Thuy Silver

Drama Romance Others


Thuy Silver

Drama Romance Others

The Love Triangle S 2

The Love Triangle S 2

12 mins

Love triangle Season 2

Chapter 1

Today is a good day Sheela and I Graduated from SunDance University College, and now I live with her, I was thinking of proposing to her, but there is a lot going on in my life right now, so I have to wait to ask her to marry me for a while, so, for now, she asks me to move in with her so I did, we live together and happy but there a secret that I didn't tell her about my past about my dad won't let me choose what I want to be and who I want to marry. I'm afraid she'll feel sad and heartbroken that she might misunderstood about me getting married to that woman, and think that I'm having an affair she also didn't know that I'm a famous singer that my dad doesn't know about, I have to tell her the truth soon before I marry her hopefully she will wait for me, so when I get to know her well more and comfortable then I will tell her everything and give her opportunity to be a singer, so when she comes home I will talk to her about a friend of mine that is a famous singer that need a partner, that she didn't know It was me the famous singer, I will tell her my secret when I'm ready to, but I have to tell her about my past so again she won't feel heartbroken and misunderstood about that woman that I'm talking business too. I want to share my past with her and hopefully, I'm ready to tell my other side of my present time about me being a famous singer and also she will perfectto be my duet partner for life, because she wants to be a singer that was her dream I will make it come true. Back then in our college life, she was singing her heart out in musical class her voice sounded so beautiful, I heard her sing for the first time in the musical class her voice was like an angel, I should have partnered up with her but I'm not ready to tell her my truth if I tell her my other side of my secret she won't treat me as normal like she treat me now, I will feel sad if she treat me like a famous star not treating for who I truly am as normal, but hopefully she won't Change her love for me and will wait for me, and I have to share my past to her soon so she won't misunderstood about that woman that was a business woman, that I never tell anyone, I have to feel comfortable to tell her the truth if not it be too late, I have to tell what going on or she will think the wrong way that she might thought that I was having affair with another woman, I don't want her to misunderstood. Then I saw her come back from home and made dinner for her, hey babe how is work? 


It's good. oh, you made dinner it smells delicious.


Come eat Join dinner with me.


Sure I would love to eat together with you how about you? How is your day?


It was good that she looked at me with concern. 


What's wrong Jake? You sound sad when you talk to me. What happened what made you sound sad? 


(Breath) I need to tell you something. Hopefully, you won't feel disappointed. I going to tell you what trauma happened to me in the past.


Oh no that doesn't sound good what is it?


You know about my dad?


What about your dad did something happen?!


No nothing happened my dad didn't die but my dad called and asked me if he wanted me to be a businessman and inherit his company.


Why? Don't want to follow your dream you say you want to be a singer isn't that what you told me?


Yeah, I did but he said my nerdy interests were worthless and a waste of time. He wants me to take over his company so I have a business degree that wasn't my dream but I have no choice.


What?! That's not cool you don't want to be a businessman you should follow your dream you are the one who has to make a decision not your dad made a decision for you, you won't be happy and it wasn't your dream you should fight and put your foot down against your father if you don't want to take over his company that your not happy about you should follow your heart don't let your dad control you, it's not your happiness.


Thank you, Sheela. I give her a kiss on the cheek then how should I do that my dad is forcing me to inherit his company. My dreams and interests are worthless and should be ignored or hidden. 


Don't say that babe it is not worthless and it should not be ignored. You love music right?


Yes I truly do


Then follow it don't listen to your dad I will support you my love no matter what!


Thank you again I love you, babe!


I love you too (muah)(hugs)


Hey Sheela?


Yes, what is it?


You still want to be a singer right?


Yes, I do so truly. I will follow my heart. My goal is always to be a singer but there is no one that wants to do a duet partnership with me why?


Do you know I have a friend who is looking for a duet partner? His name is Zac Haze, he needs a duet partner to sing and work with you have such a beautiful voice you sound like an angel!


Thank you and What?!! Really! You didn't tell me you knew Zac Haze. He has such a beautiful voice I admire him so much. He is my star. I want to be just like him. I would like to partner up with him but will he excepted me to be his partner?


He will accept you, but he has to listen to you singing first to see you are the perfect duet partner for him don't worry he might say yes. I will tell him your voice sounds like an angel, her his card, email him and he will reply to you.


Thank you, babe (kiss kiss on the lips) but if I become famous will you treat me differently? If I become a great singer will you still treat me normally? And love me no matter what happens or you will leave me?


No! Babe I won't treat you differently I will love you no matter what (wow she is also the same as what I'm afraid of to be treated like a star and not loving me for who I truly am she thinks the same as I have been thinking)( we have the same fear) I will love you no matter what babe even we are far apart (but what she didn't know I'm Zac Haze) (I be with her all day at the studio)

Don't worry bae we won't forget each other(smile)


Ok (smile)

Chapter 2 


The year passed I hadn't seen Jake for a long time he had been busy lately we never got a chance to spend time together like we used to in the past. Me and Jake, lived together for a long time but had not been married yet because he had been busy I was sad and lonely being by myself for a while I had not got a chance to see Jakob. Why is he so busy? We were good in the past. What changed (sigh) OK I can't stay in the house anymore. I'm going out.

So I get dressed, go to the bar to get a drink, then I bump into someone, I bump into them, then I turn around and see a familiar face. It was a woman. What could that be Shina that I haven't seen for a long time? Can't be, I went closer and it was Shina.

*The woman*

Wait there why are you so close?


Omg, Shina, it's you?! Hey girl! It's been a while! How have you been? You look different.


What? You know me, wait a minute Sheela?


Yea hey! I hugged her happily


Omg! Hey Sheela, good to see you! Yes, it

's been a while, I hugged Sheela back, and yes I do look different so are you I didn't recognize you at first, but it was good. How about you? Are you married?


(Sad Face)


Hey, what are those sad faces you gave me, what happened? Did Jake cheat on you?!! If he did I would kill him.


No, not well. I don't know we've been distant lately I haven't heard from or seen him for a long time I'm kinda well… when I'm at home I feel lonely and sad we haven't contacted each other for many years and no we have got married yet I was hoping he will come home but didn't.


Oh no, did he ditch you and have come back home why do you at least need to give a time off to spend time with you, Have you been at home alone all by yourself?


Yes, it is so lonely I feel like I should go out and have fun but it is not working.


Dang! That punk, he hasn't seen you for years and never came back home to see you?


Yes (cry her eyes out)


You know, come Sheela, let's have some fun. We will find you a new man. Let's go to a bar now and enjoy ourselves. I'm here. We can drink together. I grabbed Sheela's hand and went to the bar and had fun together and enjoyed a girl's night. We were partying and having fun.


I was drunk and then suddenly I bumped into someone from the bar and fell asleep.

*Mystery Man*

Hey hey! Wake up lady, it is time for you to go home, the bar is closing. Dang that girl drinks too much. Where is her friend? I saw her when she was with her. Did she leave I guess I don't have a choice. I have to take her home. So I took this to my house and let her sleep. I don't know where she lives so I put her on the bed and I sleep on the couch.


Huh? Where am I? I opened my eyes gently and was surprised! This is not my house! Whose house is this?! I got up and saw a guy sleeping on the couch, Omg! At some stranger's house, is he going to adult me?

*Mystery Man*

Hey, you awake don't worry I didn't do anything to you but you were walking then fell on my arms I tried to wake you up but you didn't so you were too drunk try to ask where you live but you didn't wake up so I took you to my house since I don't know where you live but don't worry I didn't touch I respect you so by the way what your name girl?


Oh, I'm sorry that I was too drunk, well my name is Sheela. What's your sir? Thank you.

*Mystery Man*

Oh, my name is Zariah nice to meet you are ready to go back home o will make you breakfast then you can go home or do you need a ride there Sheela?


Yes sure thank you.


Well, I will cook you breakfast then take you home tell me where you live after you eat ok?


Thank you.


Well, the food is ready go eat Sheela then we go OK?.


Ok, thank you again so I eat Zariah's breakfast. It was really good. Thank you for the food. 


OK, you are welcome. Ready to go?


OK, I'm ready, thank you again.

Chapter 3


When I returned home, I couldn't stop thinking about how kind Zariah had been to me. But my heart still ached for Jake. Why had he become so distant? I decided I needed answers. It was time to confront him, but I had no idea where he was or what he was doing.

I sat on the couch, staring at my phone, debating whether to call him. Suddenly, an email notification popped up. It was from Zac Haze.

Zac Haze (Jake)

"Hi Sheela, I heard your demo and your voice is incredible. I’d love to work with you on a duet. Can you meet me at Harmony Studios tomorrow at 3 PM? Let’s create something amazing together!"


My heart raced. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Why had Jake never mentioned knowing Zac Haze personally? And why did Zac’s email feel so familiar?

The next day, I arrived at Harmony Studios early, nervous but excited. I walked into the studio and saw Zac Haze—or at least, the man I thought was Zac. My jaw dropped.


"Jake?! What are you doing here?!"


(Surprised but calm) "Sheela… I didn’t think you’d find out like this. Please, let me explain."


"You’re Zac Haze? All this time, you’ve been lying to me? Why didn’t you tell me?"


"I was scared, Sheela. I didn’t want you to treat me differently because of my fame. I wanted you to love me for who I really am, not the persona the world sees."


(Looking hurt) "Jake, I’ve always loved you for you. But this… this secret feels like a betrayal. And all those nights you were away, was it because of this?"


"Yes, and I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to balance my career and our relationship. But I wanted to tell you everything. That’s why I invited you here. I want us to sing together, Sheela. I want you by my side, not just as my partner in life but as my duet partner too."


(Torn) "I don’t know, Jake. This is a lot to process. I need time."


"I understand. Take all the time you need. But please know that I love you, Sheela. I always have, and I always will."

As I walked out of the studio, my mind was spinning. Part of me wanted to forgive him, but another part felt betrayed. I needed clarity, and I wasn’t sure how to find it.



That evening, Zariah called to check on me. I told him everything.


"Sheela, it sounds like he cares about you deeply, but he made a mistake. The question is, do you still love him despite everything?"


"I don’t know, Zariah. I feel like my trust has been broken."


"Then take your time. Don’t rush into forgiving him if you’re not ready. But don’t let fear stop you from following your dreams, either. You have an incredible voice, Sheela. Don’t let this situation hold you back."

His words gave me comfort. I decided to focus on myself for a while—to figure out what I wanted, both in my career and in my heart.


Chapter 4

Weeks passed, and Jake continued to reach out, apologizing and asking for a chance to make things right. Meanwhile, Zariah and I grew closer as friends. He encouraged me to perform at local events, and with his support, my confidence grew.

One night, I performed at a small showcase. As I finished my set, I heard a familiar voice from the crowd.


"You were amazing, Sheela."

I turned and saw him standing there, looking both nervous and hopeful.


"Jake… what are you doing here?"


"I came to see you, to support you. I know I messed up, but I’ll keep showing up until you believe that I’m truly sorry."


(Looking into his eyes) "Jake, I don’t know if things will ever be the same. But I do know that I still love you."


"And I love you too. Let’s start over, Sheela. No more secrets. No more lies."

As we stood there, surrounded by the applause of the crowd, I realized that love wasn’t always easy. But sometimes, it was worth fighting for.

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