Cécile Rischmann

Romance Classics Inspirational


Cécile Rischmann

Romance Classics Inspirational



2 mins

When I found him again after a long tiresome journey

I was certain that Mother Mary had sent him to me.

Her Presence and his in my dreams and visions

Convinced me to make him my heart's mission.


Who wouldn't want to find love with the man of her dreams?

Not me! I pursued him like a giddy-headed teen.

But the man I loved was on a single-minded journey

To find a bride of his own, and that bride wasn't me.


"I thought he loved me," I cried to Mother Mary.

"He does, my child, but his love is quite scary.

Do you want to live in doubt, fear, and guilt?

If you do, then go ahead and destroy what you built."


Her words of wisdom moved me to see

The folly of loving someone who did not love me.

My mind began to question the reason he had appeared,

In a vision so fulfilling with peace of mind and cheer.


The echo of her answer swirled in my confused mind:

"Do what you are called to do, seek, and you will find."

It did not make sense at that time as I wanted him to be mine

But I was ready to accept that perhaps he was not my kind.


So as each day passes by, I lift him in prayer,

And forgive the pain he caused me in the relationship we shared.

There are days when I'm saddened as I miss my long-lost love,

But a sliver of hope still lingers, for I lifted him to a Power above.


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