Anu Chatterjee

Drama Horror Tragedy


Anu Chatterjee

Drama Horror Tragedy

The Haunted Hostel Room

The Haunted Hostel Room

2 mins

My pen shrieks,

As and when I compose poems on such realities.

I have experienced the paranormal

And it's beyond comprehension. 

That day, I clearly remember,

When I was in my M.A. 2nd year

And lived alone in the hostel room to feel that eerie night, 

Which would remain in my diary of memories forever. 

That day, I was constantly swaying amid good and bad spirits fighting for me in my presence. 

Although, I could seek great lessons from the incidence.

I remember it was 1 am

And none resided on the floor. 

I have usually feared darkness

And that day would haunt me for many days. 

Still, I feel the worst didn't happen 

For the good's sake.

That burnt face filled with anger and hate 

Was trying to capture my body. 

She stood right in front of me 

And I thought, I was just having a bad dream

Because the wooden door was tightly shut, 

So, there was no chance of someone entering the room.

I convinced myself.

But then, I heard her speaking in a rough tone,

'Your worst days are yet to come and you won't be able to help yourself.'

I could feel her presence...

I was nervous...

I was trying hard to gain my conscience's attention. 

To my surprise, I could hear myself 

Vehemently fighting back and warning her:

'Do no harm to me else universe would banish you.'

Maybe she knew I hav

e drawn energies for welfarism.

Then, she claimed,

I would die early.

I could hear her fury.

But, I was determined to use positive energies,

That could incarnate the wisdom of my old spirit.

In fact, there was positive energy,

Howsoever, I wasn't aware of it.

Formless yet fearless:

Just like the radical within me.

I did call the universe for seeking its refuge

In the lap of meditation. 

My consciousness had answers to what I was experiencing. 

It kept telling me:

Use the energy of light and combine it with darkness,

The causation of new energy would help me to fight back. 

After 20 minutes of practicing detachment, I could feel a positive energy

That unified with my soul.

I commanded her to leave the room instantly. 

She left the room only to attack again.

But then, the spirits of her husband and children calmed her,

 The air remained misty and groping till then. 

After that, she left the room crying and speaking out loudly,

'Once, we lived here and I thought you were trying to nudge us for leaving our home.'

I ensured her that I would never encroach their space, 

But I was feeling sorry for them. 

I know not their tragic story 

But I wanted them to seek complete freedom in terms of reincarnation 

And resurrecting their souls 

To embrace new lives. 

May they rest in peace, amen!

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