Chamelia & Harvey's Motor Bike
Chamelia & Harvey's Motor Bike

Stirring up music from Nickelodeon shop
Blossomed two lovers
Chamelia and Harvey from out
Of an Everlasting Sindh and Western Love Story
Dancing in an inviting embrace
To the music that played a nickel or dime
Into that special Nickel Melodeon box
Bringing out old music to the country folk of Sindh
Enjoying a beer mug
A plate of fried Palla spirit fishes and potato chips
Or Khadi chawal
With okra, cluster beans, turmeric, drumsticks
Lason and curry leaves
Whilst Chamelia the Sindh maiden
Danced with Harvey the rugged Westerner biker
To the sound of the melodious songs
Played on the nickelodeon juke box
Old and new classic songs
‘Meri samne wale Kidki meh
Ek chand ka tukda rehta hai’
‘Koya koya Chand Kula Asman’
‘Chandini Rathe’
Emerging key chords harmoniously
To the clinking sound of glasses twinkling
And tinkling
Cheering a toast to the lovers
Chamelia and Harvey
And couples dancing along
Chirz! To company
Soon Chamelia and Harvey
The Sindh belle and rugged American biker
Had to make their way
From their glancing spectators
For they were lovers on the run
Each coming from different backgrounds
Chamelia daughter of a rich
Sindhi merchant Mr. Lalwani
Mr. Lalwani a man with little or naught
Bright imagination
Viewing everything black or white
And nothing in between
Hated wasting time on futile love emotions
Even if he hadn’t any
As if he felt paralysed or drowned in a sea tub
He felt them worthless and unnecessary
Firmly resolved
Chamelia only marry arranged suitor
Mr Mirchandani
Like out of a Cinemascope Movie
Where its theatre rolled the curtains
Upon the hero and heroine
All spectators ogling
Eyes agog at the melodramatic movie
Whilst she all hearts for the rugged biker
Who owned just a Harley
His silver Dragon Hornet Motor Bike
He borrowed from his best friend Chand
Harvey a westerner gleamed proudly
As he sat upon his sprawling silver bike
That had Silver Handlebars like its ghost moustache
With silver seat, silver handles
Silver wheels, silver guards
And a silver horn
It was so silver like his silver Sindh lover
Soul mate Navya Nayeli Champa Chamelia
Matching her silver
Gungro’s and silver chanyacholi gagra
With silver bangles an array
He had come for higher education
In this distant land of his mother’s roots Sindh
But fell deeply in love with Sindhi dame Chamelia
Like butter melted on fiery hot toast
The two set eyes for each the other
Starry dreams and extraordinary aspiring ambitions
To care and love for each another
Ignited in them a burning passion
As one burning star
Both decided they run away
Like out of a Cinemascope Movie
Where its theatre rolled the curtains
Upon the hero and heroine
All spectators ogling
Eyes agog at the melodramatic movie
The westerner wore his hood
His silver helmet and silver gloves
His faded blue jeans and a white T shirt
Hugging tightly to his V shape body
Covered his bulging muscles
On sinewy legs and his arms
He looked just like Sylvester Stallion
On a dragon horse
The silver dragon Hornet Motor Bike
Chamelia and Harvey
Mounted after sweet embrace
Of arms each around their bodies
After the engaging dance
Of the Nickleodeon box
And through the rugged desert
They rode onwards through
Its snaky lanes filled with cactuses
Tumbleweed and thorny saplings
Even lizards, scorpions and chameleons
That changed colour viewed them
Through their rosy lorgnettes
Stirring Black Cobras, Pythons
And poisonous rattle snakes
Along the sandy terrain
They had to get out of the Thar Desert
And board the plane
All the way to America
Where the rustic homeland of Texas called
Chamelia to her rugged lovers destined
Country home
Chasing the lovers the Sindhi Merchant
Mr Lalwani’s spies and hoodlums
Set out in search of the forsook lovers
They seemed to be on the right track
When asked Nickelodeon box
Restaurant owner
If they saw Chamelia with her unfortunate lover
In her silver chaniyacholi and his silver dragon hornet
Motor Bike
“Yes” unfortunately replied the
Innocent Shop owner
“On a silver dragon Hornet motor bike
The two set out from our inn
Just twenty minutes ago
To the eastern highway
From the Thar Desert”
Then pointed flourishing with Jupiter’s index finger
To unlucky Saturn’s direction
Shani grahi instead of Shub grahi
Their stars had unfortunately destined to crosspath
“This way”
The lovers Chamelia and Harvey
Had yet to reach to the forsaken
Eastern Highway Bridge
That like a rainbow was upturned
Cars, buses, Lorries and trucks
Bloomed, boomed and zoomed away
Only the bike had to take a special
Route from underneath
Where it loomed
Whilst Mr Lalwani’s spies and hoodlums
Spotted them just 500 meters away
They swerved the wheel
Of their big truck as they went up
The Highway Bridge
Thinking they would catch-up
With them swiftly down below
They made an error taking middle paths
Betwixt heavens Highway Bridge
And the path down below
Through seventh sense
Chamelia guided Harvey
Another route would be faster
To the airport
Right through the track of the cow farms
Smelling of Lavender and daisies
Ginger, cloves and cinnamons
Spices nice and dear to spicy lovers
Rambling on a
Silver dragon hornet Motorbike
Zipping and zooming
‘Twas through such a forest
The shortest route to take to reach
The airport in a jiffy
Without the rush or danger
Of being spotted by the truck
Of spies and hoodlums
They missed their chance the wretched
Truck and followed several miles
Missing the silver dragon Hornet motorbike
Hooray! Chamelia and Harvey
Made it to the airport
In the nick of time
Harvey patted the bike
Which he borrowed from his best friend Chand
He had no time to return his favour
But messaged on his telephone
A SIM card he made whilst in India
To pick up the blazing hornet dragon champ
From the forlorn parking lot
He parked underneath wooded sprawling
Branches of rooted Nima and Ber trees
Upon the longest Bulrush grass ferns
Who thought only
They knew the secret of their narrow escape
But Mr Lalwani was yet not
So early to get disappointed
In great efforts he took
In finding his only daughter
And got a strange ring
On his telephone by a lady
Who was his old faithful friend
She knew he detested
The choice of his daughters love mate
Like all annoying beldams of custom
And tradition
Thought all that Chamelia’s father
Wished was for the best
She too affirmed and protested
About his daughters
‘Lovers at first sight’
As if ‘twere any of her blooming business
Seeing colours only black and white
And nothing in between
Made incredulous grownups so dull and lifeless
Even hopeless decisions they made
For incurable romantical teens
And so let out the secret of the bag
Of Chamelia’s worst fears
Of her escape route
Right to the terminus airport B Wing where
Hardly an hour was left
To board the plane to America
The father Mr. Lalwani
All set out to roost his empire
For he was a minister of fame and fortune
Anything he wished or so he deemed he could do
Even stop an aeroplane
He swerved in his aristocratic V.I.P Mercedes
And stopped right at the open
Gates of the welcoming airport
Then made an announcement
So harsh and whipping
Stirring up emotions of the
Moustaches of befuddled chiefs and police
And bemused Porters of the alleyway
Carrying customer’s big suitcases
To stop the aeroplane
The chiefs, police and porters
Looked dumbfounded
Who knows whether in favour
Or against the two forsook lovers
Chamelia and Harvey holding
Each others hand in hand
Knew their chances of escape were slim
Dimmer than the morning sun
Rising through its window panes
And so tried turning back
Out of the Airports doorways
However the rich minister
And his hoodlums
We're waiting outside the door
And barged to meet his daughter
Cocking a rifle
Up the collar bone of Chamelia’s
Rugged suitor the American
Whilst escalating crowds paved way
The disturbing commotion of battlefield
At the airport
Betwixt the two lovers, villain father
And his hoodlums
Trembling in fear
Harvey not beaten
Refused to surrender
“Do or Die”
He exhorted to Chamelia
As she whimpered silently
A sigh “If you go then me too goes
Down in history
Like Laila and Majnu
Or Juliet and Romeo
Heer and Ranjha”
Their desperate pleas
Fell on deaf ears
But wait they protested
Hand in glove
Eye to eye
As if a grin showed through their
Befallen, brazen faces and winked
At each another as if they could outdo
The villain father and his
Treacherous imposters and reach out to
Their tainted silver dragon Hornet motor bike
Harley Davidson
The one that he parked underneath
The Nima and Ber trees
Upon the tallest Bulrush grass ferns
Seizing the moment
The father Mr Lalwani
Rang a gunshot first in the air
And then it would be right
Through his shoulder blades
To reach the heart that beat
Soundly in Harvey’s chest cavity
He shook asunder ripples through ground
As if shattering an earthquake it trembled
All furores!
And the wounded skies
As if it rained heavily and bitterly teardrops
The rugged lover Harvey like a grip of thunderbolt
Bolted with his chanyacholi lover Champa Chamelia
In her silver gagra and silver bangles an array
Chamelia shot faster than a deer running bare feet
For the slippers flew high up in the air
Harvey like a horse snorting fumes, arduous energy
And smoke around his nostrils
Dirt flying along girth of muscular calves and feet
Jolted together the two lovers
As if a narrow run through lovers lanes
Through skin of teeth, sheer grit and determination
A chink of renewed hope in broken shards of glass
Or a shred of salvation
In a tin can of worms!
To hop a ride upon the silver dragon hornet motorbike
To save their destinies
The future fate where deemed
They live or die!
The steed silver dragon Hornet motor bike
It still looked nicely tucked
Like a nickelodeon from way afar
Underneath the Nima and Ber trees
Upon the longest Bulrush grass ferns
And remembered
He told his friend he hid the keys
On the strange stiles of the
Old cabin inside the forlorn parking lot
That stood discarded like a Booth Bangla Haveli
Sheltered beneath the sprawling
Branches of the Nima and Ber tree
Upon the longest Bulrush grass ferns
Luckily his friend hadn’t yet came to take
The lover’s guardian silvery motorbike away!
Like a nickelodeon machine
It sputtered air from its pipes
And set on fire the ground
With blazing heat
Resounding it echoed
As it took off “Broom Broom”
Zipping and zooming along
The dragon Hornet silver motor bike Harley
On a witches broom
Soon were off Chamelia
And Harvey the two lucky lovers
On the nickelodeon bike
As it sang in musical notes
Of motor bars it rhymed
“Vroom Vroom Virrroorrarrr Vrroom”
Chamelia holding her lover tightly
The rips across his chest
And six pack abdomen
His six biscuits like a sea biscuit God
Astride his fury horse
Silver Dragon Hornet Motor Bike!
They were out to paint the town red
This was their only chance to escape their fate
They reached the Sindh Railway station
Parking the motor bike and alerting his friend again
Through a distant telephone booth
He called and said
“Thank you Chand my best friend
Your silver dragon Hornet Motor Bike
Has saved our fate
Long gone to be dead by Chamelia’s
Wretched father Mr Lalwani
And his hoodlum hucksters of disgrace
Now we’re bound to another land
Thence from there we shall
Reach home to liberty land
Where shall we live happily ever after
They meant the land of
The Statue of Liberty
Soon as dusk
Enveloped with bright stars
The distant silver Chand among grey clouds
Grouping around it in clusters
Grinned at the lucky winners
I reckon like two guardian friends
Harvey’s best friend Chand and the moon!
Protecting the two lovers
Harvey and Chamelia
The aeroplane didn’t take off
Chamelia’s father was
Imprisoned on grounds of cruelty
For deeming the citizens
Travelling abroad to miss their flights
And for firing pistol bullets
That was given to hoodlum bodyguards
For his blighted protection
Tainted his name and status for being voted
Prime Minister
Along with his hoodlums
He learnt a lesson rightly
Whilst from the city of Sadikabad
The border city of Sindh and Punjab
The two forsook lovers
Set out from a different aircraft
And missed their adventurous
The daring rugged lover’s
Silver dragon hornet’s fury motorbike
That saved them that rainy day!
“Harvey” said Chameliaji imploringly
“Do lets buy a silver dragon hornet
Motor bike in America
That flies us around the blooming towns
Trees and hedges, pathways to Paradise
Just filling fuel into its tank
It never forsakes our escape
To another land of freedom
Where we shall live
Forever in hearts
Of such a dragon flying
Hornet Nickelodeon
‘Broom Broom Vroom Vroom’”