Tabassum Hasnat



Tabassum Hasnat


They Say, It's Diwali

They Say, It's Diwali

2 mins

They say, come and light the lamps;

They say, come and watch the cracking fireworks - Lighting up the sky,

Erasing every ounce of darkness.

They say, come and lit the lamps;

But what about the darkness that resides within me?

How do I let these lamps glow and diminish the darkness that lives within me?

- The darkness, which is the only token that my beloved had left behind for me.

They say, come and taste the sweets;

They say, come and welcome the sweetness of life with open arms,

But how do I let these pieces of sweets of all kinds,

To wipe the bitterness off my life?

How do I let these sweets obliterate the bitterness that still pours out of the void, that lives in the center of my heart?

- The bitterness, which is the only token that my beloved had left behind for me.

They say, come and greet the people;

They say, come and embrace the happiness,

But will that happiness ever outweigh the surmountable ocean of grief that dwells in the depths of my soul?

Will that discard the grief, tha

t still keeps me awake in the dawn and parched till the dusk?

-The grief, which is the only token of my beloved that had been left behind for me.

They say, come and create new memories;

Memories composed of smiles and laughter,

Memories of pure joy

But how do I let such memories of happiness taint the ones that were created from the departure of my love?

The memories, of tears and heartfelt longing

-The memories, which are the only token of my beloved that had been left behind for me.

They say, come and celebrate this festival of lights known as Diwali;

They say, come and enjoy this journey called life,

But how do I rejoice a journey that had no existence of my beloved in it?

How do I enjoy such a journey called life, that had been once adorned with an abiding companionship of my love?

They say, come and light the lamps,

Come and embrace the happiness

Come and celebrate this day filled with brightness,

But, what about the perpetual darkness that still resides within me?

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