Anand Banerjee

Tragedy Others


Anand Banerjee

Tragedy Others

Where Art Thou That Olden Day?

Where Art Thou That Olden Day?

1 min

Indians, they call themselves!

How Indian are they I ask?

When “The Story of My Experiments with Truth?”

Is gathering dust on their shelves!

A tolerant culture, a tolerant race

When did we fall from grace?

Friends are fighting over religion, politics, what not, and caste

Their avid fanaticism leaves me aghast!

You’re either on this extreme, or you’re on that

Coz’ if you aren’t living on the edge

You’re apparently taking up too much space!

It seems what is Left is just not Right

And what is Right, is all that’s Left!

Where art thou that olden day?

Full of sunshine, and full of hay!

When your color didn’t matter, nor your religion

Then why today this prejudice, why this division?

White man, black man, brown man, chink!

Can’t we just respect people for who they are?

Or is too much to ask…or too much do I think?

Where is the country our forefathers envisioned?

Where is that land where the “mind is supposedly without fear”?

Come back, oh! please come back men of old, you un-blinded men of vision

I beseech you to make these myriad narrow domestic walls disappear!

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