Wasima Raida Islam

Tragedy Fantasy Inspirational


Wasima Raida Islam

Tragedy Fantasy Inspirational

Tragedy Is Better Than Fiction

Tragedy Is Better Than Fiction

3 mins

Lost my mind pretending to be someone 

I was never before

Can't take back the downswing

Standing at the other side of the door

Reminiscing memories with beautiful smiles

Reasoning myself why we couldn't reach a thousand miles

When talking turned to screams

Nightmares and my wildest dreams

Letting you go by any means

 Cuz I saw rumors flowing through the streams

Lasted forever but ended so soon

My fascinations with your pleasing tunes

Once abandoned, you are my addiction

I thought I would lie but 

The tragedy is sweeter than fiction

Watched you go crying from a distance

Should have valued your existence 

I always knew love is unconditional

Only a few make it to the end

Out of sight gets delusional

Leaves you have broken burnt and bent 

All at once, I said

 goodbye to you

Hoing over those lil white lies

I realized love could be so true

I like to be my old self again

But I dont know where to start

I thought I could begin again.

Once I am left with a broken heart

I wish I could tell you 

What couldn't pass my lips

I held back and now we

Have come to this

Cant, you see?

Who I am dying for?

I might not be alive

But my heart will beat for you evermore

Driving back to the apartment

Once we called home

Sunshine stolen from my window

When I am alone

Laughing at the jokes you never told me

Memorizing facts ýou never shared

Wrote you off cause only you chose me

God I wish I never cared

All these people walking past me

Staring at my blue jeans

Thought I could get back 

Love born at fifteen 

I know places where I could keep you

I am impatient when they tease you

Stolen kisses and my sparkling eyes

Cant, you see you were always mine?

I know it all in my head

I wanna forget you existed

But I keep connecting instead

Poison ivy with her games twisted


Sometimes I am happy

Thinking I am better on my own

Starring eyes sparkled my darkest night or

With patience, you put never-ending stones

I am so obsessed

Thinking about what we have been through 

But no one knows better

Should I wear heels or put on my favourite shoes??

Burning continuUm of two pure souls

Making sacrifices for reaching their goals

When I look at you

I see innocence and I see the truth

Wish I had known

You stay grounded with your committed roots

With a broken heart and fake smile

Sunken eyes and voice versatile 

I let go of my fears

With a wooden shield 

Shedding heavy tears

My wings crumbled to your field

I love to hate it whenever we cross paths

Dancing in our backyards

You keep me guessing

You drive me crazier

Wonderstruck,its amazing

On spot, just hazier

Lasted forever but ended so soon

My fascinations with your pleasing tunes

Once abandoned ,you are my addiction

I thought I would lie but 

Tragedy is sweeter than fiction

Watched you go crying from a distance

Should have valued your existence 

I have written a song with every word you spoke 

Leaving you seemed funny until I became 

The butt of the joke

 Now You do things to navigate strange stuff

I realize I was never gonna be enough 

Maybe leaving you gave me pain

But left me with a tainted stain

My good intentions went in vain

Cause I am still hooked up in your chain

Maybe we're not destined

But I can still see the signs

Or maybe its all in my imagination 

Manipulating my wisest decisions

 I Dont need someone's jurisdiction

But you are still in my way

You never needed permission

All you had to do was stay

I can still hear the sirens

Of my heart beating off my chest

But I still bear it in silence 

Cause every song ever written is a conquest to manifest

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