Sun with a finger
across his lips
Like a pan pipe of
Krishna’s peace
Been Murli Bansuri
As if he played a song
with his mouth
Alongside stood the
old Baobab tree
It let the birds
nestle and rest their sharp, grizzly talons
Rich beaks to nibble
and graze
Whilst he sang his
golden song
Even the colossal
clouds could perch on his shoulders
For his twenty five
high rise storeys
Were so tall
One day they twittered
whilst the gritty weather
It’s warm, toasty and
summery breeze scowled
Mocked, grumbled and
natter-jacked along
To what the Baobab
Had to joke whilst
merrily bright golden sun played
Lord Krishna
His finger on mouth
Along with grand
mighty old Baobab tree
The many long branches
like an old flute
Said the grand old
mighty Baobab
“What if the sun was
not at all real?
The moon merely a joke
All the spectators of
the neighbourhood
That lived upon my
high rise branches
Twenty five storeys
which stood
Were all Halloweens”
“Goodness me” the
birds chirruped
As they gloated and
The sun grimaced and
From up its pulpit
High atop the twenty
five storeys
Of high rise Baobab
Soon it started
fashioning all nighty critters
That lived upon his
To tell what the
outcome of his story
Would thence fore be
The nuns in one of his
church steeple belfry
With virgin white
trimmed pinafore frocks
Blossoming and
blooming buds
Mary Quite Contraries
Began to ring the
hundred haunting bells
As they
ding-donged-dinged holy chimes
The sun with his
panpipe of peace
Lord Krishna
One rickety-wickety
nun poked out
Her holy macabre nose
Twice as long as the
crooked spriggy
Branches of the Baobab
like Saint Pinnochio!
She sighed
“The Halloween moon
shall soon rest
Upon one of its perch
on the twenty five storey
High rise Baobab
downtown Yukon River
North American subcontinent Alaska
Or maybe moult into
Chrysalis Crystal Bone Globe
Somewhere Norwegian Europe Y’know”
The holy ghoulish
priest with a smirk and evil grin
Wearing long ropes of
weeds and twiglets
As holy tunics, robes,
Chaste and pious
Its green leafy
tentacles, spines
Curly curvy long
tendrils divine
Like twirly swirly
piglet tails
Began to rest his
needle spiked chin
Into the Baobab’s
cheery blossoms
As if ‘twere his
grizzly pin cushion
There would be several
Machiavellian Altar
boy and grotesque girl pin heads
Tucked asleep in their
blighted graves
Only awoke for
midnight masses
From atop the high
pedestals and pulpits
Nestled somewhere in
between the Baobab
Little ghastly
Cemetery pin nodules, nodes and blossoming flowery nymphets
Like upside down blind
Blindly clinging
“Dang!” Mused they as
if handcuffed and blindfolded
All asleep in their
little graves
With sinister
gravestones that showed face
When soon morn it became
“Here rest the weary
Pin ghost stripes
Of the Baobab
Speckled white and
Who turn translucent
as we dwell
Upon his tall high
rise building
Nearly twenty five
The shrieking pin striped
mist phantoms
Then enveloped
The old blessed tree
From out their spooky
graves of the friendly
Ghastly Nodes,
nodules, spur stumps and blossoming flowery nymphets
A funny new breed of
Casper spirits
Their queer phantasm
apparitions journeying
By catawampus rhythms
Spookily their heads
poking here and there
The Baobab tree
Conker brown nuts and
green red caper berries
squirrels, its quibbling nincompoops
Busy munching and
storing nuts in pouches
Weird Tenants haggling
over staggering rent
Of their towering
chambers and units
Wrangling uncanny
customers wishing
For a wee space of terraces upbeat
Leisure, pleasure
versus pain, stiff competition as rain
Fighting obnoxious
lazy hares and blind enormous rat races
Missing the special
slow paced tortoise carapace trains
To own peculiar
territories up the strange
Baobab tree
Coddiwompler Goolarumpusrompers their
mysterious residents
Big black bandicoot
Extraterrestrials with uneven jagged
Fat teeth like chunks
of blue moon cheese
Chipping through its
wooded and wooden seats
Storming into their space castles
Sky rocketing up the funny strange Baobab Tree!
A group of stars, astronauts, cosmonauts and Taikonauts
American, Russian or
Chinese space time travellers
Hoisting their flags
and flagpoles!
Neighbouring booed and
A fury of gruesome ghosts pins heads
Another group of
spectre wraiths
Misty vapour, fog and
Hot air rises
Cool air drops
Waiting for their turn
For Holy Communion
To transform mellow
and gentle
For the sky was pitch
The moon silvery a
Many of the mist pin
striped Halloween ghosts
Turned speckled and
From white and grey to
Translucent blue, pink
and purple ghosts
Eerily the stars
Now the mystic moon
Held her finger on the
As if to play the pan
pipe of peace
The Murli Been Bansuri
Of the many twenty
five storeys above
Of the high rise
Baobab tree!
Down below were wildly
Bushes and shrubs
Groping to Baobab
hefty tree trunks
Its clingy vines clung
to him dearly
Like black sheep
fleece of the family
Or like an elephants
tusk with a trumpet
Like a python snake or
ocean limpets
Even a clingy tall
necked giraffe island
Or wide jawed
crocodiles green monstrous tail
A lions majestic mane
grew and sprung
Mystical fairy roots
that circled
Gripping, squeezing
and teasing madly
The mysterious Baobab
Also housed upon its
Bifurcating branches
Into forks
A host of black Ravens
and crows
To take care of the
skeleton chores
They were but burnt
out, bones bare and chewed
So they rattled whilst
they dusted and cleaned
Even and odd sprigs
and sprockets
Of the old Baobab Tree
Loudly and clearly
could one hear them
Heartily sing at the
topmost storey right above
As mid air balanced
their toes
The black crows and
their skeletons
The stiff, stuffy air
of pungent odour of berries
Choked them gorily
As raspingly they sang
“Crawww Craawww Chaak
Baobab Trrrrrrreee
We worked and slogged
Now let us rest our
Talons, beaks and
To make our nest
For our hatchlings to
Glossy eggs to hatch
Crawww Craaww chaakkk
Many of ravens and
black crows
With their itty-bitty
In pairs then hustled
Nearby crooning as if
Creaky bones
throbbing, rattling in their cosy rooms
The nests
To gather sticks and
One of the many high
Twenty five storeys
To lay their
hatchlings and eggs
A dry twig, an
abandoned sock
A handkerchief in
Old withered leaves so
As hands of the
clown’s gloves
All made an excellent compartment
Brinnging, branging
their dinner and doorbell gongs
Pleasantly full of
Halloween dust
Sparkly machine
sprockets, twigs and sprigs
Handles of their
sodden and wooden dusty doorknobs
On the high rise
Baobab Tree
Whilst stars like cut
out diamonds
As many their spangled
arrow bejewelled bodies
Full of starlight
Almost looking like
luminous star fishes
Stood out from the
Complaining while they
rested their
Sharp edges as if they
poked the
Fluffy green leaved
wedges of the tree whilst resting
Five pointed stars
even ten
What must one say
about the twelve?
Thirteen or fourteen
pointed starry rays
They all found a good
twinkling home
Up the twinkling
Twenty five storeys
high rise building
Even the comets and
meteorite balls
Hung further higher
above celestially
An aerial view of
land, rivers and mountains below
Whilst music chords of
the panpipe of peace Bansuri
Piping eternally
musical lute
In their neighbourhood
could be heard
Every now and then
The busy neighbours
living peacefully and sound
Of the holy Baobab
The best neighbourhood
and talk of the town
The tall gigantic
twenty five storey high rise
Baobab Tree
However the king one
day nervously rattled
Like a Tall Timber,
Diamond Back, Easter Massaugua
Sidewinder or pit
viper rattle snake
As he smoked his funny
meerschaum pipe
Blowing alluring,
And hypnotising rings
of smoke
Upon the many floors
One garish castle of
his was so shiny and bright
It had several doors
and windows
To let in the
Through its gridded
and barred portcullis
All told the strange
Lord Dik Dik
And Queen Irene who
lived there
Were also quite
Bragging tall tales
about the strange Halloween Folklore
As one taleteller
fabricates stories
By the not so happy
Princess Moonshine
They did not know the
reason why
Till the cats let out
their cat out of the bag
Till the many cats on
hot bricks
Even spilled the
secret of the beans
All complained about
his daughter so burnt out
Refused to be happy
neither now play sweetly
Harmoniously the pan
pipe Bansuri of Peace
Once everybody thought
she dared
To bring marvellously enchanting entralling music for their ea
So that they lived
peacefully and sound
Now she feared the
And hated nightmares
Even the horses with
hooves that galloped
And gallivanted nearby
upon the twenty five storey
Tree grunted and
grumbled to the Lord Dik Dik
Their daughter just
wouldn’t sing
For she wished to get
only Sweet Dreams
The beggarish
mendicant spectators that made wishes
On such cloven feet of
Too flew up the many
high rise storeys
Of the Baobab building
To witness such a sore
As to why the holy
daughter named Goodnight
Of Moonshine
Wouldn’t dare to play
Been Panpipe of Peace
Bansuri once again
So Lord Dik Dik and
Queen Irene
Put forth a
To their eerie kingdom
one and all
“Hear ye Hear ye
Whosoever makes our
daughter grin
And bring out her
finger on her long lips
Spreading little and
Rest finger tips
neatly within the cup of her palm
To play her Been Murli
Bansuri Pan Pipe
Shall win her
meticulous grin
Rosy rouge and purple
In simpler terms her
gloved hand in marriage”
They strummed as the
horse whinnied and gritted
Their band of merry
guitar men
With their unsound
Only the key notes of
her key chords
Of her blessed Murli
Panpipe of Peace Bansuri
Were absent from the
Of Halloween singing
And angels with their
harpsichords and trumpets
The blessed Murli Been
Bansuri Panpipe
Alas! Was missing
Her face was silver
and white
Her obnoxious grin
bare of teeth
As her sparkly face
devoid of grins and smiles
They had to find a
prince to her fancies and whims
Who would make her
smile again
And dream Sweet dreams
instead Nightmares
So down the high rise
storey building
The horses trotted
again to fetch
The stripling Prince
of Sweet dreams
Prince Rocky Balboa
So strong, muscular,
sinewy and daring a knight
With strange tattoos
Primitive red skin Red
Indians and pale faces
Skeletons and daggers
“Death before Glory”
Of his enticing plucky
Wearing a shining
silver armour
Holding a silver sword
That could rip and
mince anything to smithereens of course!
Well! To start off
with Princess Goodnight
And Prince of the
Baobab tree Sweet Dreams
Rocky Balboa
Would shake you to the
And jostle you to the
When the Prince of
Sweet Dreams
Learnt she hated night
And wished only Sweet
Dreams for
This would make him
win her over
Not only her many
eyelashes and thongs
The Cat O’ Nine Tails
grimly along
But also her pink
Purple, scarlet lips
so pouty and long
So bare of smiles and
It just was upside
Instead of downside up
She hardly grinned
Hardly ever played her
panpipe flute Been
Murli Bansuri!
Only if she dared
There would be peace
This one Prince tried
Though many others
tried and were unsuccessful
In changing foul
nightmares to sweet dreams
The hero of our story
Came gallivanting and
galloping so high
On his little short
Sweet Dreams
The Prince was called
A Stalwart Star
And looked a Puppet
Rocky Balboa
Out of the boxing
Snuggling with his
boxing gloves declared triumphantly
“This Halloween when
the stars
Rested their many
silver points
Tucked again into the
top most many storeys
Would she shine once
more with a smile gloriously
A finger across her
long lips
To play once again the
Been Pipe Bansuri”
Now the Prince Puppet
of Sweet Dreams
The hobby sweet pony
he rode
Had a carriage full
with sweets and éclairs
Candies, peppermints,
lozenges and taffies
All sorts of sweet
tooth and tooth fairies
Wanting to knock off
every child’s bad dreams
For Halloween Sweet
By giving them a spare
real one
Instead of a milky
That if intelligent
you all know are made of milk
To rot, fall or be
pulled by
A silken hanky,
string, doorknob or thread
Instead gifted them a
brand new set
Of white sparkling
wisdom teeth
So they smiled ear to
That was the duty of
the Prince of Sweet Dreams
To fill with teeth the
smiles of the unhappy
Special grins and evil
Sad grins or funny
Now were filled with
sweet toothy ones
So many teeth one
could never count
More than a countless
hundred thousand sixty four
Till they reached
Now as the grim
moonshine Princess of glory
Cackled and grinned
She didn’t have a
single tooth to show
Only a hollow cavity
She sighed to get a
Sweet Dream at least once
But this time
frolicked in her very heart
To her deepest cores
When Prince of Sweet
Rocky Balboa
Filled her mouth with
his tooth fairies
Magic wands
More that hundred
countless shiny teeth
Like a knight’s
hundred million cutlass swords
They poked out here
and there funnily
From her long moon
So spiky, long and
She wasted not one
And grinned evilly and
Guess she fancied a
sweet dream
Instead of night mare
The short blessed pony
Sweet Dreams
Indeed come truest to
From fiction to
Reel to real
You could whimper and
moan if you pinched yourselves
As she grinned from up
Now the children of
Though happy to see
her countless
Sharp fangs and
cutlass teeth
Got an electric shock
Frightfully jumped
right off their skin
Flesh and bones
Only hollow skeletons
of Halloween
Said to one another
“Hallow Good Eve”
Once again the
Princess Moonshine
Good Knight with
silvery smiles
Of hundred Knights
countless fangs and teeth cutlasses
Oh Dear Me!
Put her finger across
her lips
Spreading her little
and thumb nicely
Rest cupping neatly
within cup of her palm
To play Murli Been
Bansuri Pan Pipe of Peace!
Now she matched the
Halloween Cheshire Grin
“A cat without a grin
But a grin without a
The happy
neighbourhood deemed
As she swallowed all
her sorrow, woe and misery
She looked the pet
Cheshire Kitten
Of Alice in Halloween
Who could ever compete
with such a monstrous thing?
Only the sinister
Pumpkin Head Jack Willington’s
With their sneers,
snickers, jibes and evil grins
Now turned into her
Pumped and prinked
pompous chauffeurs
Rode her in a rich
royal chariot
With her Prince of
Sweet Dreams
Rocky Balboa the
puppet man
Who turned Sweet
Dreams real!
In a castle built
above twenty five storeys
Of the Lucky Baobab
Only if you dreamed of
the next blazing
Neighbour that soon
Mystifyingly the
revolting Sun
Inside its many
Filled with friction
sunlight and fire
A flint that matchless
It even erupted with
flames of ardour
The countless morning
mourning stars
That peeped from the
Twenty five storey
high rise
Even when friction
touched the sun
Torching brilliant
flames and testing his fingers
Waters of its nearby
pond….. It sizzled
And made a frying
hissing sound
All doggone dragon
flies buzzed and bumpity bump
Hit their head lights
and tail lamps tuxedos
Whilst neon torches of
bumble bees and
Fire flies flitted
near and far
Even Butterwings of
Flitted beyond the
happy fairy
Halloween Tree
For the neighbours to
take a dip
Into the warm little
Even get an air of the
cushiony firths
Of the blue clouds
Surrounding its
Bifurcating branches
and twigs
Into tillows and
All living peacefully
and soundly
Little eaves of the
knowledge tree
Then when it thundered
and lightening struck
It rained pellets of
blue and white glistening drops
Even Eve and Adam
The Baobab
Twenty five storey
high rise building
Her many sodden roots
of her toes
Her many ingenious
proposals and countless prodigies untold
In her graveyard
The pin striped mist
Speckled and spotted
Transparent luminous
Blue, pink, purple
Even old gallivanting
galloping dew drop horses
Pounded like the keys
of the old typewriter
One windy rainy day
Turning into lucrative
Thriving on the old
Its twenty five
century high rise storeys
An eye for wisdom
Sweet tooth for
As it typed down this
The Halloween mice
squealed and squeaked
With delight
As the Halloween Moon
Grinned evilly and
With their million
cutlass knight glistening, shiny teeth
For now Princess
Moonshine Good Knight
Had indeed turned to a
valiant shy knight
With her snake charmer
Prince of Sweet Dreams
Muscular and sinewy
biceps and triceps
Showcasing proudly her
On her purple grin
Playing her Panpipe of
Peace Bansuri Flute
As cloying and long
nearly ear to ear
Her flashy fleshy
It fitted and filled
Million countless
sharp Cutlasses within!
She dared to grin
Hallow Good Morning