Perpetually Perplexed!
Perpetually Perplexed!

Once upon a time, everything seemed to be fine
There were no mobile phones, neither was a landline
Yet people stayed deeply connected, miles apart
And those connections were truly heart to heart!
Then came the quintessential device, the telephone
And help it did, ensuring no one ever felt left alone
No matter how far or how wide, however high or low
Pick the receiver and dial, let the conversation flow!
Along came the mobile phone, and it turned smart
Whether you’re home or you’re roaming way apart
You can hear the voice of your loved ones in a click
Every woman and man, then would a mobile pick!
So far so good my mates, but then came the hysteria
One that ruined all connections, we call it social media
I now no longer get to see or hear my friends mostly
Heck, they don’t even respond to my DMs presently!
FB n’ Insta update me on important events in their liv
Some long got divorced, some got new husbands or wives
I cannot blame them for not inviting me to their wedding
It’s all my fault, social media has never been my bidding!
I wait days on, just for a reply to my DM from a loved one
Apparently FB posts and comments is where it’s now done
Forgive my ignorance, I didn’t realize times have changed
Pleasantries n’ feelings are over FB & Insta now exchanged!
You cannot expect a friend to respond to “how’re you doing?”
Checking ‘stories n’ statuses’, nowadays seem the real thing
For a Three AM friend, never have I had so many as I do now
Coz’ they’re in abundance on FB, putting themselves in stow!
So many ways and mediums to connect in this modern world
Then why’s my human connection gone to the netherworld?
Oh! dear Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp
I solemnly want those good ol' heart to heart connections back!