Accidental Kiss
Accidental Kiss

Chapter 1
Hi my name is Star i was on the way to a airport to go to Hawaii, my mom send me to see Aunt Betsy, to spend time with her i haven't seen her for years, i wonder how is she, then i look at a time saw it almost time to go to the plane, then suddenly the man was rushing pass me he trip me and i fell down on top of a man Unattractive and i accidentally kiss him on the lips. Oh crap, sorry that man knocked me down, Gotta go bye, I can't miss my flight so I rushed to the flight to Hawaii, my mom gave me this plane ticket for me to go see Aunt Betsy. This ticket is expensive. So now, yes I made it on time. Then I saw the same guy that I accidentally fell on top of. That guy was unattractive. I was upset that I lost my first kiss. He went on the same flight as me. I hope he won't see me. Ok now I'm inside. ok now to relax at my seat, then suddenly a same guy went to my side next to my seat, what? you again { in my though i was hoping i wont ever see him again} is you again!”
UnAttractive guy: what?
Star: Why do I keep seeing you everywhere I go? We keep bumping into each other. {perfect]
UnAttractive guy: oh you that woman, hi there, yea i guess we keep seeing each other. [sarcasm} wow, what a coincidence, nice seeing you too.
Star: hmph i hope i wont see you again don't talk to me.
UnAttractive guy: well ok whatever {damn she seems like a stuck up.} but she stole my first kiss. I was hoping to look for the right one then give my first kiss to someone more kind to me. But why her?
Star: {Oh great now I’m now stuck with an unattractive guy the whole day, till I go see Aunt Betsy in Hawaii. } {sigh} so I sleep on the way till I make it to hawaii. I pop my headphones in my ear and nap, listening to music for the rest of the trip.
Unattractive guy: I fell asleep on the Plane next to a stuck up woman. Now I can't wait to get away from her. I hope I never see her again. But that stuck up woman was pretty thought she goin be sweet because she looked so innocent, the way she talked to me sounded like she sounded stuck up.
Star: I felt the plane moving about to stop, then I woke up and saw such a beautiful view outside. It has a beautiful sunset and lots of green palm trees, so many cars pass by.
When the plane stopped, I was finally here. Yes, I can’t wait to see my Aunt. look like that guy is gone, now i can finally not ever see him again. When I got out of the plane, I was looking for Aunt Betsy, then I saw her raise the sign so I could see her. Is that my Aunt? Oh it is! Aunt Betsy I ran to her and hugged her. It's been awhile Aunt Betsy how you been.
Aunt Betsy: O my look how grown you are! You are beautiful as always, good to see you dear. I'm happy you came all the way to see me.
Star: I know you look different from before, Aunt Betsy, so what are we going to do now when I finally get to spend time with you. Are we gonna do something fun before I go back home?
Aunt Betsy: Yes we are going to have a lot of fun there. Someone, I would like you to meet my neighbor who has been helping as a chef, and my friend Eric has a son that is the same age as you. He lives across from my place, and he is a great help to my bakery. We are going somewhere fun with them. He prepared some fun activities for us.
Star: really! And there is someone that you want me to meet, who?
Aunt Betsy:You see, ok let’s go Star.
Star: Ok Aunt Betsy when me and Aunt Betsy done picked me up, we were now on the way to her home, then when we got there I saw a very nice house with Surprise. It has beautiful palm trees with rock on both sides of the walkway, and a nice bamboo water decoration.
Aunt Betsy: We’re here Sweetie.
Star” Gasp omg is this your house!.
Chapter 2
Narrator: The house has palm trees with a nice rock decoration on the walkway path with water bamboo decoration, and flowers on it. It also has 3 floors and a beach view.
Aunt Betsy: Yes Star, welcome to my home.
Star: Oh Wow, that's amazing.
Aunt Betsy: thank you, come in
Star: ok coming Aunt Betsy, so who do you want me to meet?
Aunt Betsy,. This is my Chef’s son.
Star: Gasp! What?! “ my gosh why are you everywhere, yet we meet again.
Aunt Betsy: Oh you met before, oh how wonderful this is the person that i want you to meet his name is Jude he lives with his dad in the apartment complex across the street, now why don't you sit down and get to know each other hope you become good friends now i have to do some cooking to welcome our neighbor.
Both: well… Ummm Ok.
Jude: What hobbies do you like to do that you enjoy? Uumm Well…
Star: uh umm , I like to design clothes, that is my hobby that i enjoy, Umm what about you what hobby that you enjoy?
Jude: Uumm I like to develop games and design things on my computer.
Star: I’m the same. I do like to play games but not good at developing though, at least we have one in common. Umm…so, do you cook?
Jude: Apparently my dad taught me how to cook so I know some ingredients.
Star: ooh he cooked, i like that..
Both: {silent awkward moment}
Jude: Well I'm going to go now, it's getting dark, I have to go to bed, ummm nice talking to you.
Aunt Betsy, Come back Oh wait, you leaving? We have to eat dinner first, then you can go home. What happened? Did you make him run away Star?
Star: oh no I didn’t make him run away. It was awkward at first, but… I guess he is not so bad. Very unattractive, but still really kind.
Ok, now it's time for me to relax at night, i should go to bed.
Aunt Betsy: What about dinner?
Star: Oh sorry I joined you, after we eat dinner i ask Aunt Betsy that i forgot to ask you do you know where I am sleeping?
Aunt Betsy: Oh yea i forgot to show you where your room is at after dinner i'll show you your room, come dear follow me.
Star: Ok thank you Aunt Betsy, can't wait to see my new room, {Excited}
Aunt Betsy: Here your room dear.
Narrator: It has a princess curtain, queen bed with pink marble floor and a walk-in closet with a big view out of the wind on the second floor.
Star: Oh wow my new room is beautiful, thank you Aunt Betsy. again.
Aunt Betsy: You welcome dear enjoy your new room now i’m going to head to bed now, good night sweetie.
Star: Goodnight Aunt Betsy.
After dinner I went to look around my room to see what it was like. It was really beautiful again. I like this room. I wish I had this room back at home. My home is an apartment that is small in simple not as nice as this one, but it ok i don’t know how long i’m going to stay here but we get to spend time together with my Aunt, oh man we have to hang out with Jude and his dad they prepared for us to have fun i hope jude won't hinder my spending time with Auntie. So I went to bed now, tomorrow is the beginning of the first day. I can't wait to go somewhere that is very fun, entertaining and exciting. What did Jude dad prepare for fun stuff for us to do? I wonder, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Now in the morning I wake up and stretch, then I hear my Aunt knock on the door. {knock knock} Come in Auntie.
Aunt Betsy: Hey there sweetie are you awake?
Star: I slept very soundly, Yea I’m awake Aunt Betsy.
Aunt Betsy: Oh good I was going to wake you, but look like you're awake , Are you excited to have some fun? But first breakfast is ready, so get dressed.
Star: Ok Aunt Betsy, I will be down there for a second, let me get ready.
Aunt Betsy: Alright dear I will see you downstairs, Oh by the way Jude & his dad is here, just to let you know they are joining us so he will take us somewhere fun together so after breakfast be ready
Star: Oh ok i will, great I have to see jude again, but he's not bad though, but now I’m going to be stuck with him for rest of the day {sigh} it’s so awkward though, well i have to bear with it, this is my Auntie's plan so i have to go with it, but this better be fun and hopefully i get to spend time with Auntie more. So when I got ready I went downstairs and joined everyone to eat breakfast together. After that we started to pack snacks and everything we needed so Jude & his dad were ready to take us places. After we all left the house.
Aunt Betsy: Let’s go dear, we are going out now. This is going be fun, I hope you enjoy it Star.
Star: Oh ok i will, great Jude. again but he's not bad though, but now I’m going to be stuck with him for rest of the day {sigh} it’s so awkward though, well i have to bear with it, this is my Auntie's plan so i have to go with it, but this better be fun and hopefully i get to spend time with Auntie more. So when I got ready I went downstairs and joined everyone to eat breakfast together. After that we started to pack snacks and everything we needed so Jude & his dad were ready to take us places. After we all left the house, we went to the theater.
Aunt Betsy: Let’s go dear, we are going out now. This is going be fun, I hope you enjoy it Star.
.Star: I hope so too.
So we went and got to spend time with them. We kept going from place to place together with Jude & his dad. Talking to Jude came naturally. He seems very nice. I thought he was boring, and not very fun, but he seems very outgoing. I realize he is not some nerdy guy talking about nerdy stuff, but he seems to be fun to be around. He has a fun side of him. Maybe I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. You never know how fun the nerd can be.
So, we talk and talk while walking. He is such a funny person, we don't feel awkward anymore. We keep bumping into each other everywhere we go. Maybe God wants us to be together. I keep that thought to myself.
Jude: Hey are yo
u ok, Star? You seem to be spacing out.
Star: Huh? What? Oh sorry, I was thinking about something.
Jude: Oh ok, what are you thinking about?
Star:{Blush} don't worry about it, Jude. Let’s keep going and talking some more.
Jude: Oh, ok I guess. What is she thinking?
Aunt Betsy {stares & smiles} ok kids, let’s go eat lunch, we are here.
Star: Already? That fast? (Giggles). Come on Jude, let's go.
Jude: Umm Star?
Star: What? Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t know I did that, {blush}
Chapter 3
Narrator: After Star & Jude went to a lot of places with Aunt Betzy & Eric they had fun with them but the funny part is Star Didn't realize she held his hand and Aunt Betzy was smiling happily when she saw them having fun. Her plan was to put Jude & Star together. She enjoys it.
Star: That was fun. We went to a lot of fun places and played together. Me & Jude enjoy hanging out together, then Aunt Betzy Holler us.
Aunt Betzy: Ok Star & Jude it time to go home we are done for a day so time to head back!!
Jude: Aawwh ok i have so much fun i want to stay longer but ok Auntie, Hey Let's go Star Aunt Betzy say time to go we were having so much fun too but we have to head back.
Star: Yea i also have so much fun with you Jude let do again sometime when we meet again.
Jude: Yea let's do it again sometime. (smile) Now let’s go, your aunt calling us to head back.
Star: Ok. So me and Jude went toward Aunt Betzy and his Dad and we went home all together. I started to build more feeling for Jude we almost best friend but i want much more, i want to tell him how i feel about him, he don’t know i have feeling for him he was such a fun guy to be with i want to ask him out on the date but i was too shy to ask him so i stay silent and play along till the time i’m ready, i want to tell how i feel about him. After couple days past the day is almost time for me to head back to my hometown, i’m gonna miss my Aunt and most of all Jude what have happen if i say too late when i have moment with him i ran away i won’t ever see him again after i leave Hawaii. He won’t know how I feel. (Sigh) when we got home i went to eat dinner with everyone then i went straight to bed. The next morning I woke up and went downstairs and saw Jude working on his development. I sat next to him. Hey Jude.
Jude: Oh hey Star.
Star:What are you doing?
Jude: Working on practice developing games, learning.
Star: Oh ok.
Jude: How are you doing Star?
Star: I’m doing good just woke up.
Jude: Oh ok.
Aunt Betzy: Ok my dear children, chef Eric made a delicious breakfast time to eat.
Star: Ok Aunt Betzy we are coming joining you to eat chef delicious breakfast Come on Jude let eat.
Jude: Ok let's eat my dad delicious homemade breakfast. Coming.
Jude & Star were eating breakfast together with Aunt Betzy and Eric again they talked and chatted together like everyday to get together and eat together like always everyday. When time passes Star has to head back to her hometown she is going to miss everyone in Hawaii. They really enjoy getting together everyday but now it is time for Star to go back home.
Star:It's already time to go to the airport. Today was the last day for me to get together with everyone so Aunt Betzy took me to the airport then she asked JUde to come along so he can say goodbye to me after i leave.
Aunt Betzy: Hey Jude do you want to come along with me and Star so you can say goodbye to her after she leaves?
Jude: Sure Aunti I will join both of you to go to airport i also want to say bye to Star.
Aunt Betzy: Ok let’s go then.
Star: I blush, say to my head again.{Will I be going to tell Jude how I feel? Am I brave enough to tell him I like him? Am I ready?} So after my Aunt Betzy took me to the airport, Jude was next to me. I stare at him.
Jude: What is it Star you been staring at me for a couple of minutes, do you got something to tell me?
Star: Uh i open my mouth try to tell him how i feel. I… um I…
Jude: What are you trying to say?
Star: Um I…. oh nothing i couldn’t do it it wasn’t the right moment with him i’m going to miss my moment with him, dam. If I don't tell him I like him it’ll be too late. Why is it so hard?
Aunt Betzy: Ok we’re here!
Star: ok thank you.
Aunt Betzy: Bye dear.
Star: Bye Aunt Betzy. And bye Jude.
Jude: Bye see you again, hope we are going to hang out again sometime.
Star: I hope so too. Bye
Jude: Bye
Star: Dam! It too late thought he will walk with me i want to tell him how i feel again but i couldn’t do it (SIgh) (Sad face)
Chapter 4
Jude: After we drop Star to the airport, it is time for me to head back home and go back learning how to develop games, but first why do I get the feeling that Star is trying to tell me something before she leaves, it started to bother me. I wonder what she was going to tell me. I'm so curious now. I made some money out of developing game i get pay but it was not much so i keep saving my money and budgeting how much i spend and the rest is saving so i can go to college.
After a few weeks passed, I finally had enough to go to college. I got accepted at a friend's university. After I applied I got something in the mail and got accepted. I'm so happy. I wonder if I might bump into Star by surprise if she goes to the same Friends university College. That was a surprise so after I told my dad good news, he was really proud of me so I asked my dad to drop me off at the airport so I can go to go to friends university college in another city. I gave dad a hug and a wave bye to him.
So I looked for the airport sign to find where I was supposed to go then I found it so I waited till it time for me to get on the plane.I waited then I heard the plane name. Look, it's time for me to go in. After I got on the plane to go to Texas. When the plane landed i’m so excited so I used Uber to take me to the college dorm since it got all the plans from the government. I can't wait until I get there. I register to make sure I'm in so the register gives me the schedule for class and gives me the dorm room address so I can unpack my stuff. After I found the dorm I unpack my stuff and look at my schedule. I have time before class starts so I looked for my classes then I got lost. I asked some students where that classroom is. Then I met someone and he help me with the class we introduced ourselves,
Student: Hi my name is Jay are you looking for the right class where you suppose to go? I can help you with that.
Jude: Hi Jay nice to meet you my name is Jude, yes i trying to find my classes i’m new at this college.
Jay: Oh alright nice to meet you too let me help you Jude, her follow me let me look at your schedule.
Jay: Ok here.
Jay: Oh the first class is science, you in the same class as me come follow me.
Jude: Oh great thank you.
After he got his room done he made a new friend. His name is Jay he came toward Jude and asked if he needed help then they started to become friends so Jay looked at Jude Schedule to help him with classes they were in the same class so they sat next to each other.
Jude: After class he talks and chats with Jay to get to know him. They became good friends. Then Suddenly someone ran into me with a big stack of books and dropped it by accident.
Unknown: Oh i’m sorry i don't mean to bump into you i’m in a rush i have to go, i’m so busy.
Jude: Oh it Ok, i didn’t pay attention to her face but her voice sounds familiar. Whose is that? She sounds familiar.
Jay; She is vice president in this college community.
Jude: Oh ok, well do you know what my next class is.
Jay: Your next class is History, I know where it follows me.
Jude: Ok
Jay: Here you are, look like we are not in the same class together now good luck.
Jude: I went inside my next class then suddenly I was in shock and saw Star in this class, Star?
Star: Jude? Omg it's been awhile how you been i run toward Jude in gave him a hug it good to see you! I was so happy to meet him again. Looks like we are in the same class together, yay, come sit next to me.
Jude: Ok i sit next to you Star, we have a good catch up on our conversation to make it up so we talk and chat to get to know each other more.
After we talked and chatted there some1 came up to us out of the blue. It was a blond-haired woman with her two girlfriends
Uh oh here comes the mean girls with her girl what is going to happen between Jude and Star what is the mean girls plotting.
Star: Um hi? Do you need something? They can come out of the blue, I have a bad feeling about them, hey Jude let go we should stay away from them.
Jude: Why? We should make new friends. They seem friendly.
Star: Plz Jude don't become friends with them, I have a bad vibe about those girls, trust me on this let's go.
Jude: Alright Star let's go then.
The Woman: ggrrr dam it. My plan just fail,
The girls: What wrong did you talk to him?
The woman, I fail.
The girls: we can try again.
The woman: That girl just snatched that handsome boy away when I was about to talk to him. That girl is in the way, she knows what i've been up to, I'm going to make that man mine. He seems to be an easy target. I have a plan, let's make sure he is alone, not next to that girl. I couldn't stand her. I even watched them smiling happily. I will make that man mine. And destroy that woman I didn't get their name.
The girls: what I heard was that the man was named Jude and the woman was named Star.
The woman: so that their names Jude & Star I need to make an evil plot. I couldn't stand them looking happy and innocent. I will make that man mine.
It Looks like the woman is about to make an evil plan. What is going to happen if that woman named Regina plans to make sure Jude is alone and she can snatch him to use him.