened. I don't know whether my body reaction was due to Mei or the woman in front of me.
“Brie, I didn't know that you had this in you.” I hear a tall brunette woman that was wearing feathers for clothes yelled over the music.
“Payton, if you think this is something just stand there and watch for a little while longer! The beautiful woman in front of me slurred then turns to face me. Her tongue slipped into my mouth just as I began to sing the chorus “touch me, tease me, fill me up.” The kiss was so damn intoxicating that I forgot the main reason I was doing this for. Hell, I had even forgotten that I was supposed to be performing with my friends.
“Bitch, get the hell off of someone else's man!” Charlotte yelled as she snatched us apart.
“Dammit, not you again.” The woman Brie roared making me realize for the first time that she was the same woman that slapped the shit out of Charlotte earlier today.
“Oh, you the bitch that I owe an ass whooping to!” Charlotte” declares.
“Hold these for me sexy because I've had enough of her bullshit,” The woman I was dancing seductively with a few seconds ago tells me while passing me her black pumps and earrings. As soon as she placed her belongings in my hand she grabbed Charlotte by her hair and slung her skinny ass on the floor.
“Ten, hold her back!” Winwin shouted. The death glare this lady gave me made me wonder if I wanted to put myself in between her and Charlotte. “Ten, please hold her back.” Winwin pleaded while this Brie woman was throwing blows at Charlotte's face. Winwin placed himself in between Charlotte and Brie, catching some of her blows to his back. Against my better judgment, I wrapped my arms around her waist and hauled her up against my body. I pulled her back far enough for Winwin and Lucas to help Charlotte to get up off the floor and out the front door exit.
“Turn me the hell loose!” She yelled as her friends and I held onto her tightly.
“Thanks for ruining my birthday Brie,” The brunette head lady spat.
“You know what Payton fuck you and your birthday!” This Brie woman snaps at her friend then turns to me and commands me to take her home.
“Like hell, he will.” Mei finally says something.
“Is he your man?” Brie asked.
“No, but...” Mei was saying but was immediately dismissed when Brie grabbed me by my arm and dragged me outside. I didn't know whether I should be pissed off at the fact that she was ordering me around or impressed that yet again she had stood up to the two most feared females at Alden's University. I sent my friends a text message telling them I will be back to pick them then quickly opened the passenger side door of the Hummer.
“Brie, are you seriously going to catch a ride home with a complete stranger?” Her friends asked when they pulled up beside me as I was buckling her seat belt.
“What's your name handsome?” Brie asked me while rolling her eyes at her friends.
“Ten,” I reply.
“What in the fuck kind of name is ten?” She slurred letting me know that she was still drunk as piss. “My name is Brianna Taylor and it's nice to meet you number ten,” She says with both her hands held out towards me before I could answer her question.
“It's nice to meet you too Brianna!” I responded shaking a pair of hands that felt softer than cotton.
“Payton, his name is number ten!” I hear Brianna announced, making me laugh at her introduction of me to her friends. “If you're not satisfied with that Payton then we'll follow you home.” She announces leaning her head out the window.
“We'll be watching you buster in my rearview mirror,” Payton says, sounding like a threat.
“Number ten do have any friends that get on your everlasting nerve?” Brianna asked me once we began to follow behind her friends I guess heading to her home. She had her head leaned up against the headrest with her eyes closed.
“I have a few that annoys the hell out of me all the time,” I respond. I sat there waiting for her to say something else but all I got was complete silence. I soon realized that she was asleep when I heard a loud snoring noise come from her. After about ten to fifteen minutes of hearing her call the cows home, I pulled up into the same apartment parking lot that I saw her walking to yesterday. Getting out of the car I walked around to the passenger side door and was about to place Brianna's right arm around my neck when Payton tells me in a rude voice “my boyfriend will be here in a minute to help me to get her inside!"
The dude that I saw looked sneaky as fuck. The big wide smile on his face was a dead give away that he was about to do something shady. This perverted bastard placed his left hand near her ass while he held her arm that was around his neck with his right. His mouth lingered dangerously close to hers as she laid her head on his shoulder. If this dude was this Payton chic boyfriend he sure as hell didn't act like it to me.
His hand kept inching closer and closer to his girlfriend, friends ass with every step that he took getting closer to the apartment building. His creepy behavior was pissing me the fuck off. Witnessing Brianna's three friends just standing there watching this pervert grope all over her and not saying a damn word to him about it made me even madder. At this point, I felt like whatever he did to Payton she deserved it because she was seeing what this sick jerk was doing to her drunk friend.
“Asshole stop right there!” I snapped. “I will not stand here and watch you take advantage of a drunk woman.” I declare ready to break his damn arms. “And you three what in hell kind of friends are you to just stand there and allow something like this to be happening right in front of your damn face?” I angrily shout causing Brianna to awaken and to peer over at the pervert whose neck I was ready to snap.
“Blaze get your fucking hand off my ass! She ordered while pushing him away from her.
My arm automatically reaches out to grab her around her waist when she begins to fall back towards the pavement. “Thank you number ten,” She says as we proceed into the building and up the flight of stairs to her apartment.
“Lock this door right now!" I demanded as soon as she was inside her bedroom. I didn't walk away until I heard the lock clicked on the other side of it.