The Golden Bird: My Love
The Golden Bird: My Love

I have never known you completely dear,
My love was based on what I hear,
But still somewhere deep in there,
A love existed that was just and fair.
My childhood had gorgeous ideas of you,
I longed forever to have an entire view.
The globe and the maps in offer,
Made me crave and deepened my suffer.
And then I grew up into a handsome man,
Your exploration in my blood ran,
But somehow things were changed by now,
The ideas of childhood were marred by row.
The newspaper and the media going live,
Created a more negative and less positive vibe,
The common man, that I am,
Sucked confusion and had perception jam.
I have turned into a middle-aged,
Dreams and wishes, all caged,
I don't blame the rulers or you,
To this ruckus, even I am not new.
Yet, my heart is aching with pain,
I know, there's nothing to gain,
But trust me by Jove,
You are still my golden bird; My love.