The Damped Sand, sad!
The Damped Sand, sad!
After a scorching hot day
A full moon appeared
With a silver gaze all around,
Huge hungry waters
From the horizon
Rushing ,gushing towards the shore
Made their way, the sand ravished.
A sudden pull from the moon,
The water gained heights
Trying enchantingly
To kiss the moon.
Suddenly the force weakened,
Then, a thunderous sound
Of boundless waters, and
Sea shore splashed it back;
All emotions mixed
Joy , sorrow, laughters, pain
The frenzy memories all around
Yet it seemed all in vain.
The damped sand, sad!
Had witnessed it all
The ebb, the tide
The rise, the fall;
It's eyes had wept,
Those drops the tide had swept.
I asked,
"O! you fragile, hollow
Yet a soothing friend,
Why plunged into sadness.
Why vehemence?
Ebb and tide
Is nature's design
You know it all,
Unfair is your despondenc
You my friend so fragile
You slip even from
The cavities of my fist;
So powerless you are
To bind those waters
Huge grey, frothy
With an unchanging behaviour,
Hollow is your Bosom,
Yet you grieve!
Look at that unended water surface
It never rests
Yet it's depth is unchanged and calm.
Your magnitude too
Has a purpose, has a reason,
Not to bind the waters but
Your Bosom soft and serene
Is the divine lap
For the tired waves to rest.
Don't aim, don't cry
For what is not your destiny.
Waves are born, waves die
They are forever calling,
Yielding relentlessly;
And you! Though fragile, hollow
Yet hold the ground profoundly.
The sun, the moon
Twinkles at you
Cherish that love of God,
The creator of you and me.
Don't grieve
Don't show despondency
Nature and God never play games
As They are the saviors
They are the creators.....