The Shadow
The Shadow
“I lost my track
I was slack
I was opting to tack
My life back”
''I was trying to get up
To the morning breeze
With a wide-eyed smile
But I failed thousand times''
“I looked around
To feel the beauty
Of my own city
But I was unresponsive"
"To the melodies
Of the chirpings;
To the breeze
So afresh"
My shadow
Was Throbbing
“I was losing the charm in life
I was losing my strength deep inside”
"As I was walking down the
Memory lane
My heart chipped"
I overlooked – the fearful
Emotions untipped;
On one fine day
I felt the smile
Of swaying tulips !
“You became my
The Shadow that stood
Beside me
In all narrows”
Your presence was
Unrealized until
I felt compassion again in me;
You managed to bring
The lost charming smile
Of mine!
“I got my wings back
& I thought it was
Because I had the audacity
To fly high”
I discarded the reality
Until ready
To escape –
My shadow asked me –
stify">Don’t you think, you should
Appreciate the efforts?
“I dived into my thoughts
To discover the unanswered
The rain endowed tranquillity
To my heckled soul,
Or it was the umbrella that he
Held – just to protect me
From getting wet in dark memories?
It was me, who was learning to laugh bright
Or was he making me
A happy soul?
My eyes had no tears to shed
As he made me look ahead in life?
The empty roads;
The morning breeze;
The sunrise – again started
Taking my breath away euphorically
Did I make so many efforts?
“I murmured to myself, in the feeble voice
As I had no answers to my
Disputing thoughts”
Hold onto this
The Shadow warned
Before leaving me again;
Even I left your way in those dark days
I shall leave now
As there is somebody
Cheerfully waiting for you;
“He should be applauded
He brought you back
To these golden glorious days”
Do we have a strong bond
From past life?
Or he is the messenger
Sent to me by the supreme
To create positive vibes;
“Well, whatsoever the case
I will hold onto him
For some more time!
Call me selfish, if you can
But I will hold onto him for
Some more time
Yes, for some more time”
Until it becomes for lifetime.