Farhaan Hussain

Drama Horror Thriller


Farhaan Hussain

Drama Horror Thriller

The scary sight!

The scary sight!

1 min

I can't forget the scary sight, 

When I was all alone, 

Treading the path with all my might, 

I could hear the winds snore! 

At a distance I saw a monstrous beast, 

Sprawling across the path, 

Ready to snatch its feast, 

And grab me with its arms! 

I screamed with a loud sound, 

But found no help around, 

I prayed and prayed and prayed, 

With my heart thumping loud! 

Gathering some courage, 

I slowly moved on, 

When I neared the site, 

I found it was only an uprooted branch! 

The beast my mind imagined,

Was no longer real, 

I took a deep breath and thanked God, 

My life was saved, Oh dear! 

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