The Arrow
The Arrow

Once an arrow
Of a land named Gloop
Of concentric circles in hoops
Passed through leaping blazes
Its fiery flames
And disconcerting gazes
Of the trees that hatched
And contrived they a plan
To play with fire
Its match
Called black tinder head Princess Audrey
A ravenous crow
Hungering for truth and justice
And her witches' nest
Filled with straw, twigs, branches and leaves
Who’d light the Sun King
Fire ball
And make him burn piteously
His mighty auburn or orange flare
Like a peeled lemon
So that nature blossoms and flowers
Her fruits of labour the blessed trees
Whilst we humans tan
From brown to yellow
And bronze to gold
Even rust to fiery orange or copper
Early at dawn would fair Audrey
The ravenous crow
Hungering for truth and justice
Settle her tinder head
Upon the sky its tinder box
Fire flint against the blue behemoth land
It sparked it spewed
Courageously a hue
So splendid and bright
Lit the heavens and land
Morning brilliant stars
Around the jubilant head
Of King Fireball
Forthright, godly and righteous
Who jolted the throngs with whips his golden thongs
Of his spellbinding gilded chariot
That gonged through the entire valley of King Fireball
With his golden cannon balls
And many golden arrows
With “Caw-Caws” and “Chak-Chaks”
She’d surprise everyone at dawn
Waking up Lord Fireball
“Rrrrrach Rrrrrach” as she lit up her
Fire flint of steel or tinder
The ravenous Audrey
Hungering for truth and justice awoke
The magnanimous sun
Its breath and vigour
From cotton candy clouds of meringue
Upon the mighty land of Gloop
Of concentric circles in hoops
So that trees would flower whilst we tan
From brown to yellow
Bronze to gold
And rust to fiery orange or copper
Her tender black flint head ignited it
With flaming sparks of roguish flames
As her mischief called sizzling hot
Flirty glances with her charcoal frock
As she enlightened and he burnt
The slough and his sleigh
Thus burned he with splendour
Distributing his magnanimous rays and beams asunder
On a pretty ragamuffin boy
Who watched the valorous King
He spied
King Fireball practice to aim his bow
And many valiant arrow heads nobly and low
This small ignoramus, unlearned boy
Wished thence to catch
One of his golden arrows
The sun King Fireball aimed and
Arched his v shaped stripling sinewy body
Glinting his smouldering eye
With his right hand a bow he curved using
One of his many splendid arrows with sharp V’s
By his left
Straight right on its needle pointed ends
Aimed its golden arrows
Slim as a reed
Pointy as a needle
Quick as a steed
Pure gold and full of splendour
Worth many carriages spun of golden thread
Tales woven of hay to gold
Or cities carved of glittering gold
And glowing ruby embers
Silently flew right off his fiery bow
And behind one such flaming golden arrow
Ran after it the poor urchin ragamuffin boy
Following the golden arrow
As it swiftly ran its course
One of King Fireball’s sunny arrows
Right hand he held high with pride
His precious bow
And with precision cursed again
By his left sinewy arm
Another golden arrow
Cruising past vales, lanes
Grooves, mounds, knolls
And hilly tussocks
Atop bridges, castles, belfries
Mountains, domes, temples
Even generous gorges it sprawled
And churned
Into oceans and ponds
Leaping high with a bound
Brilliantly many more than dozens
Heaps and in numbers
Flew from his golden bow
Golden arrows
By his golden gilded chariot
His brilliant sunshine beams
The poor ragged boy dreamed his heart full with longing
If only he possessed one such ray Divine
Of the brilliant golden beams
Would make him rich and powerful
As the splendour of the royal Fireball King
“A ray of sunshine
A hope of promise”
Was all that Princess Audrey
The ravenous crow
Hungering for truth and justice said to him
As by her kind tinder head
A lilting song sang
“Rrrrach Rrrrach”
Lit the morning sky
Ebullient dawn
Her noble heart
Once more with rapture
The setting sun
King Fireball
Nevertheless the ray of sunshine
Soon turned into a gloom of darkness
Upon the earth fell a disdain
When the Kings carriage
Sent the third golden rod as sharp as a needlepoint
Another golden arrow
From his gold bow
All at once darkness fell
The quaint and quiet land
Whence pierced the poor ragamuffin’s heart instead
Wounded and killed him instantly on the spot
All who loved him dearly
In the land of Gloop
Of concentric circles in Hoops
Delighted in once his company
Now in dismay held a funeral
Full of misery, woe, sorrow and tears
Mourning and weeping
For once a happy lad
Even his friend the ravenous crow
Hungering for truth and justice
Cried for the sweet ragamuffin boy
Along with her friends
Humans, trees, birds, fishes of the sea
And the wild beasts of her jungles
Sounded a moan sonorous and deep
A pang of grief
Now spread through the land of gloop
Where sunshine
Magically circled
In concentric circles in hoops
Audrey the fairy ravenous crow
Hungering for truth and justice
Her witch’s hat
Soon brimmed with her tiny fledglings
When out of an egg they hatched
Into precious stones
Wearing crowns of
Diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies, amethyst and sapphires
Five merry hatchling crows
Her heirs with crowns
Named Jeremy, Jill, Joe, Jack and Lenny
Happily came they
Poking their heads through
Cracked shells of Humpty Dumpty
But upon broken shells did walk the
Abysmally ignorant urchin friends
Of the poor ragamuffin
Whence learnt they of his sad demise
And of his strange wish
To own just one golden arrow
Of King Fireball
So the fairy Audrey
Decided next when she’d spark
Her tender tinder head
With her lilting song
“Rrrrach Rrrrach”
To awaken the sunny King at dawn
Would tell him of the unfortunate story
Of the poor ignoramus boy
Named Ragamuffin
Whilst she still was busy tending after
Her chicks
Fluff balls of cotton wool and feather
Fledgling heirs
Princes and Princesses
With her black beak sharp
Would provide them food and water
A worm, a piece of fish or decayed flesh
Of a rabbit or squirrel even if it tasted
A day or two old
Thence “Rrrrrrrrrrrach”
Her lilting song
The skies with her tinder head
She ignited
Vice Versa did happen
Magically the colour did change
For the best
From bright orange sunset
To mellow clouds of slate gray chalk
Thence to a blackboard charcoal and pitch black
Thus she tried to extinguish
The flames
Of the noble King Fireball
A mellow “Rrrrrach” again
Thence doused flames bright with lustre
As when it had dawned
“Rrrrrach Rrrrrach”
Now soon ‘twas dusk again
After she lamented the fate of his actions
Like a sunset much sadder
The sunny King his sunny aureole soon fell
When he learnt what his deed had done unknowingly
The sun king like a blob of an immense red fiery tear
Shed his volcanic eyes erupting magnificently
Soon dowsed again and into the salty sea he dropped
Did he repose as he lay down the horizon
Where mighty ships of gloss sailed the
Glaze of the glassy sea
Now set his golden crown under the turbulent shore
The ravenous Princess Audrey
Hungering for truth and justice
Did not rest nor weep
But decided to undo the sleeping spell
Cast on the poor ragamuffin
Flew swiftly and silently
Tarried dear her feet
Upon a blessed spot
On her friendly trees
So dismal and dreary
Where lay her witches cap
With her nestling fledglings
On some forlorn branch
Of a forsaken beach
By a swish and dive of her black wing
Along the rustic countryside
Stirred up a mellow breeze
Gaining force thence into a gust
Shuffled leaves and dead bracken
Upon the coffin of the Ragamuffin’s sombre grave
A breathless breeze
That once like dying breath stifled him in sleep
Now whistled eerily and howled
Hoping to wake up the dead boy
Dead leaves shuffled and stood again
Like a house of cards upon his forsook grave
Paying homage like a breath of life
Whilst Ravenous Princess Audrey
Hungering for truth and justice
The ebony crow
Slept she sadly and sorrowful
Eager to know what the outcome of such a blighted story
Would turn out to be
That she’d confessed to the mighty ebullient King
Would thus intensify with candour
When dawn became
In the meantime the night covered bleak its curtain
As his Queen Moonlight arose
From the embers
To comfort the grief stricken King
A murderous mistake he committed
Without purposely intending
To be malicious
Such erroneous a deed done!
As the starlight fairies whispered in the Kings ear
To make a happy wish for him
For they could bear not
To see him so morose and gloomy
So weeping inconsolably the King Fireball
Told the precious starlight fairies
To wake up the poor unconscious boy
Ragamuffin from his dreamless slumber grim
Soon her tinder head once again
Lit the King a match supreme
With a lilting song the skies
And the sun rose
No more jovial or jaunty
But morose and sadly disposed
But all that stopped for he smiled again
Proudly his heart rose from the ruby ashes
For in the night time the precious starlight
Fairies had awoken the poor unconscious boy
Ragamuffin from his trance like slumber deep
He rose from the depths of his grave
An embodiment of Christ the King
Thus redeeming him from death to glory
Now the ashen boy
Was with the Glorious King
Possessing as many as a thousand golden arrows
Instead of one
Reigned he his chattel
And rode he his splendid golden horses
Upright again
And no more downtrodden
The righteous King
Showered upon him a miracle
The many rays called sunshine
As dawn crept out from the pathetic core
Of human apathy and disgrace
He withheld the King Fireball’s
Gleaming crown of dignity and glory
Where with King Fireball, the urchin boy
Righted the wrong
Riding upon his flaming winged chariot
With flamed horses that by hundreds and thousands
Galloped with fiery wings
Upon the blustery winds
Though held neigh to his beating heart
Dearly the one priceless golden arrow
He wished so much to possess
Of the land of Gloop
In concentric circles of hoops
As for fairy crow Princess Audrey
And King’s Queen Moonlight
Took turns to light up the sky
A pact they promised to keep
Between themselves
Sometimes the ravenous Princess
Hungering for truth and justice
“Rrrrrrrrrach” would light
With her tinder head mantle
A lilting song
The Sun King Fireball appeared
And sometimes to look after both he and his chattel
She’d obey Queen Moonlight
As Queen Moonlight bade her King a good night’s rest
Again “Rrrrrrrrrrrach” would Princess Audrey’s tinder head light again
Her lilting song
Blithe morning would turn to blissful night
The Sun King Fireball disappeared far below horizon
A bleak sunset!
Whilst Queen Moonlight appeared once more
With her subdued mesh of nets
Queen Moonlight sailed the black night its luminous heavens
Curtsy King Fireball and the starlight fairies
In a boat along shimmery glistening stars
Now sailed the king, queen and the urchin boy ragamuffin
In a cosmic dream
Whilst the ravenous Princess Audrey
Hungering for truth and justice
Finally her wish fulfilled
Her tinder head and her witches cap
Called sticks of heaven
Ignited all of them
Dusk to dawn and dawn to dusk
Obeying commands
Of a pact once made
Each taking turns one by one
The sun King Fireball
The moon Queen Moonlight
The Bright Arrow Ragamuffin lad
Distributing all around ‘True Light’ and ‘Just Beams’ brightly
Now Princess Audrey no more ravenous
For she rightly saw truth and justice
She was fully satisfied!
Her hunger and thirst for purity and perfection!
Before her very concise charcoal black eyes
Black as ebony coat
Shiny as tar her little hatchling cherubs
Flew along with her
Jeremy, Jill, Joe, Jack and Lenny
The precious crow stones
Wearing crowns of
Diamonds, pearls, emeralds, rubies, amethyst and sapphires
Flew right throes of ever-changing night sky
Its blighted canvas yielding the sea
Tormenting those who couldn’t see and yet were blind
To its glorious resurrection of poor urchin boy of goodness and light
Now illuminated with a myriad of tiny light houses
Strewn here and there the shore side
Along the silvery crested waves
Dotted with winged glowing water nymphs everywhere
Called the earthy star light fairies
Travelling afar the watery kingdom
Full with beams brightly!