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Mikey Singh

Horror Crime Fantasy


Mikey Singh

Horror Crime Fantasy

The Spectres

The Spectres

1 min

The Spectres, a group of psychopaths...

Consume the world in their vengeful wrath...

Led by Tanya, their daring commander...

And Mike, her brother, a childish brute...

The Spectres aren't merciful or kind...

Death and destruction plague their minds...

Always eager to go on tour...

Iraq? Afghanistan? They always want more!

Fighting the Russians for Ukraine...

They know no sides! Just to inflict more pain!

Send them to Congo or Pakistan!

This group of mercenaries has no plan!

Required by Tanya to harm no innocents!

An ethical code so consistent

They'd never kill a man out of desire

Tis the flesh of the guilty that feeds their fire!

Tanya's code, in their minds, engrained

Protect the innocents but spare not the rapist!

Thus walk the Spectres on the battlefield

Their minds are the deadliest weapons they wield

Clever and manipulative, cunning and strong!

This group of psychopaths eliminates the wrong!

They swords lust for blood, but never of the woman or child...

Give them the guilty, that shooter gone wild!

Beware the sight of the Spectres and run...

Taking lives for them is mere fun! 

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